Otoe County Bennetts Ferry
May 5th 1857
My Dear Father & Mother
It is with feelings of great sorrow that I write you these few lines this evening I cannot keep it back from you any long [sic] , I must let you know that my poor dear wife for a long time past as [sic] been very low spirited, as [sic] greved [sic] her self most to death for the loss of our dear little Willis and at this time she is just as Crassey [sic] as most any one that I ever saw in my life. She will tare [sic] her clothes, bit [sic] her own person and what is worse than all will make efforts at times to distroy [sic] her self and the children. This is one of the greatest trials that I ever felt in my life. I have to be with her the most of the time and during the time that I am from the House some one else as [sic] to be with her. Perhaps Willis as [sic] written you something about Sarah. What can be done I can not tell. She is affread [sic] all the time that she must be lost and that God has no mercy for her. I let her go over to my neighbours and she slept there two nights and the second morning she ran off in the woods with a rope with the intent to hang her self, We soon made our neighbours acquainted with it men & women some on horses
and others on foot and we found her alive but had lost the rope. Went off with out anything on her head and without a shall [sic] tore off the sleeves of her dress and what to do by her I do not know. Willis as [sic] left for Kansas. I expect him back in a few days. I have been obliged to tie her hand and foot on the bed. today Sunday 7th - just as bad as ever. She grows poor [sic] every day. Some days she seems very comfortable, but is in a disparing [sic] state all the time thinking that she must be lost. The Children are well poor little Phillie is as lively as a bee but I am affread [sic] at times that I shall find the children and my poor dear wife in a mangled condishion [sic] . You cannot think for one moment what my feelings are at those times. It was a trial enough I thought when I lost my dear little boy but it can not begin with this affliction. I can but badly write to you espessaiy [sic] on such a subject as this.
We recd two letters, one from Mary & the other from sister Electa. Write me often. My love to you all I remain your affectionate son
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