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  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, October 5, 1862

    In this letter from October 5, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the difficulties his party has encountered surveying land in Melrose, Iowa. He writes that two of his men were badly wounded "by cuts with an axe," a creek in the valley has been nearly impassable, the food has become tiresome, and his party experienced a severe rainstorm. He also notes that Mr. Thielsen has informed him of a possible change in the supervision of the railroad and would like Reed to stay on as his engineer if the change does occur. Reed tells his wife that nothing is certain yet and that she should "say nothing about it until more is known."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Children, October 15, 1862

    In this letter from October 15, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family from Ottumwa, Iowa where he travelled to recruit more men for his party after losing all but three to sickness, wounds, or disappearances. He states that it is quite difficult to find "idle men," and describes the extent of the work needing to be done in Ottumwa. He informs his wife that he will not be able to return home for a visit for at least another two weeks.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, October 29, 1862

    In this letter from October 29, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife to inform her that he has arrived in Burlington, Iowa. He describes his overnight trip on the train, stating that he rode all night in his seat as he "did not feel like paying a dollar" for a double booth in the sleeping car. He mentions meeting a family friend from St. Joseph [Missouri] while passing through Galesburgh who said "he may go to Chicago to reside if the war continues much longer." Reed states that "business has been loosely kept" in Burlington, and it will take him some time to get it organized and see to it all.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Erastus H. Reed to Jennie Reed, November 2, 1862

    In this letter from November 2, 1862, Erastus H. Reed, one of the enlisted brothers of Samuel Reed, writes to Jennie Reed describing his new life as a soldier as "a stern reality." He offers details on his regiment's encounters (or lack thereof) with the Confederate Army, and complains about the hard marching they have been forced to endure. He requests supplies and news, and encourages "Sister Jennie" to write to him as often as possible.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, November 20, 1862

    In this letter from November 20, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife informing her of his return to Burlington, Iowa after a visit home. He states that he resumes his work with "dislike," and believes that "living at home for the past three years has spoiled me for this kind of business." Reed ends the letter with optimism, noting that the winter will not last and "unless the road is extended I don't intend to stay here in the situation I now hold."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, November 28, 1862

    In this letter from November 28, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife reiterating his displeasure at being separated from her for so long. He tells his wife that she was correct in thinking that he felt badly for leaving, telling her "never since we were married has it been necessary for me to leave you for so long a time." Reed also states that he is currently "discharging a good many men and shall soon be reduced to winter force."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Children, December 7, 1862

    In this letter from December 7, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family from Burlington, Iowa requesting news from home. He notes that many in the area "would sooner see both north and south irretrievably ruined than have a settlement on any other grounds than the utter extinction of slavery." Reed states that if the North can hold out for another year peace may be possible, but he does not expect it any sooner unless "through foreign intervention."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, December 14, 1862

    In this letter from December 14, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife that he hopes to return home for a visit for Christmas, but not to be disappointed if business prevents him from doing so. He states that the weather in Burlington, Iowa has been warm enough for the river steamboats to "run as well as in mid summer if there was business for them." Reed also writes of his worries over the progress of the war. Lower right corner (lower left on verso) is torn off.

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, January 4, 1863

    In this letter from January 4, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife apologizing for not writing to her sooner, explaining that the end of the month is always a busy time for business. He describes his life as monotonous, and details his daily routine for her. Reed also expresses worry that Erastus H. Reed, his enlisted brother, may have been involved in recent battles near Murfreesboro, Tennessee and requests news regarding his status.

  • | Letter

    Letter from H. Thielsen to C.H. Allen, January 10, 1863

    In this letter from January 10, 1863, H. Thielsen writes to C.H. Allen to request a railroad pass for Samuel Reed so that he may occasionally visit his family in Joliet, Illinois while working as Superintendent of Road Repairs on the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Thielsen states "I greatly prize Mr. Reed's services."

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Children, January 11, 1863

    In this letter from January 11, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his work contracting "for wood timber and telegraph poles" along the railroad. He again requests information about Erastus H. Reed, his enlisted brother, fearing he may be among the list of those dead or wounded. He also asks for news regarding a family member named Marshall's "prison life in the south." Reed notes that his eyes have been troubling him, and that he may ask for a few days off if they do not get better soon.

  • Letter from Jennie Reed to Samuel B. Reed, January 18, 1863

    In this letter from January 18, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, discussing various events at home. She tells him that her sister, who is visiting, cannot go home "with that land of savages at present." She also informs him that his enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, is still well after participating in the Battle of Stones River.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, January 19, 1863

    In this letter from January 19, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife telling her of the death of a brakeman due to a fall from one of the railroad cars. He also describes his encounter with several female relatives who hope to visit the family in Joliet, Illinois.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, January 23, 1863

    In this letter from January 23, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife apologizing for not writing her sooner and lists the reasons that he has little time to spare. He also notes that a telegram has been received which announces that "a great battle is raging in Virginia" and wonders how much longer the war will last.

  • Letter from Erastus H. Reed, January 25, 1863

    In this letter from January 25, 1863, Erastus H. Reed, one of the enlisted brothers of Samuel Reed, writes home chastising his family for not answering his letters. He offers some details regarding the first fight his regiment engaged in and the damage it caused to the land, comparing the destruction it wrought to that of the tornado which hit Camanche, Iowa in 1860. He states that the things he saw made his "blood run cold" and believes that "if the feelings of officers & men wer consulted" the war would quickly be brought to an end, but ultimately the fate of the soldiers rests in the hands of "a few politicians at Washington."

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Children, January 30, 1863

    In this letter from January 30, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his young daughters, Anne and Mary, in response to a letter they penned to him. He encourages them to write to him on their own as often as they can, and tells them how much he wishes he could "travel as fast as my thougts" and come home to them.

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, March 2, 1863

    In this letter from March 2, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife expressing concern over the appearance of cannon in Joliet, Illinois and the potential violation of "the liberties of the people." He describes the political climate in Burlington, Iowa as "not as pleasant as I could wish," and is particularly disturbed by the wholesale treatment of Democrats as traitors. Reed also details his tiresome trip back to Burlington, and notes a reminiscence of "old times and troubles on the M. & M. R.R." resulting from an impromptu visit from a Mr. Rheinhart.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, March 8, 1863

    In this letter from March 8, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing how busy he has been preparing "the estimates for the western work." He notes the lack of available laborers and expects the situation to grow worse if the government calls for more troops (which he believes it should). He also states, however, that there has been a decrease in business over the past month and that they have been "discharging quite a number of men" as a result. Reed also describes accounts he has seen of rioting in Detroit, and details similar civil disobedience which took place recently in Keokuk, Iowa. He expresses fear of the possibility of "military despotism."

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Children, March 15, 1863

    In this letter from March 15, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing a debate between a Democratic state senator and Republican army officers which he observed while traveling. Reed defends the Democrat's right to free speech, arguing that he said "nothing disloyal" but rather spoke unpleasant truths which the Republicans did not wish to accept. Reed also notes that he may be able to travel home for a visit in the middle of April and intends to have his photograph taken at that time.

  • Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Jennie Reed, March 22, 1863

    In this letter from March 22, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife noting that the government has procured control of all steamboats on the Mississippi River. He believes many will be lost once they are sent up small rivers and the water levels fall, and laments that railroads cannot "be conveniently taken south to help whip the rebels." Reed also complains about the rise in prices and the fact that work on the western road cannot be commenced until the next season as two of the railroad's largest investors have gone to Europe before examining the work estimates. He closes with remarks about how difficult it is to be parted from loved ones for so long and "with such small pay."