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  • | Newspaper

    The Guardian Angel of Trusts and Monopolies

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    Continued Misrepresentation

    Bryan's World Herald defends his record on behalf of the working man and against Republican charges that he favors wage reductions.

  • | Newspaper

    The Avalanche

    The Republican State Journal celebrates the Republican victory in the November 1894 state and Congressional elections.

  • | Speech

    Bryan-Thurston First 1894 Debate (Omaha World Herald)

    This article from the October 18, 1894 edition of the Omaha World Herald summarizes the first debate between Republican candidate John M. Thurston and Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan during the 1894 Nebraska Senate campaign. The article also presents each man's speech, in full, as well as their rebuttal statements.

  • | Speech

    Bryan-Thurston First 1894 Debate (Nebraska State Journal)

    This article from the October 18, 1894 edition of the Nebraska State Journal summarizes the first debate between Republican candidate John M. Thurston and Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan during the 1894 Nebraska Senate campaign. The article also presents each man's speech, in full, as well as their rebuttal statements.

  • | Speech

    Bryan-Thurston Second 1894 Debate (Omaha World Herald)

    This article from the October 19, 1894 edition of the Omaha World Herald summarizes the second debate between Republican candidate John M. Thurston and Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan during the 1894 Nebraska Senate campaign. The article also presents each man's speech, in full, as well as their rebuttal statements.