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  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, December 3, 1869

    In this letter from December 3, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing affairs in Boston. Reed hopes for a "speedy closing up of my affairs."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, December 6, 1869

    In this letter from December 6, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family announcing his expectation of settling his accounts within a few days.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, December 9, 1869

    In this December 9, 1869 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the Company's continuing delay in settling his affairs. He announces an upcoming trip and gives a positive outlook on the Union Pacific's financial situation.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 6, 1870

    In this January 6, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family informing them that it will likely be some time before his accounts are settled and he can return home.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 13, 1870

    In this January 13, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family informing them that it will be at least a week until his accounts are settled. He notes that other accounts are also being reviewed and that the New York office "has largely overpaid some parties."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 16, 1870

    In this brief January 16, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family announcing that Sidney Dillon wants him to go to Texas and survey 200 miles of road.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 20, 1870

    In this brief January 20, 1870 letter, a dejected Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family informing them that his accounts are still not settled. He admits that he is "heartily sick and tired of the unbusinesslike way in which I am treated and do not hesitate to let those who are here know the fact."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 22, 1870

    In this January 22, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing an outing to the museum at Harvard College, as he has yet to hear from the Union Pacific Company regarding his accounts.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 28, 1870

    In this January 28, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his work balancing construction accounts for the Union Pacific Railroad. He states that he "shall get clear of the U.P.R.R. Co. with a clean record as far as money accounts go." Reed continues to wait on his personal account, however.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, January 31, 1870

    In this January 31, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family announcing that he will close his accounts on February 1st. He boasts that "there are no company books and vouchers in New York or Boston that are in as good shape as the construction accounts I return from the west."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, February 3, 1870

    In this February 3, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family announcing that his business with the Union Pacific will be settled the following day. He also notes that he knows "the exact cost of the road from Omaha to the end," but does not give the figure. He further states that Sidney Dillon continues to discuss Reed's work on a Texas road, but "I had much rather build one in Illinois if I can make arrangements with Mr. Mitchell."

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel B. Reed to Wife and Family, February 8, 1870

    In this February 8, 1870 letter, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family from New York, having finished his business in Boston. His personal accounts are not yet settled, but Sidney Dillon has promised him that "they shall be this week and the balance remitted to me at Joliet," Illinois.

  • | Legal decision

    Railroad Company v. Brown, 84 U.S. 17 Wall. 445 445 (1873)

    In 1868, Catherine Brown, an African American woman, was ejected from the "ladies car" on the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Railroad Company when traveling from Alexandria, Virginia, to the District of Columbia. Brown sued the rail company and the case was appealed to the United States Supreme Court - the first case addressing race and public transportation to appear before the Court. Although the legal status of the railroad under Congressional rulings that had applied to earlier iterations of the company became a basis for appeal, the rights of African Americans became the most notable outcome of the Supreme Court's decision for Brown in 1873.

  • | Artwork

    View of the Town of Sydney, The Nearest Railraod Station to the Black Hills, 1877

  • | Artwork

    View on the Platte Valley Plains, near Columbus, Nebraska, as seen from the Union Pacific Railroad

  • | Newspaper


    The ejection of a party of Alabama African American men and women from a first class car on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad is recounted in this letter from William Jenkins of Tuskeegee, Alabama.

  • | Newspaper

    The President's Proclamation

    On July 18, 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes issued a proclamation calling the citizens engaged in the strike to peacefully disperse and return to their homes.

  • | Newspaper

    Carroll Requests Hayes' Assistance

    On July 20, 1877, Maryland Governor John L. Carroll requests military assistance from President Rutherford B. Hayes to stop the "rioters" and prevent "domestic violence."

  • | Newspaper

    A Perilous Night—fire—riot—murder

    This editorial from the July 21, 1877 edition of the Baltimore American emphasizes the strike and violence was preventable if adequate police had been on the scene and available.

  • | Letter

    Carroll's Response to McCrary

    On July 21, 1877, Maryland Governor John L. Carroll sends Secretary of War George W. McCray a report, informing him that order has been restored in the state.