The strike still continues, but peace and order have again been restored. Profiting from the terrible lesson of Saturday and Sunday, the citizens came to the front, and the result was a coalition of the police, military and private forces to preserve the peace. All day long the streets were jammed with idle men, many of whom doubtless were eager to renew the incendiarism and plunder of the two days previous, but the law abiding citizens had been wrought up to the highest pitch of indignation, and a repetition of the mob audacity and cruelty would have cost the offender his life Numerous threats were made and much incendiary talk was indulged in on the streets, but the rioters dared to go no further.
The local strike still keeps spreading. Yesterday morning one thousand mill men and mechanics employed in the adjacent boroughs of McKeesport and Braddocks joined the railroaders in their protest against the exacting demands of capital. A great demonstration followed, but there was no loss either of life nor property. Thus far neither the railroad companies nor the railroad employes [sic] have made any concessions. It was reported that the Ft. Wayne company had acceded to the demands of the strikers, but the latter have not received official notice of such action and the report is probably false.
Sick of the terrible devastation of the day previous, the citizens yesterday took active measures to preserve the peace. Citizen's corps were organized to patrol the streets, a Committee of Public Safety was organized to map out and carry on the work effectively, the actually discharged members of the police force were again called into service by the mayor, and the local militia became active. The saloon keepers were compelled to close business by proclamation of the mayor. These precautionary measures were not taken any too soon, as there were many villanous looking men upon the streets who freely indulged in incendiary talk. No serious disturbance occurred during the day, and it is believed the efficient plans to preserve the public peace will be successful.
The City Councils held a special joint session in Select Council Chamber at half past ten o'clock, President W. W. Thom[son] of Common Branch in the chair. There [w]as a fair attendance. President Thomson [a]nnounced that the object of the meeting was to assist the citizens as far as possible in restoring peace, and to indorse all expenses that might be incurred by volunteers.
Mr. Littell offered a resolution that the city pledge the citizens who volunteer, all rations necessary, and Mr. Foley amended by suggesting that all other expenses inncurred be paid by the city. Adopted.
A motion by Mr. Littell, that the control of all armories in the cty be given to Gen. Jas S. Negley, was carried.
A resolution was offered that all saloon bars be closed during the day, and Mr. Higgins offered an amendment that all liquor stores be included, and the resolution as amended was adopted.
Mr. Littell offered a resolution instructing the Mayor to issue a proclamation forbidding crowds to collect in the streets. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Flannery, 1,000 badges for a special police force were ordered, and the meeting adjourned.
In accordance with the action of Councils, the following proclamation was issued early in the morning, and copies were pasted up in conspicuous places:
To the Citizens of Pittsburgh:
The lawlessness and violence which has boldly defied all authority and all restraint, shows that it can only be suppressed through the prompt execution of the sternest measures. I have determined that peace, order, and quiet SHALL BE RESTORED to the community, and to this end, now call upon all good citizens to come forward at once to the Old City Hall, and unite with the police and military now organized.
I call upon all to quietly continue at their usual places of business and to refrain from participating in excited assemblages.
All women and children are commanded to retire within their homes and remain there.
All places where intoxicating liquors are sold will be closed forthwith, and remain secure and closed until permission is given to re-open the same; and, by virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby declare that all riotous demonstration must, and shall, be put down, and that peace, order and quiet shall reign throughout the city.
Wm. C. McCarthy, Mayor.
A meeting of citizens was held at the Chamber of Commerce at half-past ten o'clock yesterday morning, to arrange some plans to aid the Mayor and military authorities in preserving order throughout the city. The meeting was largely attended. Mr. W. G. Johnston was called to the chair, and Messrs. John M. Davis and Joseph G. Siebeneck were elected Secretaries. President Johnston here took occasion to deny the report circulated to the effect that the delegation from Elizabeth had visted the city for purposes of rioting. Most members of the delegation were veterans, and had called to aid the law abiding people in preservng order. Mr. Samuel Kearney, from Blackburn & Merts' coal works, commander of the Elizabeth miners, was present to offer his services and that of his men in preventing disorder. They had read in the incediary Sunday sheets, that the soldiery was carryong on a wholesale slaughter of peacable citizens, and for that reason hurried to the rescue. A vote of thanks was tendered the visitors for their offer and a request was made of them that they quietly disperse to their homes.
Major Samuel Harper made a motion that a Committee of Public Safety, consisting of twenty-five citizens, be appointed. This was adopted, and the chair appointed the following gentlemen to select the committee: Messrs. R. C. Gray, Geo. A. Kelly, Alex Bradley, Samuel Harper, F. H. Eaton. It was understood that these gentlemen would belong to the committee. They appointed the following additional gentlemen: Messrs. W. G. Johnston, John Moorhead, Paul Hacke, J. E. Schmertz, Joseph Horne, Dr. Mackintosh, G. Schleiter, F. S. Bissell, J. G. Weldon, J. R. McCune, G. H. Thurston, J. M. Davis, J. J. Dennell, J. B. Jackson, J. B. Haines, Ed. Gregg, Ralph Bagaley, W. T. Deen, George Wilson, R. G. Jones and J. J. Gillespie. These gentlemen at once went into session and organized by the election of W. G. Johnston as President, and Samuel Harper as Secretary. Messrs. John Moorehead, George Watson, J. J. Gillespie, F. H. Easton and J. E. Schmertz were appointed a committee to consult with Major General James S. Negley as to what line of action should be adopted.
The chairman next appointed Messrs. G. H. Thurston, George A. Kelly and John M. Davis a committee to prepare a form of address to the citizens. Sometime aftewards they issued the following:
To the Citizens of Pittsburgh:
The Committee on Public Safety, appointed by a meeting of citizens, held at the Chamber of Commerce, July 23d, deeming that the allaying of excitement is the first step towards restoring order, would urge upon all citizens disposed to aid therein, the necessity of [?] the [?] avocations and keeping all ther employes [sic] at work, and would therefore request that full compliance be accorded to this desire of the committee.
The committee are impressed with the belief that the police force now being organized will be able to arrest and disperse any riotous assemblages, and that much of the danger of destruction of property has passed, and that an [?] restoration of order will be established.
The committee believe that the mass of industrious workmen of the city are fully on the side of law and order, and numbers of these [?] strikers are already in the ranks of the defenders of the city, and it is quite probable that any further demonstration of riot will proceed from thieves and similar classes of the population, with whom our working men have no affiliations and will not be found among them.
It is to this end that the committee request that all classes of business should be prosecuted as usual and our citizens refrain from congregating on the streets in crews, so that the police of the city may not be confused in their efforts to arrest rioters, and the military be not restrained from prompt action if necessary, from a fear of injuring the innocent.
Geo. H. Thurston, Committee
Geo. A. Kelly, of
John M. Davis. Address.
Messrs. Bissell, Schmertz, Weldon, Jones and Harper were appointed a Committee on Business and Means. John Harper, John R. McCune, J. D. Scully, J. H. Ricketson and A. Grudginger were appointed a Committee on Finance, with power to add to their number. A committee appointed to wait on General Negley and Major T. Brent Swearengen, reported that General Negley had accepted command of the military, with Major Swearengen as Adjutant, and that they would co-operate with citizens at Lafayette Hall. At the suggestion of Mr. Swearengen the Mayor was requested by resolution to order the arrest of any and every drunken man or boy found in the streets and to keep the throng in motion, so as to prevent incendiary talk. President Johnston announced that different saloon keepers were keeping open back doors, and the citizens decided to watch all such. A lot of ammunition was ordered for Gen. Negley's command.
The citizens who had proceeded to Second avenue to intercept the miners' delegation, repaired to the Mayor's office to organize a corps. The plan of organization was informally discussed, when Major Swearingen proposed to open a roll. The meeting was then adjourned to the Select Council chamber, and shortly afterwards General Negley appeared. In a speech to the crowd he advised that different companies be organized to patrol the city. After a general discussion, it was decided that there was not sufficient room in the Select Council chamber, and the citizens then proceeded to old City Hall at the Diamond. Here the roll was open, and a large number of recruits were secured. During the day Gen. Negley appointed the following gentlemen as members of his staff: T. B. Swearengin, Adjutant General; Dr. John Dickson, Surgeon; D. M. Harper, Col. Morris, James A. Barr, Howard Morton, John G. McConnell, aids. Citizens representing the various wards were allowed the privilege of perfecting their own organization, and at twelve o'clock several companies filed out and proceeded to their respective destinations After patrolling the streets the different companies again returned to old City Hall, and thence moved again to Lafayette Hall, where the recruiting was kept up all day long. By evening nearly three hundred men had been recruited. Between seven and eight o'clock a squad of the troops marched to Johnston's gun works where they were supplied with muskets kindly loaned to the city by Mr. Johnston. A lot of guns was also received from Washington, D. C., in response to a dispatch sent on the day previous for two thousand stand of arms and forty rounds of ammunition for each. The members of the citizens corps all wear a bit of blue ribbon to their coats, purchased by the city in accordance with a resolution approved at the meeting of Councils by Mr. Flannery. These troops presented a fine appearance as they marched through the streets. Many of them were old veterans and all the men wore a determined look upon their face which plainly told that no mob cruelty or audacity would be tolerated. The citizens generally had, perhaps, more confidence in these than in the regularly organized militia who so suddenly disappeared when the firing into the Philadelphia troops commenced on Saturday night. Some of the citizen corps remained at Lafayette Hall during the entire night, while others were parading the streets.
A squad of the citizens' corps was sent out to the arsenal last night, with a wagon, to secure one hundred stand of arms and ammunition. The muskets were placed in the wagon and at the advice of Major Buffington, the squad forsook the wagon and took a street car to avoid suspicion. On Butler street, several men jumped on the wagon, but the clear-headed driver declared he had a load for East Liberty and turned at the forks of the road out Penn avenue. He afterwards drove down one of the cross-streets, however, and returned into the avenue, thus deluding the rioters. The arms were then taken to Allegheny in company with a squad, under command of Col. Schoonmaker, who was on the same mission for the North Siders, and who safely delivered two wagon loads to them. The wagon which made such a narrow escape afterwards was driven to Lafayette Hall, to which place the gallant squad had preceded it some hours.
The committee yesterday requested the Major to employ fifty mounted police, under command of Major John C. Paul. The order was last night presented to the Mayor, and Major Paul was authorized to secure fifty horses. At the instance of the committee, the Major also telegraphed to the Secretary of War for equipments. These will arrive by morning so that everything will be complete. The committee request that old cavalrymen shall report this morning at the Monogahela House at not later than nine o'clock, and they will be furnished with horses and equipments.
The necessity for a full police force has been fully demonstrated by the incidents of the past few days, and the citizens have come to a realization of that fact. One of first acts of the Committee of Public Safety yesterday was to authorize the Mayor to increase the force to the original number, all the additions to be retained till January 1st, by which time another appropriation can be made. His Honor evidently thought the committee good backing, for he immediately re employed many of the discharged men, and last night there were two hundred experienced knights of the mace on duty. They made their headquarters at the Mayor's office. Squads were sent out every few minutes to patrol the different districts of the city, with instructions to report in an hour or so at the office. The officers did much efficient service. The arrest of the gang of desperadoes who came to the city over the Baltimore & Ohio railroad was perhaps the most important. These villains might have done much mischief had they been permitted to roam the streets at large. No person under five feet nine inches in height and over twenty-eight years of age has been added to the force. How the Councilmanic Solons will consider this movement remains to be seen.
The spirit of the strike spreads like a contagion. News of the destruction and devastation reached McKeesport on Sunday, and straightway the workmen employed in the different establishments at that place were seized with a determination to strike, though they did not entertain the bitter feelings against their employers which seems to have characterized the railroad brakemen. Shortly before one o'clock yesterday morning a body of workmen employed at the National Tube Works, of that town, organized and marched to martial music all over the town, calling men from their houses to swell the ranks. About four o'clock they called at the rolling mill of Messrs. W. D. Wood & Co. and requested the men to abandon their posts. The rolling men at once threw down their tools and joined the excited processionists. Some time afterwards a meeting was held in the Diamond and numerously addressed, Rev. Dr. W. B. Watkins being included among the speakers. He expressed sympathy with the movement, but cautioned the men against excess. A committee was instructed to request the saloon keepers to close for the day, and the latter agreed to the proposition. After the meeting a procession visited the car works, the Neel & Wampler's plaining mill. The men at both places responded promptly. The demand of the tube works strikers is one dollar and fifty cents per day for laborers, and a rise of twenty-five cents per day for all others, including boys. The people of the town were greatly excited, and many good citizens were much alarmed for their property and lives.
By ten o'clock the strikers numbered nearly one thousand, and with a brass band they started for Braddocks to visit the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, calling out men at Wampler, Gemmil & Co.'s planing mill and the United States Tin Works on their way. No violence was offered. The strike was conducted in a quiet but determined manner. About two o'clock yesterday afternoon the crowd of strikers reached Brakdocks, the accessions from Riverton, Port Perry and other points, swelling their numbers to over one thousand. They marched directly to the Edgar Thompson Steel works, where one of the ringleaders mounted a pile of metal, and harangned the workingmen employed at the establishment. They then went through the works and compelled a general suspension. The workingmen yielded, but did not join in the demonstration. The Braddocks car works were next visited, and the workmen there also suspended.
The managers of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, who had heretofore experienced but little trouble from the strike, had their full share yesterday. The freight train employes [sic] still refused to work at this end of the line and in the afternoon a number of other employees went out. It had been reported that the shop hands who went out on Saturday morning would resume on Monday, but yesterday came and passed and still the men were not at work. It is understood now that they demand the repeal of the recent ten per cent. order.
The passenger trains ran regularly from Forty-third street yesterday morning but in the afternoon the engineer of the passenger train which should have left at 1:55, refused to take out the train. From this incident the news spread that the passenger engineers of the road would all participate in the strike. The report was not well founded, however. The knights of the throttle simply refused to run the trains into or out of the city. Superintendent Thomas King, of the river division, who was at one time an engineer, then took hold and was kept most diligently engaged yesterday afternoon and evening. He willingly laid his hand to the throttle and ran the trains to and from Hulton, from which place they were taken by the regular engineers. A few of the passenger engineers are understood to be with the strikers.
The disposition to plunder seems to have extended to the country districts. yesterday afternoon a lot of thieves making raid on one of the numerous freight cars standing on the sidings about the Verona slope, proceeded to gut it of the contents. A lot of cigars, tobacco, and many other small articles were stolen. No other cars were robbed.
Word was sent to Verona yesterday, by one of the Valley road officials, that a portion of the mob intended to rob the other cars, and burn their valuable round house, located at that point, and, in consequence, the entire village was thrown into a state of great excitement. A call was made on Company H, of the Fourteenth Regiment, the members of which reside at Texas and Verona. The troops responded, and from information received last evening, are supposed to be on guard at this writing. A number of private citizens too were called out and did duty. No attack was made on the property up to the time of going to press.
The intensely bitter feeling against the railroad companies was well illustrated by an incident which occurred at the Pike street yards yesterday afternoon. One of the passenger crews was detailed to shift some freight at the Pike street yards, and while performing that duty they were attacked by a lot of women and children who succeeded in stoning them away from their posts.
All was quiet along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio road last night, and there are no features to be reported from the strikers. The passenger trains are still running, but the freights are standing idle. The news of the terrible devastation in the city on Saturday and Sunday seems to have been received with gladness by tramps and thieves of other points. Many of this class doubtless considered Pittsburgh a bonanza, and yesterday a large number flocked into the city. A gang was made up yesterday at Baltimore, the members of which have been realized that our town does not preset such a magnificent opportunity for robbery after all. The party comprised about forty of the hardest looking set of villains which ever traveled. They took possession of a car at Baltimore, or at Cumberland possibly, as the story is given to that effect by some attached to the fast train on the Baltimore & Ohio road. They not only refused to pay their fares but "kept cutting up high capers" during the entire trip. The officials and trainmen too prudent to attempt to eject or remonstrate with them, let them have their own way, but quietly telegraphed from Cumberland notifying the Mayor that they were coming. The dispatch was received about twenty minutes before the train was due here, but this was time sufficient. His Honor organied a squad of about fifty police and quietly proceeded to the Connellsville Depot, where the car was surrounded upon stopping.
The forty thieves and rioters who expected high times for a few days now discovered their mistake. A rush was made for liberty, and probably two or three succeeded in getting away, but the rest were captured and are now in the lock-up. The Mayor himself collared one of the parties. Judge Ewing and Mr. Simon Johnston, the druggist, were passengers on the same train, having come from Braddocks. In all forty-six persons were arrested, but six of these were reputable persons and they were afterwards discharged. The cases of the others will be disposed of this morning.
The situation on the Fort Wayne road, notwithstanding the many efforts at compromise, is growing worse rather than better. A singluar conflict is going on between the officials and the employes [sic] . Strikers report that they still desire to have passenger trains to run regularly, but that the company have stopped them and now business is entirely suspended. The reason assigned for this action of the managers by the strikers is to bring them into disfavor with the public. However this may be but two or three passenger trains passed through. The strikers have posted in different parts of the city the following, in order to show that they are not responsible for the suspension of passenger travel.
All trains that were discontinued on the Ft. Wayne road to-night was done by the company, they discontinued some six trains. The men run out one accommodation and one through express to carry the waiting passengers to Chicago. We wish to state to the public that all trains are discontinued by the company and not by the men, as the men are ready and willing to have all passenger trains go and will use their best endeavors to accommodate the public to the best of their ability. The discontinuing of these trains by the company is merely done to draw the sympathy of the public to their side.
The engineers held another meeting last night to consider propositions for a compromise. It will be remembered that they met on Sunday and adopted resolutions for the restoration of the old wages, not only to trainmen but to all employes [sic] . This was refused by the officials. At the meeting last night they modified, after considerable exciting debate, their propostion, by adopting a resolution offering to resume work were the old wages were restored only to trainmen and engineers. This modified proposition will be submitted to the officials today. If not complied with, more trouble is feared. The meeting, while not what might be called lively, was a very animated one, and considerable feeling was manifested.
A dispatch to the Outer Depot office reported that a band of incendiaries had left Pittsburgh and were proceeding to Woods' Run for the purpose of burning the trains in the yard. This was read in the hearing of the workingmen and a dozen volunteers were immediately gathered together who went down on an engine to investigate. In about half an hour the delegation returned and reported that all was quiet and nothing was molested.
This morning as the Enon accommodation was about to leave the station, the roadmen, fearing any transportation of military troops at Enon, ordered the engineer to take the train right back into the engine house. The order was complied with.
The day and night force of police officers are patrolling the city, and with the assistance of detectives are recovering a large amount of stolen goods. Several wagon loads have been stored in the lock-up already. These were taken from two houses on Butcher's Run. The plunder includes a hogshead full of tobacco, bags of wool and cotton, shoulders, hams, lead, flour, &c.
Yesterday morning the employes [sic] of Lewis, Oliver & Phillips' mill, at Woods' Run, went out on a strik [sic] , demanding $1 25 per day; The proprietors compromised the matter, agreeing to give the $1 121/2, and the men will go to work again.
At noon yesterday fifty laborers, employed at the Dry Docks, foot of Beaver avenue, Allegheny, quit work, demanding $2 50 per day, instead of $2 37 which they had been getting heretofore. Pending an answer from the company, they moved over to the railroad, fraternizing with the men assembled there.
The funeral of young Rea, who was killed on Saturday night, took place this afternoon, at three o'clock, in Allegheny. It was preceded by a brass band and accompanied by a large number of societies of which he was a member.
Shortly after nine o'clock yesterday morning, Mayor M'Carthy received a telegram from Burgess Weldell, of Elizabeth, that three hundred armed miners had left that place at nine o'clock for this city. They were on their way down on the streamer Elizabeth, and the inference was at once drawn that their purpose was to join the mob and assist in pillaging the city. The greatest excitement prevailed. People flocked to the Mayor's office to tender their services, and in a short time the Mayor had at his control a good body of armed volunteers, and a detachment of the Washington Infantry, ready to meet the men as they arrived. They repaired to the Second Avenue Park, headed by the Mayor, General Negley and Mr. Wm. Porter. They met there miners and whom they found were not armed. Mr. Samuel Kearny their leader, said that they had read on Sunday of indiscriminate shooting down of private citizens, and had come here to protect them against the mob. Brief speeches were then made by the Mayor, General Negley and Mr. Porter, counseling them to return to their homes, and in the friendliest way the men promised to return. Mr. Kearney, the leader, tendered the assistance of these men whenever needed. They were nearly all of them old soldiers, and some of them members of the old Pennsylvania Reserves. The citizens then returned to the Mayor's office to organize a citizens' corps, as is related elsewhere. Arrangements were made to transport the visitors back home by Mayor McCarthy and Mr. L. J. Booker. They started home between four and five o'clock in the evening, on the Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston railroad. The people in the immediate vicinity of Elizabeth and West Elizabeth have been greatly excited for three or four days past, and there has been a general suspension of business there, too, as well as elsewhere. The striking miners marched in procession through the little town, but no violence was offered.
So far as can be learned no persons have been killed since our last report. A reporter made a tour of the different undertaking establishments at a late hour last night, but nothing was learned. At Devore's, on Grant street, the boeidse of the two Philadelphia soldiers are still lying. Telegrams were sent to that city for information, but none could be gained as to who they were. It is likely their names will not be known until the regiment gets home, which will take some time. We republish a list of the killed as follows:
The body of John L. Long was sent to his home in Boliver yesterday. All that was known of him was that he was a brakeman and was not married.
Ex-City Fireman James Slaus, who was shot near the round hosue at 6:30 yesterday morning, while trying to remove a wounded man, will be buried in the Allegheny Cemetery to-morrow afternoon.
J. De Armott, a machinist empoyed on the Panhandle Railway Company, will be buried to-morrow.
John Evans, [hostler], died after amputation of leg.
— Smith, puddler, residing on Tustin street, leaves a wife and two children.
Samuel P. Jemison, Thirty-seventh street.
John F. Hoffman, 147 Liberty street, Allegheny.
Jacob DeArmott, engineer on the Panhandle Railway Company; resides on Webster street, near Chatham; leavs a wife and three children.
John Long, brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad; resided at Bolivar, 25 years old, single.
Charles Fischer, plumber, 1043 Penn avenue, leaving a wife and two or three children.
Jacob Newmiester, private Company A. Nineteenth Regiment; lived at Etna; shot by Philadelphia troops.
Samuel Long, laborer, single; lived in Seventeenth ward.
Johnny Rhu, eighteen years old, Sixteenth street.
Wm. H. Ray, nineteen years old, resided at 209 [East] street, Allegheny.
Patrick Connor, machinist at the Westinghouse air brake work; lived at Twenty-ninth street; leaves a wife and family.
Dennis Carty, formerly janitor at Emerald Hall; lived on Diamond street; leaves a wife and two children.
John R. Long, [boy 478] Liberty street.
Benjamin Buchanan, twelve years old, resided on Chauncey street, Minersville.
Child, one year old, shot in the arms of its mother on the hill above Twenty-eighth street.
Samuel Jamison, corner of Forty-third and Butler, 30 years of age, leaves a wife and one child. Plasterer by trade.
Wm. Gottschalk, saloon keeper, corner Thirty-sixth and Butler; killed while standing on his cellar door. 32 years old, leaves a wife and two children.
Nicholas Stopple, barber, lived on Smallman street, between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth street, leaves a wife and several children.
— Kerr, brakeman on Ft. Wayne Railroad, lived on Irwin avenue, Allegheny.
John Etright, No. 1 Carson street, South Side, thirty years old, puddler, widower, leaves two children.
Anthony Watcher, Mulberry alley, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets, married.
James Wagner, residence Fifth ward.
Wm. Costello, Carson street, South Side, puddler.
John Decamp, brakeman on the Pan Handle, boarded on Liberty street, above Twelfth.
Benjamin Memish, Wm. C. [Berontd], Samuel Cartwright, Wm. Wirt, cigar dealer, lived on Thirty-seventh street.
John Devin, printer, shot in the thigh.
John Crawford, lives on Second aveune; shot in the left leg above the knee.
There were several killed whose names could not be learned. Among these are three at Williams' undertaking establishment, on Fifth avenue, one being a soldier, killed near Thirty-sixth street. Besides these there were two men killed on the metal yard, between Grant and Liberty street, last evening, one being shot and the other one killed with a hatchet.
John Jordon, a laborer, formerly employed in W. H. Hays pork packing establishment, started out to take a hand in the riot Sunday, and in the course of his ramble came across a barrel of whisky. It was just was he was after, and he proceeded forthwith to guzzle as much as he could conveniently hold. He became beastly intoxicated, and his friends got him home as quickly as posible. The result is that Mr. Jordon will be buried from his residence, Strawberry alley, to-day.
It has been reported that four of the number taken to the West Penn Hospital died from their wounds. This is erroneous. A reporter was sent to the hospital last evening, and found all who had been taken there doing well. Some of them, it is true, are very seriously wounded, but with good nursing and care, in all probability, will recover.
The worst case is that of James Oliver, ex-car conductor of the Manchester live, who was shot through the left lung. At first it was supposed he could not possibly recover, but unless inflamation sets in he will get on nicely.
Charles Beers, imployed in the leather store of Wm. Mooney & Sons, has a slight flesh wound on the hip. He will soon be about.
Geo. Stomer, formerly laborer at Cloonas mills, who was wounded in right elbow, is doing well. He resides on Thirty-third street.
Jacob Nooman, engineer, Thirty-third stree; wounded in right elbow, is getting along nicely.
Jas. Hefflinger, a [?] of Stuartstown, was wounded in the elbow joint; joint excised. He was a laborer at Spang's mills.
Wm. Bernard, the Philadelphian, who was slightly wounded in the right shoulder, is doing well and will soon be able to leave for home.
George Irwin, fireman on the Allegheny Valley railroad, who lives on Fortieth street, was slightly wounded in the leg.
T. G. Lemon, who was sunstruck, is doing well. He belonged to the Philadelphia militia, and will soon be well.
This is a complete list of the wounded taken to this hospital, and is not as great as was at first supposed.
In addition to these reported wounded in yesterday's issue, we have several new cases as follows:
Thomas Jones, a boy, residing at forks of road, seriously.
Son of Timothy Hurley, residing on Charlotte street, Fifteenth ward, shot in the leg. Ball extracted.
Michael Conners, two fingers shot off.
John Evans, wounded in elbow.
Mrs. Larimer, residing on Twenty-sixth street, shot in the hand in her own house, the bullet cruushing through the window.
A man whose name could not be learned, residing on Twenty-sixth street, shot in the shoulder.
Lieut. J. Dorsey Ash, lying at the arsenal, who was shot in the right leg below the knee, was reported in a dying condition last night. All the others were reported doing well, and will probably leaves for home to-day.
We do not republish the list of wounded in full for want of space. Our reports yesterday morning were complete and with the exception of West Penn Hospital, the names are those we failed to get.
Allegheny wore a very warlike appearance last night. Profiting by the sad experience of the past few days, every law-abiding citizen felt it to be his duty to do his share in averting a like calamity in Allegheny. Fully three thousand persons were congregated about City Hall early in the evening, both to hear the news and take an active part in suppressing any violence that might arise. About half-past seven o'clock ex-Sheriff Fleming ascended the Mayor's office steps and said:
The duties of the hour require the utmost vigilance on our part. There are all sorts of rumors afloat, some of them of a very serious character, and it behooves us to prepare for the worst. It would reflect badly upon our citizens, if, after having a few days time to prepare, the rioters should become masters of the situation in our quiet city. What we want now is to organizeize [sic] citizens' vigilance committees, who will be stationed at different points of the city, while some will be kept here at City Hall ready to be sent where emergencies may arise. I know that we can easy maintain order in our city, and prevent the enactment of the disgraceful scenes over the river. I trust from the thousands now before me that a sufficient number will go into the Mayor's office and enroll their names.
At the conclusion of Mr. Fleming's address, crowds filed into the office, which was jammed in a few moemtns, and recorded their names. The utmost determination is manifested on every side to prevent any outbreak, and judging from the language used by all the small groups discussing the situation, the mob will recieve a warm welcome on their arrival. The general opinion was that railway employes [sic] took no part in the deeds of violence, but the work of devastation was done by tramps, cut-throats and thieves.
A wise act of last night was the swearing in by the Mayor of fifty special police. They were distributed by tens in each district, and were placed under control of the respective lieutenant. The regular police expressed great satisfaction at this increase of their force.
In order to avoid the necessity of citizens congregating in large numbers about the depots, Mayor's office and other places, it was thought best to warn the people when danger was at hand. It was decided that if the mob arrived and commenced their work of incendiarism and pillage the alarm bell should be give ten taps. A notice was thus posted in conspicuous places to the effect that when the bell gave ten taps all good citizens should report at the Mayor's office armed, and prepared to fight for their homes. All citizens can thus feel secure until the alarm is sounded.
The following order was issued by Mayor Phillips yesterday afternoon to saloon keepers:
Mayor's Office, Allegheny, July 23, 1877.
You are hereby ordered to close your saloon forthwith, and neither sell or furnish any intoxicating liquors to any person until further orders.
O. Phillips, Mayor.
A meeting of old soldiers was held in the Ecening Mail building yesterday afternoon at two o'clock. Maj. Tyson called the meeting to order and stated the object which was to suppress riotous proceedings and to protect property from destruction.
The following paper was drawn up and numerously signed:
"We the undersigned citizens (veteran soldiers) of Allegheny, do here by pledge ourselves to protect our homes and all other property from destruction by mobs."
An election for officers to take command resulted as follows:
The meeting adjourned with the understanding that all the veterans present, and others who desired to join the ranks, would assemble at half-past seven o'clock in the evening, in the office of the Street Commissioners, second story of City Hall. The meeting took place at the time appointed, when a large number of names were enrolled and the company was armed and prepared for service.
Military are stationed and cannon mounted at all the bridges. In fact, everything that could be done for the prevention of an outbreak has been done by the authorities. The citizens heartily cooperate with them, seconding their efforts for the promotion of order and peace.
The pillagers commenced their mob yesterday morning on the South Side. The freight cars on the line of the Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston road were broken into by the thieves and a lot of flour and whisky carried away. Men, women and children were engaged in the thieving. During the morning one car of hay was fired, but the flames were speedily extinguished, and no further attempts were made at incendiarism. Two companies of the Nineteenth regiment paraded the streets for a few hours later in the morning, but it soon became evident that services were not needed, and they returned to the city. During the afternoon and evening the district was remarkably quiet. The streets were about deserted. Intelligence was received that the Mayor required a general suspension of business, and most of the stores were closed during the entire day and night. Following will be found the main features of interest:
At Alderman Hoerr's office, a crowd of about twenty citizens assembled about 9 o'clock, all of whome expressed their determination to remain up all night and protect their houses if necessary.
A vigilance committee has been formed by the citizens of the Twenty-sixth ward.
At the American Iron works, on Thirtieth street, there appears to be no fears of any disturbance among the mill hands. yesterday afternoon, however, the report was circulated that a body of miners were about to visit the company's store for the purpose of ransacking it. This rumor however, appeared to be false.
yesterday afternoon a "run" was made on the store for goods and while the clerks were engaged waiting on the customers, a crowd of thieves visited the store and carried off a considerable amount of plunder. Fears of a general raid caused the company to order the doors to be closed. The amount of stolen property could not be ascertained last night.
The report that the military were to visit the South Side last night created some excitement for a time but, as the hour of their reported arrival passed and they did not appear, matters again assumed their usual quietness.
As far as could be learned last night, there were no fears of a strike occurring in any of the mills. Although the sympathy of the workingmen are with the strikers, still they are opposed to the wanton destruction of property by the mob.
The Castle Shannon miners quit work yesterday and visited the city in a body; but they are expected to return to work to-day after their curiosity is satisfied and the excitement is abated. The Clinton Mills, South Side, Graff, Bennett & Co., will be closed to-day owing to the supply of the miners of the Castle Shannon not being at work.
The Sligo Iron Works is running and the men are in favor of putting down any attempt that might be made to create trouble among the hands. This work also depends on the Castle Shannon company for their coal supply.
Robinson, Rea & Co., engine builders, South Side, have supplied their works with a section of hose to use in case of emergency.
The Birmingham Passenger Railway Company cars were crowded all yesterday.
The passenger trains on the Pan Handle will leave as advertised from the depot, South Side, until further notice.
At the Baltimore & Ohio depot, this city, everything was quiet last evening, passenger trains being run regularly.
At the works of Singer, Nimmick & Co., everything was quiet last night.
The folks living in Keeling's houses at his works, at Twelfth and Twenty-first streets, South Side, were notified last evening to leave the house before twelve o'clock at night, if they valued their lives, and that a mob was going to burn them. One of the female occupants took the warning and was out hunting a house during the night to move before twelve. Intelligence of the threats was quickly spread and before midnight a squad of thirty men armed with clubs and revolvers were patroling the streets. The strength of the police and military forces doubtless deterred the incendiaries, as no news had been received at the time of going to press of any attempts to put their threats into execution.
The troops of the Fourteenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth regiments were called out yesterday by General Joe Brown and all day paraded the streets in squads. Accompanying the troops at different times were squads from the citizens corps. The appearance of the militia had given our peace-loving citizens more assurance. Insult was offered the troops at different places, but they paid no attention to this. Shortly after one o'clock in the afternoon Major Morton, with one of the squads, repaired to Twenty-eighth street, where they secured two of the guns which had been abandoned by Hutchinson's battery on Saturday night. The pieces were hauled into the central portion of the city and were left in Diamond Square near the market house. Soon after they were placed in position here a man named Wm. Duncan spiked the guns in quick succession, before anyone seemed to realize what this was about. He was immeidately arrested by Robert Hague and taken to the Central Station. A number of files, pieces of scrap iron and two packages of powder were found in his possession. Three [?] files were used by Duncan in plugging the guns.
About three o'clock in the afternoon the military again formed on Water and Market streets and marched up Fifth avenue, down Grant street to Liberty, out Liberty to Twenty-eight street, counter-marched back to Market. At the corner of Liberty and Grant streets they were joined by about three hundred citizens in arms. They marched in the following order: Three hundred citizens corps, seven companies of Duquesne Greys; Knap's battery, with two guns, and four companies of the Nineteenth regiment. While the Greys were at the corner of Fifth avenue and Market street, one of the crowd endeavored to take a mustket from a Grey. A great excitement ensued, but the man, whose name was not ascertained, was arrested by Chief Demmel and some policemen and taken to the central station. In this connection we may not state that the Greys did not disband on Saturday evening. They remained at their posts at Torrens station awaiting orders. On Sunday evening they marched into the city, and disbanded until yesterday morning.
The Philadelphia troops left their camp at Claremont yesterday morning, and were stationed at Blairsville intersection last night awaiting orders. Captain Breck, of Hutchinson's Battery, had telegraphic communication with General Brinton, their commander, yesterday. From Saltsburg the latter telegraphed this city: "We are not retreating. We are under orders from General Latta, which are imperative. We won't go home yet." From Blairsville intersection another and later despatch was received from General Bringon, in which he says: "We are in camp here subject to the orders of the State authorities. My troops are not demoralized. We were not driven but marched under orders having had some six men murdered in cold blood."
Second Lieutenant J. Dorsey Ash, of the Keystone Battery of Philadelphia, who was shot in the right leg below the knee, was in a very serious condition last night, and was not expected to live till daybreak. He cannot survive. His wife is expected to arrive in the city this morning. Louis Snyder is the name of the young man who fainted on Penn avenue, near Thirtieth stret, during the thrilling march. He was fearfully beaten by the mob which followed. yesterday he was on the streets in citizen's dress. He is a railroad clerk at Philadelphia. Last evening he too left for home. Col. Howard, of the Nineteenth Regiment, this city, upheld the action of the Philadelphia soldiers. He explained that the Fourteenth and Nineteenth regiments threw down their arms at the urgent requests of certain Councilmen and influential citizens, and holds that the [odinm] should rest upon those.
To the Editors of The Pittsburgh Post:
Pittsburgh, July 23.—I think it about time that a few of the Philadelphia troops and their doings here are contradicted. At some future time when all the facts are known the censure so liberally bestowed upon them will be transferred to the civil authorities and possibly a portion of it to some officers of our local military.
After the retreat into the round house the guards were mounted and a most vigilant watch kept on all avenues of approach. Several times during the night attacks were made and were quickly repulsed by the sentries alone. No general firing was permitted at any time and not a shot was fired from the much dreaded Gatling guns either on Saturday or Saturday night. They with two guns of my batter shotted with canister were kept ready for a grand attack, our spy reported, was to be made but it is needless to say never was made. The only demonstration worth mentioning was when the mob placed one of the guns stolen from my armory in position on Liberty street and endeavored to fire it. They speedily retired when opened on with sixty-five muskets, leaving several dead and wounded on the ground. They were allowed to remove all the dead and wounded, except the dead men who lay in such position that under cover of removing them they might have fired the gun. Every man who approached that gun was warned by the sentries to keep away, and no one was shot at who heeded this warning. At every point where attacks were made warning to keep away was given before firing.
The stories about the round house being bombarded are also false. Not a shot was fired at us from a field piece, nor would the gunnery of the mob, had they commenced firing, created the slightest excitement or produced the least impression. The Philadelphia men are soldiers and gentlemen, simply obeyed the orders given them, and regret very much that obedience to those orders on Saturday caused bloodshed. They are as steady and precise as regulars, and I, or so other officer could ask or care to have a better support. The round house was not evacuated till the men were suffocating from the smoke, and they retired in most excellent order. The total of casualties during the night was one man wounded in the hand and another in the arm, and both returned to duty after their wounds were dressed. I know this to be correct for I was stationed near to the improvised hospital and saw all that was going on in it. Lastily [sic] as to the alleged burning of several men. My command was the last to leave the buildings, retiring through the carpenter shop in which it is said they were burned, and none of us saw so much as a canteen left behind. I was all over all the buildings several times during the night and not a dead man was to be seen.
Captain Murphy, of the Jefferson Cavalry, remained till the last and will, I am satisfied, corroborate these statements in every particular, and when opportunity is given we will furnish a great deal of real history, and not sensational trash which cannot but injure us at home and abroad.
E. Y. Breck,
Captain Hutchinson Batter.
Erie, Pa., July 23.—The Seventh Division of PA militia, which was ordered to Pittsburgh Saturday evening from here, returned to-day by order of Gen. Hindekooper, on account of the impossibility of breaking the railroad blockade at Rochester. Several companies, which started down the Allegheny Valley railroad, were totally without ammunition, and eight companies on the Erie & Pittsburgh road had but fourteen rounds. Gen. Hindekooper made his way into Pittsburgh at midnight, on Saturday night, in citizen's dress, and pretending at Allegheny depot to be asleep, as a battery had been placed in position there to drive back troops.
On his arrival at Union Depot, he was at once placed in command by Gen. Latta, as Gen. Pearson had not been seen since the first encounter the previous night; when Hindekooper attempted to mass his troops with the Philadelphia troops at Braddocks, and smuggled 6,000 rounds of ammunition through the rioters and on to a steamer, which he boarded early Sunday morning, and went down the Ohio to his troops at Rochester. On reaching there, he found a blockade of freight, which would render progress impossible, and all telegraph wire tapped.
He then arranged to take his command up to the city on a steamer, but news of the escape of 400 Philadelphia troops from the burning round house decided him to wait for further reinforcements, as he had but 250 men with him.
The local trains on the Pennsylvania Central road now run to East Liberty, while the through trains start out from the West Penn depot in Allegheny.
Adjutant General Latta, State Secretary Quay and General Pearson escaped to Beaufort by steamboat on Saturday night, and yesterday they left for Harrisburg via of the oil regions.
Rev. Father Lambing, of St. Mary's Church, rendered efficient aid in saving the railroad property at the Point [?] this instance a rope was stretched about the depot building, and a squad of citizens under his command in the meantime guarded the property. He delivered to the crowd a sound speech which had its effect.
The streets were crowded with people all day long yesterday. Nearly all the manufacturing establishments and places of business were closed and these contributed their quota to the crowds. The ruins from Seventh avenue to Twenty-eight street were visited by thousands of citizens.
Charles Clark, who is charged with being a ringleader and inciting riot in the Pennsylvania Railroad yard Sunday evening, was committed yesterday in default of $5,000 bail. Robert Jamison, M. Moore and Mark Harris, also charged with being concerned in riot, were held in $800 bial each. A special Grand Jury has been sworn for considering the cases of the rioters and the judges are in session.
It was reported by a sensational sheet that the charred bodies of fifteen Philadelphia soldiers had been recovered from the ruins of the round house yesterday. Of course the report was false. A railroad official yesterday received an anonymous letter notifying him that the mob proposed to rob and fire his dwelling. He sought protection of a squad of police and the threats were not put into execution.
Governor Hartranft arrived in Chicago from Cheyenne yesterday and departed for the East at midnight via the Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne road.
The losses by the conflagration on Saturday and Sunday night will not fall short of five or six millions of dollars. It is impossible to ascertain in the present excited condition of affairs, the number of cars and locomotives destroyed. The invoices of all the goods stored in the cars have been saved, but it will be some time before an approximate of the value can be made.
The list of killed comprises over forty names. Nearly a hundred persons were wounded.
We wish the public to distinctly understand that before and since the destruction of property and loss of life, we conscientiously done our part in seeking a conference to settle the differences between us and the Company, but we have not even been deemed worthy of an answer from the officers of the P. R. R. Company.
2. We have used our best efforts to have communication with President Thomas A. Scott, but our requests have not been noticed. We have so far been fair and gentlemanly with the Company, seeking an arrangement and permitting them to run their passenger trains up to the present time, and which we have the power to immediately stop. Even yesterday afternoon, as one of the gentelmen of the Citizens' Committee knows (Dr. Donnelly), we went to East Liberty at the request of the Company, who sent an engine to take us out, to make an arragement for running the passenger trains from Lawrenceville, but when we arrived there we were informed that no officers were there, and we had to return to the city as best we could. We are creditably informed that President Thomas A. Scott is in the city, and we requested Dr. Donnelly to have an interview with Mr. Thaw to see if the Company is disposed to meet us on amicable terms. If we are further ignored we know our last resort, and Thomas A. Scott will continue to assuem the responsibility.
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