Muscatine, Iowa
Aug 20th 1860
Dear Sir
We have your favor of with stated inclosures
Wm T. Smith of Askaloosa [sic] called on us a day or two since, saying that a propasition [sic] had been made to the people of that place by the Keokuck [sic] Rail Road Co proposing to run their road by way of Askaloosa [sic] providing $30,000 in stock could be taken. They claim that our tracts of land would be materially advanced in value could such an arrangement be consumated.
We said to W Smith that so far as we were concerned we would be willing to subscribe stock in proportion as our interests would be enhanced in value thereby that in case the depot was placed upon our lands, to suit us, we would subscribe to providing parties, interested with us, would consent to do the same. C. Reed now holds the Patterson interest, and thinks favourably [sic] of this arrangement. We told Smith we would write you, and get your view, in relation to the same, so soon as they can ascertain whether or not they can raise the necessary amt. including what they would expect from us. They will write us. What we subscribe will have to be paid up in money in order to complete the work. Please let us hear your [reply] immediately.
Yours Truly
Isett & Brewster
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