headquarters Fourth Army Corps, medical Director's office,
18, 1864
Sir: I have the honor to submit the following brief report of such points as relate to the operations of the medical department of this corps during the recent campaign :
The Fourth Army Corps participated in all the movements, skirmishes, and battles in which the Army of the Cumberland was engaged.
It moved from Cleveland, Tenn., on the
3d day of May
, and on the
of that month encountered the cavalry pickets of the rebel army near Catoosa Springs, and formed connection with the other corps of the Army of the Cumberland at that point.
From that time until the 7th of the present month it was engaged in a series of skirmishes and battles, the most prominent of which are Tunnel Hill, Buzzard Roost, Resaca, Calhoun, Adairsville, Kingston, Dallas, Kenesaw, and Atlanta.
The system of brigade hospitals was abolished at the outset of the campaign, and that of division hospitals established, as
by Circular No. 4, of
25, 1863
, from the
Surgeon-General's Office.
This system, with a few modifications, was also ordered as a permanent organization, and at the present time is in full and
successful operation.
The frequent changes in the position of the troops necessitated almost a daily change in the location of these hospitals.
They were, however, always within easy distance of the command, and were conducted by the chief surgeons of divisions, and by the surgeons in charge, with energy and ability.
Operations were primary, and every possible attention and care given to the patients.
Medical and commissary supplies were abundant, except during the three weeks that the army was in front of Dallas, or New Hope Church, and far distant from the depot of supplies.
However, although at that time they were not abundant, yet they proved sufficient, and at no time have patients suffered from
the want of such supplies.
All wounded and seriously ill were sent to the rear as rapidly as transportation could be procured.
This was rendered absolutely necessary by the constant forward movement of the army.
The total number of hospital tents and extra flys in use at the three division hospitals of the corps was as follows: Hospital tents complete, 64; extra flys, 60.
This amount of canvas proved sufficiently ample to cover all the wounded and seriously sick, which it was necessary to provide
for at any one time.
In fact, the amount of transportation (six wagons to a division) allowed for hospital purposes will not permit of a larger supply of tents being carried.
The following figures, taken from the weekly.
reports, show the number of cases treated in this corps from the
3d of May
to the
10th of September
: Taken sick, 13,380; wounded, 5,562; returned to duty, 10,689; sent to general hospital, 8,327; died, 397.
Of the number sent to general hospital, many have already returned to their commands.
The frequent movements of the army, the constant skirmishing and fighting, the bad roads, and especially the inclemency of
the season at the early part of the campaign, were obstacles which called into play all the energies of the medical officers of the corps, and of the officers of the ambulance corps.
Too much praise cannot be given these officers for their untiring zeal and hearty co-operation.
The ambulance corps was not organized until after the campaign had commenced, consequently many and serious obstacles had to be overcome; but
notwithstanding the many unavoidable drawbacks this corps proved efficient, and at the present time promises still greater
Early in
forty-nine new ambulances were drawn, by order of the medical director of the department, which filled a deficiency which had existed from the commencement of the campaign.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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