1862 | Photograph
African American laborers, free and contraband, worked for the Union Army to build and repair rail lines across the South. Note the bent and broken rails scattered in the background, signs of earlier destruction.
March 6, 1862
In this letter from March 6, 1862, Sally A. Kendrick writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, describing her work as a nurse for wounded soldiers at a hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. She expresses political beliefs similar to Samuel Reed as she discusses her hopes regarding the outcome of the war and as she laments the impending loss of her church's pastor due to offense he has given to a few "secessionists in the church."
March 17, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from March 17, 1862, John R. Boyle writes to Samuel Reed discussing their shared opinion of the war as "unrational." Boyle states that he believes "we are decimating and depopulating the country" and expresses worry that there will not be enough work for all of the men once the war ends. He claims that agents from Australia and Canada are encouraging people to emigrate, and proposes that Reed work with him in a future venture.
July 1, 1862
The mechanism for the creation of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, this document is a demonstration of the intricate relationship between the business of the railroad and the business of government and expansion.
August 8, 1862 | Letter
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's Master of Transportation, W. P. Smith, writes to the firm's president of the "rough" removal of a nurse from a B and O train.
August 8, 1862 | Letter
The President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad writes to General Meigs about the treatment of nurses on his rail line following an incident reported by Dorothea Dix.
August 10, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 10, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife from Center Township, Iowa stating that he feels like he is "on the extreme borders of civilization." He describes the excitement over the war in the area, speculating that if enlistment throughout Iowa were on par with that portion of the state "it will not be necessary to resort to [a] draft." Reed also offers an anecdote of his party's progress just before leaving Ottumwa, Iowa, and notes that a son of Mr. Thielsen, aged 13, has joined his party.
August 12, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 12, 1862, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, from their home in Joliet, Illinois regarding rumors of a "large guerilla force near Hanibal" [Illinois]. She worries that Samuel may be "captured or killed or carried away a prisoner" and asks him to write her more often to reassure her of his safety. She also discusses the possibility of a draft and the harvesting and sale of the crops on their farm.
August 16, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 16, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife reiterating his belief that there is no danger of a draft in Iowa given the large number of volunteers, and hopes that a draft will not be necessary in the state of Illinois either. He also relates the details of his visit to a Baptist church, describing both the building and the congregation as "of very humble pretensions." He tells his wife that there is no possibility of him returning home for a visit until the field work is completed, but that he believes he will be able to get a family pass on the railroad for visitations.
August 24, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 24, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the difficulty of his party's work. He states that "the life we are now living would well fit us for army servis," and relates joking with his men about joining the army as engineers, admitting that he "would be the first to back out if a serious proposition of that kind was made to us." Reed also gives an account of where the men in his party are originally from.
September 1, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from September 1, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife to assure them that he is safe from "all [Confederate] moving bands." He also comments on "the Indian troubles in Minnesota," stating that although he knows nothing of them he is not surprised to learn that there have been attacks on "the defenseless frontier on the north west" as there are many "fierce and warlike nations" which would relish an opportunity to attack whites.
September 7, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from September 7, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife stating that he may be home for a visit within three weeks if the field work continues at the present rate of eleven miles per week. He expresses surprise at the fact that the army "from Kansas had retreated from Arkansas" and requests information as to the war's progress in "Virginia and elsewhere." Reed states that most business not pertaining to the army seems to have been suspended, and worries that someone "more ambitious than patriotic" may be able to influence the Union army and assume control of the government as a military dictator.
September 29, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from September 29, 1862, B.J. Earl, Samuel Reed's brother-in-law, writes to his sister Jennie Reed requesting family news. He describes excitement over the war and enlistment in Pennsylvania and also details the progress of railroad construction in the area. He notes that their sister, Lettie, was forced to leave her home "on account of the Indian troubels in Minna" and asks if Samuel Reed's brother, Erastus Reed, enlisted in the war.
November 2, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from November 2, 1862, Erastus H. Reed, one of the enlisted brothers of Samuel Reed, writes to Jennie Reed describing his new life as a soldier as "a stern reality." He offers details on his regiment's encounters (or lack thereof) with the Confederate Army, and complains about the hard marching they have been forced to endure. He requests supplies and news, and encourages "Sister Jennie" to write to him as often as possible.
December 7, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from December 7, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family from Burlington, Iowa requesting news from home. He notes that many in the area "would sooner see both north and south irretrievably ruined than have a settlement on any other grounds than the utter extinction of slavery." Reed states that if the North can hold out for another year peace may be possible, but he does not expect it any sooner unless "through foreign intervention."
January 11, 1863
In this letter from January 11, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his work contracting "for wood timber and telegraph poles" along the railroad. He again requests information about Erastus H. Reed, his enlisted brother, fearing he may be among the list of those dead or wounded. He also asks for news regarding a family member named Marshall's "prison life in the south." Reed notes that his eyes have been troubling him, and that he may ask for a few days off if they do not get better soon.
January 18, 1863
In this letter from January 18, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, discussing various events at home. She tells him that her sister, who is visiting, cannot go home "with that land of savages at present." She also informs him that his enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, is still well after participating in the Battle of Stones River.
January 25, 1863
In this letter from January 25, 1863, Erastus H. Reed, one of the enlisted brothers of Samuel Reed, writes home chastising his family for not answering his letters. He offers some details regarding the first fight his regiment engaged in and the damage it caused to the land, comparing the destruction it wrought to that of the tornado which hit Camanche, Iowa in 1860. He states that the things he saw made his "blood run cold" and believes that "if the feelings of officers & men wer consulted" the war would quickly be brought to an end, but ultimately the fate of the soldiers rests in the hands of "a few politicians at Washington."
February 14, 1863
In this report of the Agricultural Committee to the House of Representatives, the importance of European immigration into the American West for the continued prosperity and growth of the nation is emphasized in a call for the establishment of an Emigration Bureau. Note the emphasis on the need for internal improvements (including the railroad) to facilitate the mobility of immigrants and agricultural products.
March 2, 1863
In this letter from March 2, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife expressing concern over the appearance of cannon in Joliet, Illinois and the potential violation of "the liberties of the people." He describes the political climate in Burlington, Iowa as "not as pleasant as I could wish," and is particularly disturbed by the wholesale treatment of Democrats as traitors. Reed also details his tiresome trip back to Burlington, and notes a reminiscence of "old times and troubles on the M. & M. R.R." resulting from an impromptu visit from a Mr. Rheinhart.