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  • | Letter

    Letter from John C. Clark (Willis) to Wealthy A. Hathaway, January 30, 1880

    In this January 30, 1880 letter, John C. Clark writes to his sister, Wealthy Hathaway, of the details of his sister's illness. He describes Sarah Sim's tumors and the slim chances of her recovery.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Genie Hathaway to Frank, February 23, 1880

    In the first part of her February 23, 1880 letter to Frank, Genie Hathaway rapturously describes the luxuries of riding in a Pullman car on the way to Chicago. She mentions several of her fellow passengers, one of whom is female world traveler. The second part of her letter describes the vulgarity of the passengers traveling with her in a "common car". Part of the letter is damaged.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Wealthy A. Hathaway to Husband, April 17, 1880

    In this April 17, 1880 letter, Wealthy Hathaway writes to her husband about her Aunt Sarah's final days and the settling of her affairs. She proposes several scenarios for different relatives visiting and staying with the Sim family, and leaves the date of her return up to her husband.

  • | Letter

    Letter from E. P. Sherwood to George P. Cather, December 21, 1888

    In his December 22, 1888 letter to George P. Cather, E.P. Sherwood writes from London Mills, Illinois about the price of land and the availability of water in Webster County, Nebraska.

  • | Letter

    Letter from D. F. Shipre to George P. Cather, March 3, 1900

    On March 3, 1900, D.F. Shipre of Quickville, Kansas writes to George P. Cather about the possibility of buying or leasing the land adjoining his current property. He estimates the cost at $100-$175 per quarter section (about 160 acres).

  • | Letter

    Letter from D. F. Shipre to George P. Cather, September 23, 1901

    A year and a half after sending his first letter to George P. Cather, D.F. Shipre writes again on in September 1901, to inquire about purchasing or leasing land adjoining his current spread. He tells Cather that he wants the land as pasture for his cattle and estimates paying a higher price for the land than he did in his first letter. Inquiring about Cather's slow response and fearing it is because Cather distrusts land agents, Shipre informs Cather that he is only a farmer and a poor one at that.

  • | Letter

    Letter from Samuel Lincoln to George P. Cather, September 28, 1901

    On September 28, 1901, Samuel Lincoln writes to George P. Cather proposing a buyout of a quarter section of Lincoln's land in Thomas County, Kansas. After assuring Cather that he is not another "land shark", Lincoln also offers to buy Cather's adjoining land if Cather is not interested in buying his. Lincoln feels that he cannot successfully sell or rent such a small parcel of land and that it would be more valuable combined with another holding. The 160 acres of land that originally drew settlers to railroad land as a great opportunity now appeared too small a portion to be of any value on its own.

  • | Letter

    Letter from E. D. Crabb to George P. Cather, March 16, 1923

    On March 16, 1923 E.D. Crabb writes to George P. Cather inquiring about renting a quarter section of his land for two or three years for the purpose of raising winter wheat on it. Crabb, a resident of Colby, Kansas, additionally listed his location as "East View Ranch - Home of Pure Bred Aberdeen-Angus Cattle", indicating an establishment in Kansas. Combined with his request of only renting for a short time, Crabb's request marks a shift from earlier land transactions where owners moved to a new location for the sake of land. Crabb apparently believed he could administrate from afar.

  • | Letter

    Letter from D. F. Jewell to George P. Cather, September 30, 1927

    In his September 20, 1927 letter to George P. Cather, D.F. Jewell asks about the possibility of buying or leasing some of Cather's land or selling or trading his own.

  • | Newspaper

    Mr. Whitney's Railroad

    Asa Whitney's plans for a transcontinetal railroad were met alternately with scorn and acclaim. Whitney anticipated a United States as the central point for international trade; harbors on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts would be fed by rail lines criss-crossing the country, moving goods for import and export easily across country.

  • | Newspaper


    The New York Times reported on its front page the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Catharine Brown's case. The case aroused Republicans to reconsider the intent and purpose of the Congress in the midst of the Civil War because it turned on the railroad's Congressional charter from 1863 which clearly barred any discrimination on the basis of race or color. The railroad's main argument before the Supreme Court rested first on the idea that separate cars were customary, locally sanctioned, and equally accommodated, and second on the specious reasoning that because they carried colored passengers they had not violated the Congressional charter--colored persons were carried, just in a different car. The spirit of the Congress in 1863, the Court decided, suggested otherwise. The decision, however significant and newsworthy, was sorely limited in its application. Only a handful of railroads in the District of Columbia possessed such language in their originating charters.

  • | Newspaper

    Midnight News from the Seat of War

    This article from the July 18, 1877 edition of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the strikers' growing strength and the government's inability to stop it.

  • | Newspaper

    The Situation at Martinsburg

    This article in the July 18, 1877 edition of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the previous day's confrontation in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

  • | Newspaper

    The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Strike

    This article in the July 18, 1877 edition of the Baltimore Sun notes the extent of the trouble on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the rioting at Martinsburg, West Virginia, and the militia's ineffectiveness.

  • | Newspaper

    Determined to Fight

    This article from the July 20, 1877 edition of the Baltimore American notes the attitude of the railroad workers toward any attempted to break up the strike.

  • | Newspaper

    In The March Towards Camden Station

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American describes the mob's attack of the Sixth Maryland Regiment and recounts the violence that occurred during its march to Camden Station.

  • | Newspaper

    Firing On The Crowd

    This July 21, 1877 article from the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the Maryland Sixth Infantry Regiment firing into the crowd in Baltimore.

  • | Newspaper

    Riot at Camden Depot

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the rioters assaulting the Fifth Maryland Regiment at Camden Station in Baltimore.

  • | Newspaper

    Killed And Wounded

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American lists the killed and wounded and describes their wounds in detail.

  • | Newspaper

    At The Hospital

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American describes scenes from the hospital after the Baltimore riots.