December 1, 1863
In this letter from December 1, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife discussing the next day's city election in Burlington, Iowa. He worries that there will be trouble and expresses anger at the Republican Party for having "thrown away the old constitution which has been our safeguard thus far in our national existence and set up the administration in its place whose greatest asperations seems to be the nigger." Reed states that he is glad he has business on the road the next day, as he has no desire to be near any "row" which may occur. He also notes that there is still no certainty regarding the extension of the road that season, and is undecided "about staying here for 1000 a year and gold rapidly advancing."
August 10, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 10, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife from Center Township, Iowa stating that he feels like he is "on the extreme borders of civilization." He describes the excitement over the war in the area, speculating that if enlistment throughout Iowa were on par with that portion of the state "it will not be necessary to resort to [a] draft." Reed also offers an anecdote of his party's progress just before leaving Ottumwa, Iowa, and notes that a son of Mr. Thielsen, aged 13, has joined his party.
August 9, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 9, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife that he may be able to return home for a visit by the end of the week. He notes that Mr. Boyle is "getting along finely with his work," has 150 men employed, and hopes to be finished before the winter frosts. Reed also details a "rebellion" in Keokuk County, Iowa.
August 30, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 30, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife after a visit home telling her how homesick he is and how busy he has been since his return to Burlington, Iowa. He notes that he met a Captain Mundore on his return trip through Chicago and plans to "write to him about a situation nearer home," though he has little faith in succeeding.
August 3, 1863
In this letter from August 3, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife apologizing for the fact that he has been unable to get a position on the railroad closer to home. He expects to learn more regarding the extension of the road very soon, as one of the railroad's primary investors, a Mr. Forks, has returned from Europe. Reed notes the consequences of the drought in Iowa, detailing the resultant success of the stage coach business along the Mississippi. He assures his wife that she "need not fear on account of my politics [as] I have not spoken to a single person about government policy since my return to Iowa."
August 24, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from August 24, 1862, Samuel Reed writes to his wife describing the difficulty of his party's work. He states that "the life we are now living would well fit us for army servis," and relates joking with his men about joining the army as engineers, admitting that he "would be the first to back out if a serious proposition of that kind was made to us." Reed also gives an account of where the men in his party are originally from.
August 16, 1863 | Letter
In this letter from August 16, 1863, Samuel Reed writes to his wife expressing regret that he could not return home for a visit the previous week. He describes the intolerably hot weather in Burlington, Iowa, and compares it to the climate of Vicksburg, Mississippi. He also notes that his enlisted brother, Erastus, is still doing well and hopes "he may escape the many dangers incident to a soldier's life."
September 12, 1863
In this letter from September 12, 1863, Sally A. Kendrick writes to her friend Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, discussing the recent death of her brother and the war. She speculates that the war will not end until slavery is abolished, but notes that she did not think so until after the fall of Fort Sumter. She states that she is no abolitionist, does not believe in "the equality of the races," and does not "want them here among us," but does "want to see them free and colonized some where." She shares several ideas regarding what should be done with the slaves after they are freed.
March 6, 1862
In this letter from March 6, 1862, Sally A. Kendrick writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, describing her work as a nurse for wounded soldiers at a hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. She expresses political beliefs similar to Samuel Reed as she discusses her hopes regarding the outcome of the war and as she laments the impending loss of her church's pastor due to offense he has given to a few "secessionists in the church."
June 19, 1867
In this letter from June 19, 1867, Sally A. Kendrick writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, thanking her for the books she sent. She notes she is glad to hear that Mr. Reed has recovered from his illness, and wishes she could travel "over the glorious West" to see them. She states she is "glad that the church has two such men on the Union Pacific Road as S.B. Reed & General Simpson," as they will spread good impressions of Christianity as they make their way further into the West.
August 2, 1865
In this letter from August 2, 1865, Sally A. Kendrick writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, discussing the war's end. She states that she is glad it ended "in the right way," with the abolishment of slavery. She also details her congregation's attempts to start a church hospital now that the military hospitals are all closed, and describes her work as a nurse during the war. Kendrick also notes that she has a nephew at Fort Laramie who is in charge of a company of former Rebels, and requests Mr. Reed make a visit if his work ever takes him out that far.
February 26, 1860
In this letter from February 26, 1860, Marion K. McMurphy writes to her brother, Erastus H. Reed, from Pontoosuc, Iowa discussing family news and the prospect of a railroad being built "from Appanoose to the junction or Burlington the coming summer." She states that she hopes the railroad will "make business a little more lively here as it is very dull on account of hard times in getting money."
January 4, 1864
In this letter from January 4, 1864, Joshua M. Shaffer, Surgeon of the Board of Enrollment for the First Congressional District of Iowa, writes to Samuel Reed informing him that his name has been successfully stricken from the draft enrollment list in Burlington, Iowa upon receipt of proof that his name is on the enrollment list in Joliet, Illinois.
March 17, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from March 17, 1862, John R. Boyle writes to Samuel Reed discussing their shared opinion of the war as "unrational." Boyle states that he believes "we are decimating and depopulating the country" and expresses worry that there will not be enough work for all of the men once the war ends. He claims that agents from Australia and Canada are encouraging people to emigrate, and proposes that Reed work with him in a future venture.
February 18, 1864 | Letter
John Isom designates a black church in Nashville to serve as a copper and tin shop.
September 27, 1863
In this letter from September 27, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, some days after he departed from a visit home. Once more, she expresses her desire for him to secure employment closer to home, at least during the coming winter, and asks him to mention the possibility to Mr. Thielsen. She also requests information regarding the railroad passes which he was to secure for her and a cousin.
October 3, 1863
In this letter from October 3, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, expressing hope that he succeeds in his latest attempt to secure employment closer to home. She also relays information concerning some acquaintances of theirs who have been wounded in the war, noting that Erastus H. Reed, Samuel Reed's enlisted brother, is still alive and well.
October 11, 1863
In this letter from October 11, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, describing the progress of the harvest on their farm. She states that his enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, is still well, but that many believe Colonel Frederick A. Bartleson was killed at the Battle of Chickamauga.
January 18, 1863
In this letter from January 18, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, discussing various events at home. She tells him that her sister, who is visiting, cannot go home "with that land of savages at present." She also informs him that his enlisted brother, Erastus H. Reed, is still well after participating in the Battle of Stones River.
August 2, 1863
In this letter from August 2, 1863, Jennie Reed writes to her husband, Samuel Reed, chiding him for not writing her more often. She tells him she has not received any further information regarding the "particulars" of his enlisted brother Burritt's death. She also expresses regret that he was unable to see the men in Chicago he needed in order to inquire about a position on the railroad closer to home.