April 19, 1872 | Letter
In this April 19, 1872 letter from Joseph E. Osborn to George S. Harris, Osborn describes the immigrants headed to Burlington and Missouri River Railroad lands in Nebraska and Iowa as being "as poor as church rats."
January 4, 1864
In this letter from January 4, 1864, Joshua M. Shaffer, Surgeon of the Board of Enrollment for the First Congressional District of Iowa, writes to Samuel Reed informing him that his name has been successfully stricken from the draft enrollment list in Burlington, Iowa upon receipt of proof that his name is on the enrollment list in Joliet, Illinois.
September 25, 1860 | Letter
In this letter from September 25, 1860, Julia B. Abbott writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, discussing various family news. She notes that she attended the anniversary exercises at the Theological Seminary in Andover, Massachusetts and enjoyed it very much. Among those "celebrities" she saw and heard were Professor Harriet Beecher Stowe and Henry Ward Beecher.
September 12, 1867
In this letter from September 12, 1867, Juliet L. Elwood writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, discussing plans to travel to St. Louis and the possibility of accompanying her on a trip to Omaha, Nebraska. She inquires about the prospects of Mrs. Reed procuring a railway pass for her for the journey. She also details an encounter she had on the railroad cars during a day trip to Joliet, Illinois with a "military gentleman" who knew Samuel Reed. She states that she "understood him to say he was Prest of Pacific Road, but I think I must of course have misunderstood, as Gen Dix is President, or was."
In this letter from April 1860, L.C. Dillaway writes to Jennie Reed discussing family news and some of the latest women's fashions available in Baltimore stores.
February 26, 1860
In this letter from February 26, 1860, Marion K. McMurphy writes to her brother, Erastus H. Reed, from Pontoosuc, Iowa discussing family news and the prospect of a railroad being built "from Appanoose to the junction or Burlington the coming summer." She states that she hopes the railroad will "make business a little more lively here as it is very dull on account of hard times in getting money."
September 23, 1863
In this letter from September 23, 1863, Marion K. McMurphy writes to her brother, Samuel Reed, asking his opinion of employment with the "Union Pacific Railway." She also informs him that she received a letter from their enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, who is still doing well.
March 26, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from March 26, 1865, Mary C.E. writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, describing flooding which has damaged the local railroad and bridges, preventing mail from getting through. She discusses the drafting of a family member, who has not yet received his notice and may therefore avoid having to report for duty. She also notes that an acquaintance died sixteen days after receiving a wound to the ankle in the war, and that his family did not learn of his death for two weeks.
October 23, 1878 | Letter
The October 23, 1878 letter from N.T. Waters in Illinois to George P. Cather requests information about available land in Webster County, Nebraska. Waters' primary concern is that the land contains a stream with drinkable water, and asks specifically about sections of land seen on a land map provided by the railroad.
January 16, 1869
In this letter from January 16, 1869, Oakes Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant regarding the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad and the need to secure the approval of the government appointed commissioners in order to ensure that bonds for building the road are not withheld. He urges Durant to work with the commissioners, stating "we cannot afford to fight the government now."
March 30, 1868
In this letter from March 30, 1868, Oakes Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant discussing the report and recommendations his committee will make to Congress regarding oversight of operations on the Union Pacific Railroad. He states that he thinks the report is "a great thing to us to keep them [Congress] off until the road is done," but tells Durant "if you think of anything better that will probably pass, send it down and I will try to get it substituted if I think it better."
April 16, 1868
In this letter from April 16, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant discussing some suggestions he has received from General Grenville Dodge regarding provisions for water along the railroad line. He notes, "we are getting along very well in our money matters."
April 2, 1868
In this letter from April 2, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant discussing construction and the organization of work forces for the upcoming season's work on the railroad. He also advises Durant to meet in person with representatives of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to settle disagreements over the contract Durant made with them, stating "we cannot afford to have any trouble this Season with Them that will make them give a preference to other freight over ours." Ames states that he believes the Union Pacific Railroad will be "flush" after they receive government bonds in July and sell their first mortgage bonds.
August 12, 1868
In this letter from August 12, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant informing him that the company has decided to keep the grading of the road "down to 90 feet." He states, "we can't afford, with the magnificent Subsidy we have, to do anything but the best possible thing for the Road and the Government, while, at the same time, we are doing the best thing for ourselves."
August 7, 1868
In this letter from August 7, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant regarding the changes Durant proposed in the grading of the railroad. He states that I. L. Williams, the "Special Messenger of the Secretary of the Interior," has argued strongly against the change of grade and that "his opinions would be almost Law to the Department." Ames tells Durant "before making any change let us have the best Evidence that a change is required for the best interests of the Company."
December 23, 1868
In this letter from December 23, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant regarding the Union Pacific Railroad's impending acquisition of government bonds. He also discusses the issue of corruption within the company at length, stating "the Road must be costing us very much more than we are getting for it, or everyone out there is stealing." Ames worries that the company will be deep in debt by the time the road is completed and urges Durant to "do Something to Stop the thieves from Stealing our last cent and making the Road suffer."
December 24, 1868
In this letter from December 24, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant informing him of an arrangement Ames has made for the Union Pacific Railroad's acquisition of government bonds. He also complains about the "awful" bills the company is receiving, and urges Durant to do all he can to "weed out the thieves" in the company.
December 3, 1868
In this letter from December 3, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant regarding the financial status of the Union Pacific Railroad. He states that the company has a right to ask the government to advance it two-thirds of the cost of "work done in advance of the track," and believes the company possesses sufficient funds and materials to have all the security that the government would require for the completion of the road. He also tells Durant, "your idea of letting them [the government] have the lands or Land Bonds as Security is a good one, and I think will be a good get off for them from the infamous position they have taken in regard to our Road."
January 1, 1868
In this letter from January 1, 1868, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant regarding the financial status of the Union Pacific Railroad. He notes that several creditors are "clamorous for money," but that the company has "really nothing to raise the money with." He tells Durant that it would be a disgrace to have to suspend construction for want of funds and advises him to "discharge all unnecessary men at once and get no more ties and timber than is absolutely necessary for the Work."
January 14, 1869
In this letter from January 14, 1869, Oliver Ames writes to Thomas C. Durant discussing the location of the railroad line that was approved by the government commissioners. He advises Durant to have the line built as close to their instructions as possible, telling him "we are in the hands of this Commission and should do everything possible to secure their favor."