Council Bluffs, IA
June 25, 1868
Mrs. S. B. Reed
I have only time to say I got your letter here last night, also Mr. Reed's. Mr. Ames is here. He telegraphed Mr. Reed to meet him at the end of the track next Wednesday, also informed New York that he would meet Mr. Reed and fix the matter. They all say that Mr. Reed misunderstood their motives and Mr. Evans would not do a thing to harm him. Mr. Reed is mistaken about the reason that Evans took charge to Green River; about his resignation being accepted. Evans resigned and instead of accepting it, they withdrew the order that was so obnoxious. That is their explanation to me and I am certain Mr. Ames so understood the entire matter and was surprised when I told him of Mr. Reed's resignation. I also read the copy of Mr. Reed's letter and he immediately telegraphed as stated above. I go to the Humboldt and shall see Mr. Reed. You will of course consider this private, as I write to relieve your anxiety.
Truly and respectfully,
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