September 29, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from September 29, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing how busy he has been since his return from a visit home. He notes that he has written to a man on the "Rock Island Road" to inquire about a position which would enable him to be closer to home. Reed also asks his wife if she has heard from his enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, since the defeat of Rosecran's army during the Battle of Chickamauga.
September 13, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from September 13, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife repeating his request for information regarding the frost damage to crops on their farm in Joliet, Illinois. He notes that lately he has been in charge of the movement of trains, in addition to his regular duties, as "all in authority above me are absent." He also states that it now appears possible that there will be new work on the railroad in the fall. He expects to receive instructions to "let the first division of the road west of Ottumwa [Iowa] which will include the bridge over the Des Moines River which will cost about 70,000 dollars and will be a fine chance to display engineering skill."
September 11, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from September 11, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing how busy he has been for the past week. He tells her he is uncertain whether or not he will be able to "get the passes you so much desire," as an order has recently been issued barring the granting of railroad passes for ladies. Reed also notes that since he returned from surveying land west of Ottumwa, Iowa, he has been thinking that he may return home to Joliet, Illinois for the winter if work is not commenced in the fall.
September 1, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from September 1, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife to assure them that he is safe from "all [Confederate] moving bands." He also comments on "the Indian troubles in Minnesota," stating that although he knows nothing of them he is not surprised to learn that there have been attacks on "the defenseless frontier on the north west" as there are many "fierce and warlike nations" which would relish an opportunity to attack whites.
October 3, 1860
In this letter from October 3, 1860, Samuel Reed writes to his wife informing her that he has returned from his trip into the South. He tells her the engineer who promised him and John R. Boyle work was mistaken about the time it would be available and they do not know yet whether they will get it. He describes the wealth present in Vicksburg, Mississippi and states that he found it "very comfortable to have all the help wanted about a place and to feel that they are stationary and will not leave if any fault is found with them." He describes the slaves as "contented and happy," noting that they are better dressed than the laboring classes of the North. He also notes that Stephen A. Douglas is to speak in Chicago "and there will be a gathering of the people that will make the black Republicans quil in their shoes."
May 11, 1863
In this letter from May 11, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the difficult work of the past week. He details his trips up the Mississippi, Skunk, and Iowa Rivers in search of timber for railroad ties, stating that his party is heading out again that day and will make use of a steamboat to make the trip up the Mississippi easier. He also notes that Mr. Thielsen has requested a railroad pass for her to come to Burlington, Iowa with and that it should be arriving soon. Commenting on the "battle and defeat" on the Potomac, Reed asks "will the administration ever be satisfied with shedin [the] blood of our countrymen?"
March 22, 1863
In this letter from March 22, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife noting that the government has procured control of all steamboats on the Mississippi River. He believes many will be lost once they are sent up small rivers and the water levels fall, and laments that railroads cannot "be conveniently taken south to help whip the rebels." Reed also complains about the rise in prices and the fact that work on the western road cannot be commenced until the next season as two of the railroad's largest investors have gone to Europe before examining the work estimates. He closes with remarks about how difficult it is to be parted from loved ones for so long and "with such small pay."
March 2, 1863
In this letter from March 2, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife expressing concern over the appearance of cannon in Joliet, Illinois and the potential violation of "the liberties of the people." He describes the political climate in Burlington, Iowa as "not as pleasant as I could wish," and is particularly disturbed by the wholesale treatment of Democrats as traitors. Reed also details his tiresome trip back to Burlington, and notes a reminiscence of "old times and troubles on the M. & M. R.R." resulting from an impromptu visit from a Mr. Rheinhart.
June 7, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from June 7, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife upon learning of the death of family friend Charles H. Abbott in the war. He notes the heavy losses of Union troops and, referencing Vicksburg, states that hundreds more are added each day. He tells his wife that after the directors of the railroad meet on the 17th of June, he will "know what to do about remaining on the road." Reed also describes an unexpected encounter with three "contrabands from Arkansas" while scouting timberland for purchase.
July 29, 1863
In this letter from July 29, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife some time after a visit home to Joliet, Illinois. He tells her that his enlisted brother, Burritt, has died at a hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and states, "I have not once thought since Burritt & Erastus enlist[ed] that either of them would fall." He also notes "I did not see the men in Chicago that I wanted to and have written to them but have recvd no answer yet," referring to his attempt to secure a position on the railroad closer to home.
July 18, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from July 18, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing a fierce political fight involving Thomas C. Durant and George Francis Train of the Union Pacific Railroad. Their larger-than-life personalities cause Reed to comment that "one stage coach or steam boat could not hold two such men."
January 17, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from January 17, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the quietness of the office since the "notables" of the Union Pacific, who had been there observing construction and planning, have "left for the east."
January 14, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from January 14, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing his busy work finding contractors for construction of the second 100-mile section of the Union Pacific Railroad line. He also describes a compliment given him by an important engineer, who called Reed a "pioneer" of topographical engineering.
December 6, 1863
In this letter from December 6, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing how busy he has been kept with the problems his crew has been having with wells along the line of railroad construction. He states that he has found his name on the draft enrollment list in Burlington, Iowa "among the unmarried and less than 45." He believes he will be able to prove both facts untrue, and asks her to check the enrollment list in Joliet, Illinois so that he may work to have his name removed from that list as well if it appears there. Reed also expresses displeasure at the efforts of some to force the pastor at the church he attends to "preach abolitionism instead of the gospel as handed down from the Fathers."
December 1, 1863
In this letter from December 1, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife discussing the next day's city election in Burlington, Iowa. He worries that there will be trouble and expresses anger at the Republican Party for having "thrown away the old constitution which has been our safeguard thus far in our national existence and set up the administration in its place whose greatest asperations seems to be the nigger." Reed states that he is glad he has business on the road the next day, as he has no desire to be near any "row" which may occur. He also notes that there is still no certainty regarding the extension of the road that season, and is undecided "about staying here for 1000 a year and gold rapidly advancing."
August 10, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 10, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife from Center Township, Iowa stating that he feels like he is "on the extreme borders of civilization." He describes the excitement over the war in the area, speculating that if enlistment throughout Iowa were on par with that portion of the state "it will not be necessary to resort to [a] draft." Reed also offers an anecdote of his party's progress just before leaving Ottumwa, Iowa, and notes that a son of Mr. Thielsen, aged 13, has joined his party.
August 9, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 9, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife that he may be able to return home for a visit by the end of the week. He notes that Mr. Boyle is "getting along finely with his work," has 150 men employed, and hopes to be finished before the winter frosts. Reed also details a "rebellion" in Keokuk County, Iowa.
August 30, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 30, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife after a visit home telling her how homesick he is and how busy he has been since his return to Burlington, Iowa. He notes that he met a Captain Mundore on his return trip through Chicago and plans to "write to him about a situation nearer home," though he has little faith in succeeding.
August 24, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 24, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the difficulty of his party's work. He states that "the life we are now living would well fit us for army servis," and relates joking with his men about joining the army as engineers, admitting that he "would be the first to back out if a serious proposition of that kind was made to us." Reed also gives an account of where the men in his party are originally from.
August 16, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 16, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife expressing regret that he could not return home for a visit the previous week. He describes the intolerably hot weather in Burlington, Iowa, and compares it to the climate of Vicksburg, Mississippi. He also notes that his enlisted brother, Erastus, is still doing well and hopes "he may escape the many dangers incident to a soldier's life."