August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This packer's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that P. Farley spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This junior machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that L. Kershaw spent working on engines and at various other tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This blacksmith's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that J. F. Gee spent repairing rail cars and details the compensation he received in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This blacksmith's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that C. H. Grenz spent repairing rail cars, tools and engines and details the compensation he received in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This packer's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. Murphy spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that H. N. Walker spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jno. Kershaw spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. O'Hara spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jon Chester spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This carpenter's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that R. A. Saye spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Peter Weeks spent helping to repair rail cars and engines and details the compensation he received in Knoxvile, Tennessee.
September 11, 1865 | Annual report
This September 11, 1865 circular reports on the condition and financial status of the Southern Railroad Company after the Civil War.
November 1, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from November 1, 1865, Samuel Reed writes to Thomas C. Durant, Vice President of the Union Pacific Railroad, describing his work surveying a line from Salt Lake City to the Humboldt River Valley in Nevada.
December 26, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from December 26, 1865, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his frustration over the lack of directions from his superiors. He also notes that he may be offered the position of Chief Engineer of Construction for the Union Pacific line.
January 14, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from January 14, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing his busy work finding contractors for construction of the second 100-mile section of the Union Pacific Railroad line. He also describes a compliment given him by an important engineer, who called Reed a "pioneer" of topographical engineering.
January 17, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from January 17, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the quietness of the office since the "notables" of the Union Pacific, who had been there observing construction and planning, have "left for the east."
January 21, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from January 21, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his work pertaining to the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. He also notes that he has been named the Superintendent of Construction, so he will not have to go west again on a surveying expedition.
January 27, 1866 | Illustration
This image from the January 27, 1866 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts the ceremonial "first spike" of the Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad.
January 31, 1866 | Annual report
In this January 31, 1866 report, Samuel B. Reed describes his surveys and explorations of the land from Salt Lake City, Utah to the California state line. He gives his recommendations for the route of the Union Pacific Railroad and suggests building the line from West to East (rather than from East to West), due to timber availability. He further suggests that subsequent survey crews should use camels, rather than horses or mules, due to the lack of water on a good portion of the route.
February 5, 1866 | Letter
In this letter from February 5, 1866, Samuel Reed writes to Thomas C. Durant, Vice President of the Union Pacific Railroad, requesting orders as to whether or not to employ the State Geologist of Illinois to "examine the country west of Omaha for coal ."