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  • | Newspaper

    Thurston Is Conservative

    In the era before direct election of senators, candidates often stood unofficially for a period of time, and in 1894 John Thurston was not officially nominated by the Republican Party with a platform. His standing was as a citizen and a party member. Bryan hopes to force Thurston's views into the open and directly challenge him, but the editor of the Bee and other Republicans consider these offers little more than political posturing.

  • | Newspaper

    Thurston on Bryan

    Republican U.S. Senate candidate John M. Thurston campaigned at local party club meetings across the state in 1894, poking fun of the turbulence in the Democratic and Populist opposition and of his opponent, William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    Thurston-Bryan Debate

    Plans for the joint Thurston-Bryan debate proceed.

  • | Newspaper

    Times Are Getting Better

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    [Untitled] That there is a big pot of money

    Calling the opposition "pops," a diminutive term to dismiss and criticize the Populists and any of their allies, the Republican newspaper in Lincoln, Nebraska, criticizes Bryan's efforts to campaign for money reform as hypocritical and self-serving.

  • | Newspaper

    [Untitled] Today is the date arranged by Mr. Bryan. . .

    The Republican State Journal ridicules Bryan's Populist-Democratic fusion as an unlikely alliance and a fantasy.