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  • | Illustration

    Richard Cobden

    Richard Cobden, a leading Liberal in Parliament, was also invested in the Illinois Central Railroad. He took two major trips to the United States, first in 1835 and again in 1859. During his first trip he traveled on railroads for a total of just ninety miles, from Lowell, Mass., to Boston, and then to Providence, R.I. On his second trip, twenty-four years later, he traveled 4,000 miles on American railroads.

  • | Speech

    Richmond, VA Speech 1, 1896-09-18

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    Rights of Negroes

    The decision for Maime Caldwell in her case against the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company for discrimination is briefly recounted, noting the final award of $800.

  • | Newspaper

    Riot at Camden Depot

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of the rioters assaulting the Fifth Maryland Regiment at Camden Station in Baltimore.

  • | Newspaper

    Riot at the Sixth Regiment Armory

    This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun describes the riot at the Sixth Maryland Regiment armory in Baltimore.

  • | Illustration

    Rioters Distributing Stolen Whisky at Pittsburgh.

    Images of rowdy or drunken strikers were common in the wake of the 1877 strikes.

  • | Newspaper

    Rioters In Full Possession — Robbing Of Freight Cars, Etc.

    This article from the July 23, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American gives an account of the rioters halting rail service and robbing freight cars.

  • | Newspaper

    Rioters Marching Down the New York Central Railroad Track

    This August 11, 1877 image from Leslie's Illustrated depicts the crowd marching down the New York Central railroad track at West Albany, New York on July 24, 1877.

  • | Illustration

    Rioters Tearing Up Rails at the Bridge at Corning

    This August 11, 1877 image from Leslie's Illustrated depicts strikers tearing up the track and bridge near Corning, New York in advance of an oncoming engine. These confrontations were both organized and spontaneous, dependent on the deep experience and expertise of the railroad workers with the operation of the roads.

  • | Speech

    Ripley, NY Speech, 1896-08-31

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Illustration

    Robert M. Ammon Directs the Strikers

    This August 11, 1877 image from Leslie's Illustrated depicts Robert M. Ammon, leader of the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne strike, sending information to the strikers via telegraph.

  • | Speech

    Rochelle, IL Speech, 1896-10-29

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Rochester, IN Speech, 1896-10-22

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Rochester, NY Speech, 1896-08-26

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Rock Island, IL Speech, 1896-08-08

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Rock Island, IL Speech, 1896-10-24

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Speech

    Rockingham, MA Speech, 1896-09-26

    Speech by William Jennings Bryan.

  • | Newspaper

    Rosewater and Railroads

    Republican editor Edward Rosewater's determined campaign against railroads and against the Republican candidate for governor Tom Majors culminates in an open forum and debate. The Republican State Journal presents Rosewater as a pompous and ineffective gadfly.

  • | Newspaper

    Rough on Administration Democrats

    Bryan's World Herald warns Democrats that Republican efforts to peel off conservative Cleveland, gold bug Democrats will end in Republican advantage.

  • | Photograph

    Roundhouse at Alexandria

    A Matthew Brady image of the roundhouse at Alexandria, Virginia during the Civil War.