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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864.
Table of Contents
Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant , U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864 - May, 1865 .
Summary of the principal events. of some of the minor events noted in this summary no circumstantial reports are on file. All such are designated in the index.
Reports etc., of this campaign
No. 1. reports of Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman , U. S. Army, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi.
No. 2: organization of the Union (field) forces, commanded by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman , in the Atlanta campaign, May 3 - September
No. 3. reports of Lieut. Cot . Edward D. Kittoe , U. S. Army, medical inspector.
No. 4. report of Brig. Gen. William F. Barry , U. S. Army, Chief of artillery.
No. 5. report of Capt. Thomas G. Baylor , ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, Chief of ordnance.
No. 6. report of Capt. Orlando M. Poe , Corps of Engineers, U, S. Army, Chief engineer, of operations July 1 - October 31, 1864 .
No. 7. reports of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas , U. S. Army, commanding Army of the Cumberland.
Inclosure no. 2.
No. 8. reports of Surg. George E. Cooper , U. S. Army, medical Director.
No. 9. reports of Brig. Gen. John M. Brannan , U. S. Army, Chief of Ar tillery.
No. 10. report of Capt. John Rziha , Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, acting engineer officer, of operations September 1 - 2, 1864 .
No. 11. report of Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard , U. S. Army, commanding Fourth Army Corps, of operations May 1 - July 27, 1864 .
No. 12. report of Maj. Gen. David S. Stanley , U. S. Army, commanding Fourth Army Corps, of operations July 27 - September 8 .
No. 13. report of Surg. J. Theodore heard, U. S. Army, medical Director.
No. 14. report of Maj. Gen. David S. Stanley , U. S. Army, commanding First Division, of operations May 3 - July 26 .
From the evacuation by the enemy of Dalton to the evacuation of Resaca.
From the evacuation of Resaca to the evacuation of the line of the Etowah.
From the crossing of the Etowah to the crossing of the Chattahoochee.
From the crossing of the Chattahoochee to the siege of Atlanta.
No. 15. report of Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball , U. S. Army, commanding First Division, of operations August 4 - September 8 .
No. 16. report of Col. Isaac M. Kirby , one hundred and First Ohio Infantry, commanding First brigade.
No. 17. report of Capt. William H. Jamison , Twenty-first Illinois Infantry, of operations June 3 - September 8 .
No. 18. report of Lieut. Col. William T. Chapman , Thirty-eighth Illinois Infantry, of operations May 28 - September 8 .
No. 19. report of Brig. Gen. Walter C. Whitaker , U. S. Army, commanding Second brigade, of operations May 3 - June 30 .
No. 20. report of Col. Jacob E. Taylor , Fortieth Ohio Infantry, commanding Second brigade, of operations June 30 - September 8 .
No. 21. report of Maj. George Hicks , Ninety-sixth Illinois Infantry, of operations June 21 - September 8 .
No. 22. report of Lieut. Col. Augustus G. Tassin , Thirty-fifth Indiana Infantry, of operations July I- September 8 .
No. 23. report of Brig. Ge. William Grose , U. S. Army, commanding Third brigade.
No. 24. report of Col. P. Sidney Post , Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, commanding Third brigade, of operations July 27 - August 7 .
No. 25. report of Col. John E. Bennett , Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding Third brigade, of operations September 4 - 8 .
No. 26. report of Col. John E. Bennett , Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry.
No. 27. report of Maj. James M. Stookey , Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, commanding Eightieth Illinois Infantry, of operations June 7 - September 8 .
No. 28. report of Col. Isaac C. B. Suman , Ninth Indiana Infantry.
No. 29. report of Lieut. Col. Orrin D. Ihurd , Thirtieth Indiana Infantry.
No. 30. report of Capt. John C. Taylor , Eighty-fourth Indiana Infantry, of operations August 16 - September 8 .
No. 31. report of Col. Thomas E. Rose , Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.
No. 32. reports of Brig. Gen. John Newton , U. S. Army, commanding Second Division.
No. 33. report of Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball , U. S. Army, commanding First brigade, of operations May 22 - August 4 .
No. 34. report of Col. Emerson Opdycke , one hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio Infantry, commanding First brigade, of operations August 6 - September 8 .
No. 35. report of Lieut. Col. Porter C. Olson , Thirty-sixth Illinois Infantry.
No. 36. report of Lieut. Col. John Russell , Forty-fourth Illinois Infantry.
No. 37. report of Maj. Thomas W. Motherspaw , Seventy-third Illinois Infantry.
No. 38. report of Capt. Thomas J. Bryan , Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry.
No. 39. report of Lieut. Col. George W. Smith , Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry.
No. 40. report of Col. Bernard Laiboldt , Second Missouri Infantry, of operations August 14 - 15 ( Wheeler 's raid).
No. 41. report of Col. Joseph Conrad , Fifteenth Missouri Infantry.
No. 42. report of Maj. Arthur MacARTHURrthur, jr. , Twenty-Fourth Wisconsin Infantry.
No. 43. report of Brig. Gen. George D. Wagner , U. S. Army, commanding Second brigade.
No. 44. report of Lieut. Col. Willis Blanch , Fifty-seventh Indiana Infantry.
No. 45. report of Maj. Norris T. Peatman , Twenty-sixth Ohio Infantry.
No. 46. report of Brig. Gen. Luther P. Bradley , U. S. Army, commanding Third brigade.
Addenda: report of casualties of the Third brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, during the month of May, 1864 .
No. 47. report of Maj. Frederick A. Atwater , Forty-second Illinois Infantry.
No. 48. report of Capt. Albert M. Tilton , Fifty-first Illinois Infantry.
No. 49. report of Lieut. Col. Terrence Clark , Seventy-ninth Illinois Infantry.
No. 50. report of Lieut. Col. Robert C. Brown , Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
No. 51. report of Col. Emerson Opdycke , one hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 3 - 14 .
No. 52. report of Lieut. Col. David H. Moore , one hundred and twentyfifth Ohio Infantry, of operations Mlay 14- September 8 .
No. 53. reports of Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood , U. S. Army, commanding Third Division.
No. 54. report of Col. Charles T. Hotchkiss , Eighty-ninth illinois Infantry, commanding First brigade.
No. 55. report of Col. William I. Gibson , Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry, commanding First brigade, of operations August 2 .
No. 56. report of Lieut. Col. William D. Williams , Eighty-ninth Illinois Infantry.
No. 57. report of Lieut. Col. James M. Graham , Eighth Kansas Infantry, of operations June 28 - September 8 .
No. 58. report of Col. Frank Askew , Fifteenth Ohio Infantry.
No. 59. report of Lieut. Col. Samuel F. Gray , Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry.
No. 60. report of Lieut. Col. Ole C. Johnson , Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry.
No. 61. report of Brig. Gen. William B. Hazen , U. S. Army, commanding Second brigade, of operations May 3 - August 17 .
No. 62. report of Col. P. Sidney Post , Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, comnmanding Second brigade, of operations August 19 - September 8 .
No. 63. report of Col. P. Sidney Post , Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, of operations May 3 - July 27 .
No. 64. report of Capt. Samuel West , Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, of operations August 24 - September 8 .
No. 65. report of Lieut. Col. Robert L. Kimberly , Forty-first Ohio Infantry, commanding regiment and demi-brigade.
No. 66. report of Col. Henry K. McConnell , Seventy-first Ohio Infantry, of operations August 9 - September 8 .
No. 67. reports of Lieut. Col. Daniel Bowman , Ninety-third Ohio Infantry.
No. 68. report of Col. Oliver H. Payne , one hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Infantry, including operations of Ninety-third Ohio Infantry, May 6 - August 19 .
No. 69. report of Col. Frederick Knefler , Seventy-ninth Indiana Infantry, commanding Third brigade.
No. 70. report of Capt. Eli F. Ritter , Seventy-ninth Indiana Infantry.
No. 71. report of Col. George F. Dick , Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry.
No. 72. report of Lieut. Col. Chesley D. Bailey , Ninth Kentucky Infantry, of operations May 3 - June 26 .
No. 73. report of Col. George H. Cram , Ninth Kentucky Infantry, of operations June 26 - September 8 .
No. 74. report of Col. Alexander M. Stout , Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry,
No. 75. report of Maj. Joseph T. Snider , Thirteenth Ohio Infantry.
No. 76. report of Lieut. Col. Henry G-. Stratton , Nineteenth Ohio Infantry.
No. 77. report of Capt. Robert H. Higgins , Fifty-ninth Ohio Infantry.
No. 78. report of Capt. Lyman Bridges , Illinois Light artillery, corn. Manding artillery brigade, Fourth Army Corps.
No. 79. report of Capt. Peter Simonson , Fifth Indiana Battery, Chief of artillery, First Division, of operations May 3 - June 9 .
No. 80. report of Capt. George W. Spencer , Battery M, First Illinois Light artillery.
No. 81. report of Lieut. Lyman A. White , Bridges' (Illinois) Battery.
No. 82. report of Lieut. George H. Briggs , Fifth Indiana Battery.
No. 83. report of Capt. Wilbur F. Goodspeed , Battery a, First Ohio Light artillery.
No. 84. report of Capt. Frederick Schultz , Battery M, First Ohio Light artillery, of operations June 24 - September 8 .
No. 85. report of Capt. Cullen Bradley , Sixth Ohio Battery.
No. 86. report of Capt. Jacob Ziegler , Battery B, Pennsylvania Light artillery.
No. 87. report of Maj. Gen. John M. Palmer , U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations May 30 , and itinerary of the Corps, May 6 - September 8 .
No. 88. report of Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson , U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 7 .
No. 89. reports of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis , U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 22 - September 8 .
No. 90. report of Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson , U. S. Army, commanding First Division, of operations May 3 - June 13 and July 13 - August 7 .
No. 91. report of Brig. Gen. William P. Carlin , U. S. Army, commanding First Division, of operations August 17 - September 8 .
No. 92. journal of the First brigade.
No. 93. report of Lieut. Col. Douglas Hapeman , one hundred and fourth Illinois Infantry.
No. 94. report of Lieut. Col. William T. B. Biicintire , Forty-second Indiana Infantry.
No. 95. report of Lieut. Col. Cyrus E. Briant , Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry.
No. 96. report of Lieut. Col. William G. Halpin , Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry.
No. 97. report of Capt. Thaddeus A. Minshall , Thirty-third Ohio Infantry.
No. 98. report of Lieut. Col. Rue P. Hutchins , Ninety-fourth Ohio Infantry.
No. 99. report of Maj. Michael H. Fitch , Twenty-first Wisconsin Infantry.
No. 100. reports of Maj. John R. Edie , Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Second brigade.
No. 101. report of Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Brigham , Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 8 - August 25 .
No. 102. report of Capt. Lewis E. Hicks , Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry, of operations August 25 - September 2 .
No. 103. reports of Capt. Horace Jewett , Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding First Battalion.
No. 104. reports of Capt. William S. Aicman us, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Second Battalion.
No. 105. reports of Capt. Robert P Barry , Sixteenth U. S. Infantry.
No. 106. report of Capt. George W. Smith , Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, of operations May 3 - July 17 .
No. 107. report of Capt. Lymani M. Kellogg , Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, of operations June 14 - September 1 .
No. 108. reports of Capt. Robert B. Hull , Eighteenth U. S. Infantry.
No. 109. report of Capt. William J. Fetterman , Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Second Battalion, of operations May 4 - July 5 .
No. 110. reports of Capt. James Mooney , Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, comrn manding First Battalion.
No. 111. reports of Col. Benjamin F. Scribner , Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry, commanding Third brigade, of operations May 7 - July 5 .
No. 112. reports of Col. Marshall F. Moore , Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry, commanding Third brigade, of operations July 15 - September 8 .
No. 113. report of Lieut. Col. William D. Ward , Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry.
No. 114. report of Maj. Thomas V. Kimble , Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry, of operations May 27 - June 6 .
No. 115. reports of Lieut. Col. Daniel F. Griffin , Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry.
No. 116. reports of Lieut. Col. Arnold McMahan , Twenty-first Ohio Infantry.
No. 117. report of Col. Josiah given, Seventy-fourth Ohio Infantry, of operations M]iay 7- July 5 and August 16 - September 5 .
No. 118. report of Maj. Joseph Fisher , Seventy-fourth Ohio Infantry, of operations July 5 - August 15 .
No. 119. report of Col. William Sirwell , Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry, of operations August 14 - 15 ( Wheeler 's raid).
No. 120. report of Maj. Michael H. Locher , Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry.
No. 121. report of Cot. Henry A. Hambright , Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, of operations May 24 .
No. 122. report of Lieut. Col. George B. Bingham , First Wisconsin Ini fantry.
No. 123. reports of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis , U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, of operations May 1 - August 22 .
No. 124. reports of Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan , U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, of operations August 23 - September 8 .
No. 125. reports of Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan , U. S. Army, commanding First brigade, of operations May 1 - August 23 .
No. 126. report of Col. Charles M. Lum , Tenth Michigan Infantry, commanding First brigade, of operations August 24 - September 8 .
No. 127. report of Capt. George C. Lusk , Tenth Illinois Infantry, of operations May 1 - August 20 .
No. 128. reports of Lieut. Col. James B. Cahill , Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
No. 129. report of Col. William B. Anderson , Sixtieth Illinois Infantry.
No. 130. report of Col. Charles M. Lum , Tenth Michigan Infantry, of operations May 16 - August 27 .
No. 131. report of Capt. William H. Dunphy , Tenth Michigan Infantry, of operations August 27 - September 8 .
No. 132. reports of Col. Henry R. Mizner , Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, of operations June 4 - September 5 .
No. 133. report of Maj. Joel O. Martin , Seventeenth New York Infantry, of operations September 1 .
No. 134. report of Col. John G. Mitchell , one hundred and thirteenth Ohio Infantry, commanding Second brigade.
No. 135. report of Lieut. Col. Oscar Van Tassell , Thirty-fourth .Illinois Infantry.
No. 136. report of Lieut. Col. Maris R. Vernon , Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry.
No. 137. report of Lieut. Col. John S. Pearce , Ninety-eighth Ohio Infantry.
No. 138. report of Capt. Toland Jones , one hundred and thirteenth Ohio Infantry.
No. 139. report of Col. Henry B. Banning , one hundred and twenty-first Ohio Infantry.
No. 140. report of Lieut. Col. James W. Langley , one hundred and twentyfifth Illinois Infantry, commanding Third brigade.
No. 141. report of Capt. James R. Griffith , Eighty-fifth Illinois Infantry.
No. 142. report of Lieut. Col. Allen L. Fahnestock , Eighty-sixth Illinois Inf antry.
No. 143. Revort of Lieut. Col. E. Hibbard Topping , one hundred and tenth Illinois Infantry.
No. 144. report of Capt. George W. Cook , one hundred and twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry.
No. 145. report of Capt. William H. Snodgrass , Twenty-second Indiana Infantry.
No. 146. report of Maj]. James T. Holmes , Fifty-second Ohio Infantry.
No. 147. reports of Brig. Gen. Absalom Baird , U. S. Army, commanding Third Division.
Battle of Jonesborough.
No. 148. reports of Col. Moses B. Walker , Thirty-First Ohio Infantry, commanding First brigade.
No. 149. reports of Cot. Morton C. Hunter , Eighty-second Indiana Infantry.
No. 150. reports of Col. William P. Robinson , Twenty-third Missouri Infantry, of operations July 10 - September 8 .
No. 151. report of Lieut. Col. Ogden Street , Eleventh Ohio Infantry, of operations May 7 - 30 .
No. 152. reports of Col. Durbin Ward , Seventeenth Ohio Infantry.
No. 153. reports of Lieut. Col. Frederick W. Lister , Thirty-first Ohio Infantry.
No. 154. report of Maj. John H. Jolly , Eighty-ninth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 7 - June 1 .
No. 155. reports of Col. Caleb H. Carlton , Eighty-ninth Ohio Infantry, of operations June 1 - September 8 .
No. 156. reports of Col. Benjamin D. Fearing , Ninety-second Ohio Infantry.
No. 157. reports of Col. Newell Gleason , Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry, commanding Second brigade.
No. 158. reports of Maj. Cyrus J. McCole , Seventy-fifth Indiana Infantry.
No. 159. reports of Lieut. Col. Edwin P. Hammond , Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry.
No. 160. Repodis of Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan , one hundred and first Indiana Infantry.
No. 161. reports of Lieut. Col. Judson W. Bishop , Second Minnesota Infantry.
No. 162. reports of Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins , one hundred and fifth Ohio Infantry.
No. 163. reports of Col. George P. Este , Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, commanding Third brigade.
No. 164. reports of Col. William H. Hays , Tenth Kentucky Infantry.
No. 165. report of Maj. John W. Wilson , Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 10 - August 20 .
No. 166. report of Capt. George W. Kirk , Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, of operations September 1 .
No. 167. report of Col. William A. Choate , Thirty-eighth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 10 - August 15 .
No. 168. report of Maj. Charles Houghtaling , First Illinois Light artillery, Chief of artillery, Fourteenth Army Corps.
No. 169. report of Capt. Mark H. Prescott , Battery C, First Illinois Light artillery.
No. 170. report of Capt. Charles M. Barnett , Battery I, Second Illinois Light artillery.
No. 171. report of Capt. Otho H. Morgan , Seventh Indiana Battery.
No. 172. report of Lieut. William P. Stackhouse , Nineteenth Indiana Battery, of operations May 7 - August 31 .
No. 173. report of Capt. Milton A. Osborne , Twentieth Indiana Battery, of operations August 14 - September 2 .
No. 174. report of Lieut. Joseph McKnight , Fifth Wisconsin Battery.
Appendix: journal of the Atlanta campaign, kept at headquarters of the Fourth Army Corps, by Lieut. Col. Joseph S. Fullerton , Assistant Adjutant General. original received and filed in the War Department August 31, 1891 , too late for insertion in its proper order. This journal, together with a journal of the Franklin and Nashville campaign (to appear in Vol. Xlv), was sealed up immediately after the battle of Nashville and was not opened until it was received at the War Department. The officer who compiled it had not, therefore, an opportunity to revise or read it over. It is published just as written during the daily progress of the campaign.