July 27, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the July 27, 1877 issue of the Pittsburgh Daily Post notes Philadelphia's frustration with Pittsburgh over the railroad strike and mentions that city's suggestion that the Pennsylvania Central Railroad be routed around Pittsburgh to ensure future rail service to Philadelphia.
August 1, 1877 | Newspaper
This article from the August 1, 1877 issue of PUCK Magazine gives the magazine's opinion of that year's railway strike. PUCK comes down against the strikers, but places some of the blame on the "railway monopolists."
August 8, 1877 | Newspaper
This short poem or "fable" appeared in the August 8, 1877 issue of PUCK Magazine as lesson for strikers.
July 25, 1877 | Newspaper
This article was a supplement explaining the image on the cover page of the July 25, 1877 issue of PUCK Magazine
August 1, 1877 | Illustration
This dramatic image appeared on two pages of the August 1, 1877 edition of PUCK Magazine and illustrates a skeleton-headed train running past apparently injured women, with dark images of laborers in the smoke.
July 24, 1877
This article from the July 24, 1877 edition of the St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat commends the actions of the Missouri railroads, which have done their best to support the workers and have "removed the last excuse for disorder or violence." The editors condemn Communists, but support the striking workers in their quest for higher wages—a request the newspaper hopes the company will consider.
1848 | Annual report
This collection of reports given at the first annual meeting of the stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company in 1848 includes extensive information about the financial status of the railroad. Whit'l P. Tunstall, president of the company, also presents an extensive argument for Virginia's railroad development, predicated on the successes of railroads in other states.
July 21, 1877 | Newspaper
On July 21, 1877, two Baltimore Police Commissioners, the Maryland Governor, and the President of the Board of Police ask residents to abstain from gathering in crowds.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This carpenter's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that William Rice spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that S. H. Hall spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that R. Young spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This carpenter's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that R. A. Saye spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Peter Weeks spent helping to repair rail cars and engines and details the compensation he received in Knoxvile, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This packer's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that P. Farley spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. O'Hara spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This packer's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that M. Murphy spent working at various "general" tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that L. Maguire spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This junior machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that L. Kershaw spent working on engines and at various other tasks and details the compensation he received at Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jon Chester spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.
August 31, 1865 | Payroll
This machinist's payroll from August, 1865 lists the time—in days—that Jno. Kershaw spent working on various engines and details the compensation he received while working in Knoxville, Tennessee.