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  • Cause of the Strike and a Remedy

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Chicago Daily Tribune outlines the various causes of the strike—placing blame on railroad workers and railroad executives—and stresses that the remedy to this situation can only be achieved once mob rule has been replace by law and order.

  • | Newspaper

    General French Ordered To Send Troops

    This July 23, 1877 article in the Baltimore American notes Secretary of War George W. McCrary's order to General William H. French to send troops to Cumberland, Maryland to "suppress the riot."

  • | Newspaper

    Local News. The Situation Here

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times gives an account of recent events and notes the continuing excitement generated by the strike.

  • | Newspaper

    Noble Words

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times summarizes a sermon given by Rev. E. B. Raffeasperger which supported the plight of the railroad men, but denounced violence.

  • | Newspaper

    Reign of the Mob

    This July 23, 1877 article from the Pittsburgh Daily Post details the mob's strength during the railroad strike and provides a description of key events.

  • | Newspaper

    Reporters And Reporters

    This article in the July 23, 1877 edition of the Daily Alleganian and Times describes incidents stemming from the vast number of reporters who had arrived to cover the strike.

  • | Newspaper

    Rioters In Full Possession — Robbing Of Freight Cars, Etc.

    This article from the July 23, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American gives an account of the rioters halting rail service and robbing freight cars.

  • The Great Strike

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Chicago Daily Tribune suggests that railroad corporations should adopt new policies to meet the needs of railroad workers, which will also keep many of the corporations from falling into bankruptcy.

  • | Newspaper

    The Strike

    This July 23, 1877 editorial in the Baltimore American emphasizes the participation of the "lawless classes" in the strike, hijacking it from the employees and turning it into a dangerous national threat, similar to the Paris Commune.

  • The Strike

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat condemns the recent actions of the railroad strikers and hopes that the city can avoid a repeat of the violence in Pittsburgh, where the mob has "pillaged and burned and murdered in the carnival of crime."

  • | Newspaper

    The Troops To Open The Line At Cumberland And Provide Against Trouble At Piedmont

    This article from the July 23, 1877 issue of the Baltimore American notes that two companies of troops had been dispatched to Cumberland, Maryland, to reopen the rail line.

  • Timely Advice

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the St. Louis Dispatch advises the Missouri Pacific Railroad to "set the example to other roads to promptly acquiesce in all reasonable demands" by the workers in order to peacefully end the railroad strike.

  • [Let Us Have Peace]

    This article from the July 23, 1877 edition of the Chicago Inter-Ocean argues that a strike cannot be allowed to start in Chicago, or the city will see the same bloodshed and violence as in Baltimore and Pittsburgh. The editors state that violence must not be allowed to flourish; despite the contention between railroad workers and railroad executives, peace should trump workplace disagreements.

  • | Newspaper

    After the Riot

    This July 24, 1877 article from the Pittsburgh Daily Post chronicles the efforts of militia, the police, and citizens to put down the railroad strike.

  • | Newspaper

    Among the Ruins

    This article from the July 25, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post notes the railroad strike's extensive destruction and details public and private efforts to keep it under control.

  • | Newspaper

    Capital Location. For Permanent Seat, Martinsburg. Election, Tuesday, Aug. 7th, 1877

    This July 24, 1877 editorial from the Martinsburg Statesman downplays the extent of the riot, stresses the dignity of the strikers convictions, and portrays the officers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad as stubborn and tone-deaf in the face of the strikers' reasonable requests.

  • | Newspaper

    Help Yourself

    This selection from the July 24, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post includes three articles. The first two note the ability of citizens to keep peace, that military aid was unnecessary, and that railroad workers were not included in the mob. The third section notes recuperation on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.

  • | Newspaper

    Outside Opinion

    This article from the July 24, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post includes the opinions of two New York newspapers, noting the repercussions mob violence may have on railroad companies and workers, as well as how they believe the public should understand the causes of the uprising.

  • Progress of the Strike

    This article from the July 24, 1877 edition of the St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat commends the actions of the Missouri railroads, which have done their best to support the workers and have "removed the last excuse for disorder or violence." The editors condemn Communists, but support the striking workers in their quest for higher wages—a request the newspaper hopes the company will consider.

  • | Newspaper

    The Government Watching the Strikers

    This brief article from the July 25, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post notes the government's interest in the strike as well as its desire to keep the War Department aware of the strike's spread.