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  • | Speech

    Erie, PA Speech 3, 1896-08-26

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Erie, PA Speech, 1896-08-27

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Escanaba, MI Speech, 1896-10-14

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    European Opinion

    These articles from the July 27, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post note the response of European countries to the recent American railroad strikes and discuss American Cabinet proceedings in relation to the strike.

  • | Speech

    Evansville, IL Speech, 1896-09-14

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Legal decision

    Excerpts from Plessy v. Ferguson decision

    These excerpts from the Supreme Court's Plessy v Ferguson decision outline primary points of the seven-man decision that asserted the constitutionality of "separate but equal" facilities.

  • | Legal decision

    Excerpts from Plessy v. Ferguson dissent

    These excerpts from Justice John Harlan's dissent from the Supreme Court's Plessy v Ferguson decision include scathing counter-arguments to the majority decision that asserted the legality of "separate but equal" facilities.

  • | Illustration

    Exchanging Salutations with the Enemy

    Harper's Weekly featured regular illustrations of southern towns and battlefields for Northern audiences following the war. This image of Fredericksburg echoes a photograph by Matthew Brady.

  • | Newspaper

    Excitement Waning

    This article from the July 25, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post informs readers of the state of the strike in Pittsburgh and notes the Governor's response.

  • | Speech

    Exeter, NE Speech, 1896-11-02

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper


    A correspondent of the New York Age reports on an Atlanta Evening Journal article recounting the expulsion of Reverend T. H. Lee from a Georgia Railroad Company coach.

  • | Newspaper

    Failure To Close The Drinking Houses

    This letter to the editor, printed in the July 22, 1877 edition of the Baltimore American, asks why saloons in Baltimore remained open, even after receiving the order to close, and seemed to indicate the ineffectiveness of the police in the situation.

  • | Newspaper

    Fallacious Doctrine

    Bryan's World Herald criticizes John Thurston's claims in the joint debate that the Republicans defend American working men with the protectionist tariff.

  • | Speech

    Falls City, NE Speech, 1896-07-17

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Illustration


    This image from the October 9, 1859 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts a farewell exchange between a man and woman.

  • | Newspaper

    Fear Public Sentiment

    The Bryan-Thurston campaign took place amidst national news of the trial of Eugene Debs and others in the American Railway Union for violence and disobeying court injunctions in the 1894 Pullman strikes.

  • | Map

    Federal Land Grants for the Construction of Railroads and Wagon Roads 1823-1871

    This map from the 1932 Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States reveals the United States land grants available for the construction of railroads and wagon roads between 1823-1871. As the key indicates, dark lines represent the limits of the land grants, while white and striped areas differentiate between unforfeited and forfeited Federal land grants for railroads.

  • | Newspaper

    Federal Troops to Quell the Strike

    This article from the July 19, 1877 edition of the Baltimore American details the events that led to the Federal government sending troops to disperse the rioters.

  • | Map

    Field of Operations on the Potomac

    This map from the New York Daily Tribune is an example of the methods newspapers used to help Americans visualize the geography of warfare — shaping their perceptions of the war and the landscapes on which it was fought. This map illustrates the position of Union forces along the Potomac just days before many of the troops headed south to begin the Peninsula Campaign.

  • | Newspaper

    Fight on Class Law

    The Anti-Separate Coach Committee of Kentucky begins to lobby against the Jim Crow laws recently passed by the state legislature.