June 25, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from June 25, 1868, Grenville Dodge writes to Samuel Reed's wife regarding the misunderstanding that led to Mr. Reed's resignation. Dodge promises to "fix the matter" so that Reed will continue to work for the Union Pacific Railroad.
July 3, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 3, 1868, a frustrated Samuel B. Reed writes to Sidney Dillon regarding his letter of resignation. Reed describes his displeasure over his recent treatment by high-ranking company officials, but announces that "All I want is to be retained as chief of construction."
July 6, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 6, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the actions taken in response to his resignation. Sidney Dillon and Oliver Amos wish to retain Reed's services, and have worked to keep Reed as Construction Manager of the Union Pacific. Reed also mentions a workers' strike on the UP line, in which they demand $4 per day. He has sent troops "to enforce the orders and will starve them out unless they go to work."
July 27, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 27, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his standing in the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Sidney Dillon and Thomas Durant "propose to continue me as General Superintendent of Construction," which Reed considers a satisfying resolution to the issue.
July 30, 1868 | Letter
In this second letter from July 30, 1868, Samuel Reed updates his wife and family with news that he has been reappointed as General Superintendent and Engineer of Construction. He notes that "Division Superintendents receive orders from me on all matters pertaining to construction." Reed plans to get to business immediately, as "the company is straining every nerve to build as much road as it is in the power of man to do before connecting with the Central Pacific."
July 30, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from July 30, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the continuing negotiations over his position in the company. Reed speculates that he will be "fully sustained and have full power in the construction department."
August 14, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from August 14, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family asking Mrs. Reed, who lives in Chicago , to meet Mark L. Seymour, a cousin of Colonel Silas Seymour, and join him on a trip to Reed's headquarters at the end of the Union Pacific line.
October 31, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from October 31, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his never-ending work and the arrival of a snow storm while he was camping outside without a tent. Reed complains about the inefficiency of the Division Superintendents, whose incompetency causes him a great deal of extra work.
November 17, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from November 17, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family updating them on the progress of the Union Pacific line.
December 3, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from December 3, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the continuing effort to grade the railroad bed "as rapidly as the frozen ground will admit," but the work is so difficult that "we can not make much progress on light work in the hard frost."
December 6, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from December 6, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the difficult grading work still being done. His men work "night and day without cessation" because the work "goes very slowly on account of the hard frozen ground which it is impossible to move without [gun]powder." He places the blame for this difficult work on Thomas Durant, whose interference with Reed's plans caused the work to cost twice as much and take twice as long.
December 16, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from December 16, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the progress on grading and decribes the recent weather, which has been clear. Reed again complains about Durant's interference, noting that "this work would all have been finished long ago if my arrangements had not been interfered with."
December 28, 1868 | Letter
In this letter from December 28, 1868, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the arrival of Thomas Durant. Reed also states his longing to return home.
January 12, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from January 12, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing Thomas Durant's hindrance to his work and the rising costs of construction.
January 16, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from January 16, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family giving a detailed description of Thomas Durant's interference with the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. Reed explains how Durant's decisions, including pulling workers from grading duty before winter came, have "squandered uselessly" an incredible amount of time and money.
February 10, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from February 10, 1869, a weary Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the extent of his work. Reed has worked so hard for so long that he believes that it "is unfitting me for future usefulness."
February 18, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from February 18, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his disappointment in not getting to see his wife as planned. Reed also notes that a large cut west of Weber Canyon has caved in, forcing him to ride out and "devise some plan to rectify it."
February 27, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from February 27, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing the progress of the Union Pacific Railroad. He notes that workers have laid track past Devil's Gate and that grading is finished for forty miles ahead of that point. Reed is pleased that the work is "moving smoothly," but he is "sick and tired of the hurry and hustle attendant upon so much business." Following Reed's letter is a note from the compiler, giving a flattering, if not entirely accurate, picture of the Union Pacific's construction.
August 5, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from August 5, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his arrival in Boston, which he describes as "a crooked place and full of crooked men, mentally and physically," for a meeting with Union Pacific officials.
August 7, 1869 | Letter
In this letter from August 7, 1869, Samuel Reed writes to his wife and family describing his two-day-long interview with the Union Pacific Board.