August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This blacksmith's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that J. F. Gee spent repairing rail cars and details the compensation he received in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This blacksmith's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that C. H. Grenz spent repairing rail cars, tools and engines and details the compensation he received in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This packer's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. Murphy spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that H. N. Walker spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jno. Kershaw spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. O'Hara spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jon Chester spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This carpenter's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that R. A. Saye spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Peter Weeks spent helping to repair rail cars and engines and details the compensation he received in Knoxvile, Tennessee.
July 21, 1887 | Newspaper
This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun describes a meeting between Maryland Governor John Lee Carroll and Baltimore Mayor Ferdinand Latrobe.
August 11, 1877 | Newspaper
This August 11, 1877 image from Leslie's Illustrated depicts the crowd marching down the New York Central railroad track at West Albany, New York on July 24, 1877.
July 23, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times summarizes a sermon given by Rev. E. B. Raffeasperger which supported the plight of the railroad men, but denounced violence.
July 23, 1877 | Newspaper
This July 23, 1877 editorial in the Baltimore American emphasizes the participation of the "lawless classes" in the strike, hijacking it from the employees and turning it into a dangerous national threat, similar to the Paris Commune.
July 23, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times gives an account of recent events and notes the continuing excitement generated by the strike.
July 23, 1877 | Newspaper
This article in the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times describes incidents stemming from the vast number of reporters who had arrived to cover the strike.
July 23, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 23, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American gives an account of the rioters halting rail service and robbing freight cars.
July 22, 1877 | Newspaper
This letter to the editor, printed in the July 22, 1877 edition of the Baltimore American, asks why saloons in Baltimore remained open, even after receiving the order to close, and seemed to indicate the ineffectiveness of the police in the situation.
July 21, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American describes the mob's attack of the Sixth Maryland Regiment and recounts the violence that occurred during its march to Camden Station.
July 21, 1877 | Newspaper
This July 21, 1877 article from the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the Maryland Sixth Infantry Regiment firing into the crowd in Baltimore.
July 21, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the rioters assaulting the Fifth Maryland Regiment at Camden Station in Baltimore.