July 6, 1861 | Illustration
This image from the July 6, 1861 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts Harper's Ferry after its evacuation by Confederate troops.
February 14, 1863
In this report of the Agricultural Committee to the House of Representatives, the importance of European immigration into the American West for the continued prosperity and growth of the nation is emphasized in a call for the establishment of an Emigration Bureau. Note the emphasis on the need for internal improvements (including the railroad) to facilitate the mobility of immigrants and agricultural products.
February 27, 1864 | Illustration
This image from the February 27, 1864 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts a Union hospital train crossing a railway bridge on its run from Chattanooga to Nashville, Tennessee during the American Civil War. See Woman's Work in the Civil War on this site for the recollections of a hospital train nurse.
October 24, 1863 | Illustration
This image from the October 24, 1863 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts Confederate soldiers in the American Civil War destroying a railroad line by burning the ties, then heating the rails and twisting them out of shape.
1861 | Book
In these excerpts from her memoir, Harriet Jacobs writes of the segregation and prejudice she faced in the North almost immediately after escaping from slavery.
March 29, 1862 | Illustration
This image from the March 29, 1862 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts a scene of destruction at Manassas Junction in Virginia during the American Civil War.
1864 | Illustration
Keywords appearing in all Union commanders? correspondence in the Atlanta Campaign of 1864; the larger the word, the more often it appeared in their writings. Compiled from U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, (Gettysburg, Pa.: National Historical Society, c. 1971?1972), Vol. 38 (Parts IV and V), including all Union command correspondence. (Voyeur Tools [copyright 2009] Steffan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell, v. 1.0; graph by Trevor Munoz and the author [September 2009]. This image was generated using Wordle, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
1862 | Illustration
Keywords appearing in all Union officers? correspondence in the 1862 Peninsular Campaign; the larger the word, the more often it appeared in their writings. Compiled from U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Gettysburg, Pa.: National Historical Society, c. 1971?1972), Vol. 11 (Part III), 1?384. (Voyeur Tools [copyright 2009] Steffan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell, v. 1.0; graph by Trevor Munoz and the author [September 2009]. This image was generated using Wordle, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
1864 | Illustration
Keywords appearing in General William T. Sherman?s correspondence in the Atlanta Campaign of 1864; the larger the word, the more often it appeared in his writings. Compiled from U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, (Gettysburg, Pa.: National Historical Society, c. 1971?1972), Vol. 38 (Parts IV and V), including all of Sherman?s letters in these volumes. (Voyeur Tools [copyright 2009] Steffan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell, v. 1.0; graph by Trevor Munoz and the author [September 2009]. This image was generated using Wordle, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.)
February 22, 1861 | Letter
In this February 22, 1861 letter from A. J. Rux to E. H. Stokes, Rux describes the sale of a female slave named Harriett for $1,000. He confides to Stokes that he is "ashamed" of the low price he received, but notes that Harriett's "same old complaint" and break out attempts were so frustrating that "I sold her where I don't think we will ever hear from her again."
March 14, 1864 | Letter
McCallum is presented with two female volunteers and asked to provide transportation if their services are needed.
July 12, 1864 | Letter
A report about the state of the railroads around Nashville in the wake of ongoing guerilla destruction.
September 22, 1861
In this letter from September 22, 1861, Anna R. Benedict writes to her brother, Samuel Reed, discussing the drop in prices for farm products as a result of the "national troubles." She states that it "scarce seems possible that this war can last very long." She notes that her family has been practicing the "strictest economy," but still needs to hire help to accomplish all that is necessary on the farm. She expresses surprise at Reed's claim that he has been doing all the farm work himself, but advises him not to sell pieces of his farmland until after the "present panics have passed over."
April 12, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from April 12, 1865, Artemus J. Mathewson writes to Samuel Reed following a return from a trip to New York . He states that "the committees had not met and dissolved and others had met & they were meeting nearly every day." He discusses some survey maps and profiles he presented to them and repeatedly asks Reed come visit him, seeming anxious to discuss the matter in person. Mathewson rewrote and extended this letter the next day.
April 13, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from April 13, 1865, Artemus J. Mathewson writes to Samuel Reed describing a taxing visit to New York , during which he was required to draw and shade profiles of the work done on the railroad the previous summer in the mountains of Utah. He notes that he repaired some of Reed's survey tools, and asks Reed to write a letter on his behalf to Thomas C. Durant requesting reimbursement for the "expense of the luxury" of room and board Mathewson incurred during his illness in Utah. He tells Reed he is uncertain that he will be able to accompany him "out on that miserable desert" for the next season's work.
August 27, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from August 27, 1865, Artemus J. Mathewson writes to Samuel Reed discussing the advantages and disadvantages of running a railroad line through various areas in the mountains and valleys of Utah. He states that he has been reading the reports of Captain Howard Stansbury, who led an expedition in 1849 to survey and map the valley of the Great Salt Lake, and tells Reed "your operations last year and this will give more of real value - and mayhap twice that amt than Stansbury's whole operations." Mathewson also notes the increase in Indian hostility both on the plains and in the mountains. He tells Reed, "like you, I think you have been lucky to keep your scalp."
July 22, 1865 | Letter
In this letter from July 22, 1865, Artemus J. Mathewson writes to Samuel Reed discussing his work on the railroad "in cutting out the deep cut from Chi. to Lockport." He states that he has not yet received a reply from Thomas C. Durant, Vice President of the Union Pacific Railroad, regarding reimbursement for extra expenses he incurred after becoming sick while working on the railroad in Utah the previous season. Mathewson also reminisces about the time he and Reed spent together working on the railroad and describes the land they traveled over in great detail.
September 29, 1862 | Letter
In this letter from September 29, 1862, B.J. Earl, Samuel Reed's brother-in-law, writes to his sister Jennie Reed requesting family news. He describes excitement over the war and enlistment in Pennsylvania and also details the progress of railroad construction in the area. He notes that their sister, Lettie, was forced to leave her home "on account of the Indian troubels in Minna" and asks if Samuel Reed's brother, Erastus Reed, enlisted in the war.
October 13, 1863 | Letter
An engineer/machinist escaped from the South inquires about employment opportunities on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad.
April 13, 1863
In this letter from April 13, 1863, Cordelia L. Bailey writes to Jennie Reed, wife of Samuel Reed, discussing her anxieties about her enlisted son Walter. She states that he was in such poor condition upon returning from the South that she encouraged him to remain at home, even at the risk of being charged with desertion. Worry over his arrest prompted her to attempt to obtain his discharge. She also writes that because the government is employing all the domestics in sewing, soon "housekeepers will all be compelled to employ the Contrabands."