9th August 1863.
Dearest Jenny
Your kind & welcome letter was received last Wednesday. What a change we have had in Iowa from clouds of blinding dust to rivers of running water hardly a day has passed for some time without drenching showers. Before the rains the foalige [sic] was falling from the trees but now new leaves are putting out it seems strane [sic] to see on the maples about the streets new leaves comeing [sic] out like early spring. One day last week I met Mr. & Mrs. Farson on the cars she looks much older than when we used to see them in Muscatine. When I first saw her both handes [sic] were gloved but very soon one glove was removed I suppose to let me see how well her hands looked which you know she is vain enough to think are beautiful. Or to expose to view two very hansome [sic] rings which were soon covered by her glove after I left their vicinity. She told me they were going to live in Chicago.
I shall try to go home the last of this week and now think there will not be any dificuly [sic] in my doing so. But I hope you will not be disappointed if any thing [sic] happens to prevent my going. My eyes are not well by any means but about the same as when I left home. When I am quiet and do not get heated they appear better but the very warm days, and especially when I am [broke] of my rest they are quite troublesome. I hope as soon as cool weather commences they will be quite well. My sight is as good as ever and the ball of the eye does not seem to be much sore, but the lids are quite red and inflamed about as when I was at home.
Mr. Boyle writes me that he is getting along finely with his work, has 150 men imployed [sic] and hopes to get through before the hard frosts of winter. It has rained nearly all day and I have not been to church but expect to go this evening. There has been a man from Maryland relieving Mr. Barrows for two or three Sundays. If you were to hear his sermon alone you would say at once that he was an educated Methodist preacher with all their energy zeal and fire. I suppose you have heard of the soldiere [sic] troubles in Keokuc [sic] County. Military company were called from various towns to put down the rebelion [sic] as it is termed here. Governor Krikwood [sic] was forced to promace [sic] to the assembled people Aug 9 1863 Aug 9 1863 S B Reed that the many that shot [anothe] should be tried by the civil law of the country as soon as he did that all immedidtely [sic] dispersed and quit [sic] was I at once restored. I shall look anxiously for your letter which I feel your [sic] are at this time writing to me how I wish I was with you instead of having to resort to the very unsatisfactory communication by letter. Kiss both Anne and Mary for Papa. I would go without my supper and walk ten miles to night [sic] to hear their merry voices. Remember me to Aunty and cousin Adda and all friends.
Yours Affectionately
Saml. B. Reed
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