February 16, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from February 16, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his preparations for the upcoming building season and his favorable position within the company. He writes that he receives all orders from the company secretary and "no person has any right to dictate to or order me to do this or that." Reed also notes that his salary for the upcoming year will be $10,000 to $12,000.
March 4, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from March 4, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his arrival in Cheyenne, Wyoming once again.
March 15, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from March 15, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the progress on the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad line.
April 10, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from April 10, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the work on the Union Pacific Railroad line. His workers have completed the track to within one mile of the Dale Creek bridge and will have the bridge finished within a week. Reed is quite busy as Sydney Dillon, Thomas C. Durant, and others will arrive to inspect the line next week.
April 23, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from April 23, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his progress on the Union Pacific line.
April 27, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from April 27, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his frustration over the start of "so much new work" while trying to manage the existing construction.
May 5, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from May 5, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing an upcoming trip to Fort Saunders, via Salt Lake City.
May 18, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from May 18, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his trip to Salt Lake City and his business dealings with Brigham Young. Reed also describes the growing young city and notes that he has purchased a city lot, which he hopes will appreciate quickly.
May 20, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from May 20, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his continuing negotiations with Brigham Young.
May 31, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from May 31, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing a trip via horseback to "locate" another section Union Pacific Railroad line.
June 7, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from June 7, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his continuing presence in Salt Lake City and his favorable treatment by the Mormons. He also notes that the Central Pacific Railroad's directors are "very much disappointed to learn that we are so far advanced with our end of the work," because that will mean less government land for their company.
June 12, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from June 12, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his surveying camp, commenting on the sleeping arrangements and food. Reed also states his intention to resign his position, citing the "jealousy and hard feeling" which has caused him to take no "pleasure in trying to advance the work."
June 23, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from June 23, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his actions in regard to resigning his position as Superintendent of Construction for the Union Pacific Railroad.
June 25, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from June 25, 1868, Grenville Dodge writes to Samuel Reed's wife regarding the misunderstanding that led to Mr. Reed's resignation. Dodge promises to "fix the matter" so that Reed will continue to work for the Union Pacific Railroad.
July 3, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 3, 1868, a frustrated Samuel B. Reed writes to Sidney Dillon regarding his letter of resignation. Reed describes his displeasure over his recent treatment by high-ranking company officials, but announces that "All I want is to be retained as chief of construction."
July 6, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 6, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the actions taken in response to his resignation. Sidney Dillon and Oliver Amos wish to retain Reed's services, and have worked to keep Reed as Construction Manager of the Union Pacific. Reed also mentions a workers' strike on the UP line, in which they demand $4 per day. He has sent troops "to enforce the orders and will starve them out unless they go to work."
July 27, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 27, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his standing in the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Sidney Dillon and Thomas Durant "propose to continue me as General Superintendent of Construction," which Reed considers a satisfying resolution to the issue.
July 30, 1868 | Letter
In this second letter from July 30, 1868, Samuel Reed updates his wife and family with news that he has been reappointed as General Superintendent and Engineer of Construction. He notes that "Division Superintendents receive orders from me on all matters pertaining to construction." Reed plans to get to business immediately, as "the company is straining every nerve to build as much road as it is in the power of man to do before connecting with the Central Pacific."
July 30, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 30, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the continuing negotiations over his position in the company. Reed speculates that he will be "fully sustained and have full power in the construction department."
August 14, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from August 14, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family asking Mrs. Reed, who lives in Chicago , to meet Mark L. Seymour, a cousin of Colonel Silas Seymour, and join him on a trip to Reed's headquarters at the end of the Union Pacific line.