William Jennings Bryan and the Railroad

1896 Campaign




September 28

New Haven, CT (Excerpt)

Omaha World-Herald (Morning Edition), Omaha, NE, 29 September, 1896.

"I entered New England when I entered Connecticut and I will leave New England when I leave Connecticut today. My visit has been a very pleasant one and I shall carry away with me only agreeable recollections." (Someone in the crowd: "There are no Yale students here today, Mr. Bryan.")


"Do not criticize the boys too harshly. I am not inclined to criticize them as severely as some others have done. I have been a college boy myself, and I am inclined to attribute their interruptions more to youthful exuberation than to any deliberate intention to interfere with free speech. (Cheers.) I shall always be glad to return to New Haven when circumstances will permit, and I am sure that whatever may be my subject, I will be able to find persons here who are willing to listen, even if they do not agree. (Great applause.) I am glad to notice the growth of the silver sentiment in New England. I believe it has grown in this state within the last few days, and I am sure the more the subject is studied in New England the more supporters free silver will have."

© Nathan Sanderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008