Rough on Administration Democrats

Bryan's World Herald warns Democrats that Republican efforts to peel off conservative Cleveland, gold bug Democrats will end in Republican advantage.


If the purpose of the republican managers in bringing Mr. McKinley to the state was to win over democratic votes they sadly miscalculated. The western democrat is a tariff reformer from the ground up and the last man on earth to make a republican out of him or to reconcile him to a republican ticket is the great champion of protection, Governor McKinley.

The republicans have been boasting that administration democrats would vote the republican ticket because of their opposition to the populist candidates who were nominated upon the democratic ticket. It was rather unkind in the managers to allow Mr. McKinley to abuse Cleveland's administration and attribute all things bad to the influence of that administration. If the republicans will only bring Tom Reed out here they will entirely lose whatever chance they have had of getting a democratic vote for the republican ticket.

It is well that this display of partisanship was made prior to the election, for it will show the democrats what they may expect if they aid in a republican victory. Just at this time the republican press has kind words for any democrat whom it thinks it possible to beguile into voting the republican ticket, but after the election the republican party, if successful, will return to its denunciation of democrats, and those who assisted the republicans will have the pleasure of receiving all of the abuse which as heretofore been the lot of democrats and which is just now the lot of the populists also. If the republicans expect to win over democrats they must emply different tactics from those resorted to by Governor McKinley and the other republican orators.

About this Document

  • Source: Omaha World Herald
  • Citation: 4
  • Date: October 8, 1894