Notice to Travellers

After the Democratic convention nominates Bryan, the Republican State Journal ridicules Bryan as pompous and self-serving, blind to the consequences of his actions.


There is no good reason why The Journal should not be on sale by the news agent on every train in Nebraska. Travellers who fail to secure copies after asking for them are invited to communicate with this office immediately, giving the date, the train and the reason assigned by the agent for not having this paper on sale.

It worries Mr. Bryan very much to find that Mr. D. Clemdeaver is "still deluded," and refuses to withdraw from the congressional race at the command of his superior. Mr. Bryan wants it understood all the time that he is the only democrat who has a right to run for office this year, and he will pull the yellow jacket off every chap who dares to accept and keep a nomination contrary to his orders.

The investor in railroad stocks has been getting the worst of it with great regularity during the past ten years, as H. F. Newcomb shows in the October Forum:

The ratio of return to invested capital in the form of dividends [in] the capital stock of railroad companies has declined with great rapidity during the last twenty years. In 1871, with 44,614 miles of railway, the dividends paid averaged $1,265 per miles of line; in 1882, with 107,158 miles, dividends were only $952 per mile; while in 1893, with 176,461 miles, dividends had declined to an average of $572 per mile. Comparing the years 1883 and 1892, it is found that the mileage of the latter year is 55 per cent greater than that of the former, the gross earnings 45 per cent greater and the net earnings 20 per cent greater; but the aggregate sum paid in dividends per mile of line equalled [sic] 48 per cent of the average of 1883.

The attempt of Colonel Cosgrave to induce the Bryan people to establish their campaign headquarters in Lincoln before their convention adjourned was a work of supererogation. The headquarters were located here nearly a month ago by the regular populist committee. They are now running at full wind power in the Lindell hotel.

Yesterday Mr. Bryan arose early in the morning and he put on his tiara and his purple tunic and stood at the window of the World-Herald building and looked out over Babylon like Nebuchadnezzar, and said, "Is not this Babylon, and I Bryan, and is not this the city which I have chosen for the seat of my power?" The democrats may elect a man to stand behind Mr. Bryan when he rides abroad in his little chariot and occasionally lean down and whisper to him confidentially, "Remember, Bryan, thou are but man."

Bryan has no notion of expiring in the last ditch for anybody but Bryan. The republicans will see that the canal is dug and ready for occupancy when the legislature convenes.

About this Document

  • Source: Nebraska State Journal
  • Citation: 1
  • Date: September 28, 1894