Letter from E. P. Sherwood to George P. Cather, December 21, 1888
In his December 22, 1888 letter to George P. Cather, E.P. Sherwood writes from London Mills, Illinois about the price of land and the availability of water in Webster County, Nebraska.
London Mills Ills
Dec 21st 88
Mr. Cather
Dear sir the Co clerk of Webster Co refers to you for infomation in regard to a tract of land dicribed [sic] as folows [sic] South 1/2 Sec 29 Township 3 north of Range 12, west of 6 P Meridean [sic]
Now if you please tell me all about the quality & price of that kind of land how does it lay how deep do you show
to go for water & all the particulars that would interest a purchaser
E.P. Sherwood
London Mills Ills
PS Please answer
imediately [sic]