The Depot On Fire
This article from the July 21, 1877 issue of the Baltimore Sun gives an account of a depot fire not far from Camden Station.

The depot building proper was crowded with persons until about 9 o'clock, when some disturbance occurred, and the police force cleared the front of the building, while the military occupied the platforms, where it was determined the soldiers should remain during the night.
At 10 o'clock P. M. a rush of rioters was made to the dispatcher's office, on Lee street, and a in a minute it was seen that the lower portion of the building and sheds was on fire. The crowd there at the time was very dense. A passenger car was also set on fire, and the engine - No. 410 - which was to carry out the troops, was badly damaged. The smoke and flames rolling up were sensibly felt at Camden Station, and it was feared that they would communicate with and destroy it.
The fire department was promptly on hand, but was stopped by the rioters and not allowed to go to work. A that time the rioters on Lee street were fired on and dispersed after a brief resistance, and the flames were extinguished before proceeding far up on the sheds of the company.