BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 1.—[Special.]—The democratic primaries are a thing of the past and the administration fellows are around tonight with lanterns and a search warrant, trying to discover what has become of the influence which Mr. Bryan was expecting to have on the result, which is undoubtedly overwhelmingly a victory for the Cleveland democrats throughout the county. The county convention will be theirs, to do with it as they see fit. Just to keep their courage up, however, the opposition claim they will make a showing, but no one believes them and it is seriously doubted if they do. The contest here in Beatrice came near taking on an amusing phase if all accounts are true. It is said a meeting of the populist city central committee was held to discuss the advisability of getting out and assisting the Bryan fellows, but the plan was not carried out. Someone telegraphed the news to Mr. Bryan this evening breaking it to him as gently as possible. The administration fellows carried every ward in Beatrice. They also carried Wymore by ten votes. It is now believed that the Byanites [sic] will not have over ten or twelve delegates in the county convention. In Wymore the Bryan ticket was headed with his name as a candidate for United States senator.
A. R. Demster left today for Des Moines to attend the state fair.
A. R. Jeettner of Chicago, who as been a guest of Dr. J. S. Armstrong for a few days, left today.
Mrs. A. M. T. Miller, one of the widest known women in Gage county, died this morning at her home near Pickerell.
About twenty young people from Wilber arrived in the city today and will camp out on the Chautauqua grounds for a week.
It is generally understood that the B. P. A. intend bringing mandamus proceedings against the city council to compel them to revoke the Moulton saloon license.
John. W. Evans and daughter of Bloomington, Ill., who have been sojourning at Hot Springs, S. D., for several weeks, are visiting Beatrice friends.
A number of the Royal Neighbors gave Mr. H. F. Norcross a surprise at his home on High street last night. The occasion was in celebration of Mr. Norcross' birthday.
E. D. Wheelock, who recently engaged in the commission business; tonight received a carload of fruit direct from California, the first shipment of the kind ever received in Beatrice.
The August mortgage record for Gage county is as follows: Farm mortgages filed, 29; amount, $41,702; released, 29; amount, $51,503; city mortgages filed, 18; amount, $8,205; released, 34; amount, $14,580.
The fall term of school at the institute for the feeble-minded opens Monday. Only about 10 per cent of the scholars went home during vacations and these are now returning on every train.
Dr. C. P. Fall has received an appointment on the board of pension medical examiners to take the place of Dr. Sizer. The appointment meets with perfect satisfaction and the doctor's friends from all parties are congratulating him.
The Adams, Pacific and United States express offices in Beatrice are to be consolidated under one management, and the friends of H. M. Byerly, manager of the Adams, are pleased to know that he is to be given the management. G. F. Salle, manager for the two other companies, will take a run between here and Valley on the Union Pacific.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Sept. 1.—[Special.]—John Flavin, a gay and somewhat tough farmer lad, came to town today and as usual, filled up with bad whisky. Tonight while in a fighting mood he got into a dispute with Rollie Curtis, the nineteen-year-old son of Amos E. Curtis of the Valley hotel. A fight was decided upon and the two young men, who were greatly intoxicated, repaired to an alley for the fray. Curtis proved the better man and got his antagonist down, when Flavin drew a knife and inflicted wounds upon his assailant that promise to be of a fatal character. Three ugly gashes were cut—one in the stomach, one in the thigh, and another in the side. The first is the most sever, as the intestines are somewhat lacerated. Officers immediately jugged the ferocious farmer lad.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 1. —[Special.]—Walter Hand, the young man brought back to Fremont from Crawford, Neb., a few days ago on a charge of disposing of mortgaged property, had his preliminary hearing today before Justice Wintersteen. He waived examination and his bond for appearance before the district court was fixed at $250. He could not furnish the bond and went back to jail. Joseph Craig, a [back] driver and an important witness for the state, was placed under $100 bonds for appearance at the trial.
The prairie fire reported last night northeast of the city destroyed twenty-one stacks of hay for H. E. Griswold, causing a loss of over $1,000.
The engineers of the Fremont Canal & Power company have just completed the survey of a second and much longer line on a different route of the power canal, which it is thought may prove more acceptable to the capitalists than the line first surveyed, though both lines are now thoroughly in hand by the company for presentation to investors.
On the 15th inst. the American and Pacific Express companies will consolidate their two offices in Fremont to cut down expenses. The consolidated concerns will be managed by F. P. McLain, present manager of the American. The office will be where the American office now is in the Fremont National bank building on Main street. Agent Livingston of the Pacific will go to Omaha.
RED CLOUD, Neb., Sept. 1. —[Special.]—About 2 o'clock this morning fire broke out in the upper rooms of the Farmers and Merchants bank building. The interior of the building was severely scorched. The fire was subdued. The building was insured.
WAHOO, Neb., Sept. 1. —[Special.]—Today John F. Sherman, formerly editor of the Democrat, takes charge of the Wahoo postoffice [sic] . He is succeeded as editor of the Democrat by Charles S. White, a young man of wide newspaper experience.
PLAINVIEW, Neb., Sept. 1. —[Special.]—It has been decided by the incorporators of the Plainview Normal College association to open the school September 11 in the Commercial hotel building until the college building is completed, which will be some time in 1895. Prof. J. E. Mannix, late of Ohio, has been secured as president. Mr. Mannix is an educator of wide reputation, and the association feels elated in securing him.
OAKDALE, Neb., Sept. 1. —[Special]—The preliminary hearing in the case of the State vs. Albert L. Comstock was had before Justice Malzacher. Comstock was charged with having stolen a span of horses alleged to be the property of John N. Mills. Comstock was discharged.
"Jewel" gas stoves at Lahr's, 936 P street.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 1. —Mrs. Phoebe Arabella Palmer of Boston, Mass., has twice tried the South Dakota divorce courts to obtain a legal separation from Elihu B. Palmer, a retail boot and shoe dealer of Boston. Palmer seems to be a jolly good fellow, who is a member of every secret society known. He was naturally out a great deal in the evening attending lodge. Mrs. Palmer asked Judge Aikens in 1893 for a divorce on the ground of cruelty. One of the acts complained of was that Palmer would often come in late at night and go stomping up stairs with his shoes on. This lack of consideration on Mr. Palmer's part made Mrs. Palmer wakeful and unhappy, but Judge Aikens refused to grant the divorce. She began a second action before Judge Jones on the charge of [de er on]. The judge has just announced that he will not be able to grant the divorce on the showing made. Mrs. Palmer is very wealthy, while her husband is less fortunate in the amount of his worldly possessions. She is now at Providence, R. I., living with a sister.
OTTUMWA, Ia., Sept. 1 —A sensational breach of promise case has been started in the district court here. Phoebe Irwin, a spinster of fifty-five years, brings suit against Rev. Christopher Lazenburg, a superannuated Methodist minister eighty years of age, for a large sum of blighted affections. Lazenburg has preached in various portions of this state and is widely known in the conference. Plaintiff avers in her petition that defendant sought her hand in marriage; that his suit was accepted and the day for the nuptial knot set. The reverend gentleman, however, had occasion to make a trip to Paris before the time appointed for the wedding, and when he returned his affection for the plaintiff had cooled.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.—[Special]—Secretary Carlisle settled the Omaha bank fight today by designating as United States depositories to be continued the First National, United States National, Merchants' National and Nebraska National, and discontinuing the Omaha National. It is understood that the First National, United States and Merchants' are designated for $100,000 each, the Nebraska National for $50,000. There are at this time five depositories, as follows: First National for $150,000, United States national, Nebraska and Merchants' National for $50,000.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.—Chaplain Henry Plummer, one of the officers in the army, is in trouble. Orders have been issued by the war department for his trial by court-martial on the charge of drunkenness, and the trial will take place at Ft. Robinson, Neb. Chaplain Plummer, who holds the rank of captain, is attached to the Ninth cavalry, a negro regiment. He was born in Maryland and appointed to his present position from that state by President Arthur in 1884.
The Union Pacific is the official route for the Nebraska veterans. Call on Union Pacific [agents] for rates and [particulars], 1044 O street.
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