Hdqrs. Firt Division, Fourth Army Corps,
I have the honor to state that at 12 m. on the
3d day of May
the First Division, under my command, marched from its camp at Blue Springs, under orders to move to Catoosa Springs.
The division took the main road to Dalton, and encamped the same night
one mile
south of Red Clay
Marching early the next morning, we reached Catoosa Springs at noon, near
's house.
's cavalry, which was in advance of the infantry, exchanged shots with the rebel pickets, who ran away in the direction of Tunnel Hill.
We remained in camp the 5th and 6th, and on the morning of the?th marched for Tunnel Hill, this division leading.
After passing
's house the main road leading down the base of Rocky Face was taken.
Skirmishers were deployed, and the enemy's skirmishers were soon encountered.
We found the road obstructed by fallen trees, but all difficulties were soon overcome, and we soon found ourselves in sight
of the enemy's intrenchments upon Tunnel Hill.
As the force of the enemy was entirely uncertain,
, with the First Brigade, was directed to attack the line in front, and
Brig. Gen.
, with the Second Brigade, was sent to move down the ridge near Rocky Face and attack in flank.
This movement at once dislodged the rebels, who seemed to have only cavalry and artillery.
, chief of artillery, who promptly brought forward a section of rifled guns of the Fifth Indiana Battery, had a few fine shots at the retiring cavalry, and hurried their pace.
The division was formed in line of battle facing east, having before us Rocky Face, the summit of which we could observe occupied by the enemy in quite strong force.
In getting possession of Tunnel Hill the division lost 4 men wounded.
Early on the morning of the 8th the division advanced in line of battle to within 400 or
500 yards of Rocky Face
The enemy still held some round hills intrenched at the entrance of Buzzard Roost Gap, from which they annoyed the division by a flank fire.
In the afternoon
formed, a force to charge these hills, and
turning his batteries upon them they very easily fell into our hands.
The skirmishers of this division advanced with those of
' division, driving the rebels into their intrenchments and developing the full strength of the position before us. Early the next morning
our skirmishers pushed up to the foot of the palisades under cover of the brushwood, and maintained a constant fire with the
enemy all day. In the evening I received orders to press the enemy strongly in the gorge of Buzzard Roost.
This duty was assigned
with his own regiment (the Ninety-sixth Illinois) and Eighty-fourth Indiana,
Our men drove the rebels quickly to their main lines, and pushed up to the foot of the perpendicular rocks of the mountain
and maintained themselves until night, when all but the pickets were withdrawn.
The fire of the enemy was severe, much of it coming almost from overhead.
Our loss in this affair was 50 or 60 men killed and wounded.
, Eighty-fourth Indiana, a brave and devoted officer, here received a mortal wound.
During the 10th we occupied our position, slight skirmishing going on. The enemy varied the performance by throwing shells into the valley
we occupied from some howitzers they had dragged to the top of the ridge.
On the morning of the 11th we made arrangements to relieve
' division in the occupancy of the hills commanding the entrance to Buzzard Roost Gap.
It being reported that the enemy was leaving, a reconnaissance was ordered toward evening.
This was made by the First Brigade,
The Thirty-first Indiana and One hundred and first Ohio were deployed as skirmishers, and pushing boldly forward drove the enemy from his first line (an intrenched picket-line), but were met by a heavy fire of musketry and artillery.
Our men maintained their position until dark, and during the night, having relieved
' troops, we threw up works facing those of the enemy, and about 600 yards from them.
This reconnaissance cost us, as upon the 9th, about 50 men killed and wounded.
During the 12th we watched the enemy closely, the Fourth being the only corps before Dalton.
Early on the morning of the 13th we learned the rebels had left their works.
As soon as the evacuation of his works by the enemy was known, we started in pursuit.
Passing through Dalton we moved down the Sugar Valley road.
The enemy left but little behind him but his well-built earth-works.
A few cavalry opposed our progress.
We camped at night about
nine miles
south of Dalton
, camping in line of battle, facing toward Tilton, our backs to Rocky Face.
On the morning of the 14th the division marched toward Tilton, to ascertain if any of the enemy remained in that direction.
Upon reaching the main Dalton and
Resaca road
I received orders to move south toward Resaca, this division being the only one on that road and forming the left flank of the army.
The division advanced to within about
two and a half miles of Resaca
, driving in the skirmishers of the enemy; but as
's division, on our right, had not yet come up, and as firing was heard in rear of our right, the division was halted and directed to
At 2 p. m.
advanced and made connection with the right of this division, and we advanced together until stopped by the heavy fire of
artillery coming from the enemy's works.
I received about this time an order from the general commanding the corps to hold the Dalton road running by my left flank.
To do this I stationed
's brigade upon the left of the road, posting two of his regiments upon a round-topped hill about 100 yards from the road, and directing them to intrench themselves.
These troops were not yet in position when the enemy was seen forming to attack them in flank, and word was at once sent the
corps and department commanders of this fact.
In the mean time
's battery, which had been advanced, was, as a matter of caution, withdrawn and posted to sweep the open ground to the rear of the threatened
The attack came about an hour before sundown, and perpendicular to my line.
The Thirty-first Indiana, stationed upon the round-topped hill, found itself fired into from three directions.
They did the best they could under the circumstances; they got out of the way with such order as troops can hurrying through
a thick brush.
Directing their attack more to our rear than flank, the One hundred and first Ohio and Eighty-first Indiana were soon driven back, and the enemy was bursting exultingly upon the open field when
opened on them with canister, which soon broke and dispersed that attack.
The enemy formed in the woods and attempted to cross the open field again, but met the same savage shower of canister.
's brigade, of the Twentieth Corps, had also arrived and formed facing the attack.
The broken regiments of the First Brigade hPad reformed near the battery, and the enemy was easily repulsed with very severe loss to him. The troops of the brigade
did as well as could be expected, situated as they were.
Attacked in flank, and greatly outnumbered, they could only get out of the way the best they could.
Had it not been for the timely aid of the battery it would have gone hard with the brigade.
and the Fifth Indiana Battery deserve great praise; their conduct was splendid.
The coming up of the Twentieth Corps was also timely, though, in my opinion, the fire of the battery was in itself adequate to the successful repulse of the enemy.
The night and the day following our lines were adjusted and strengthened, and a constant fire was kept up upon the enemy.
The division was formed ready to follow up
's attack had he broken the enemy's line.
Artillery firing was kept up during the night upon the rebel position.
About 11 o'clock the rebels made a demonstration on our pickets, occasioning a general discharge of cannon and muskets along the whole line.
Soon after, early on the morning of the
, it was found the enemy had evacuated under cover of the night.
The loss of the division about Resaca, killed, wounded, and missing, amounted to 200.
Early on the morning of the 16th the pursuit was commenced.
Finding the bridges at Resaca destroyed, this division built a temporary foot bridge upon the ruins of the railroad bridge over the Oostenaula and pushed on the same evening, camping near Calhoun.
On the
marched in rear of
's division and formed line on his left at 5 p. m.,
three miles
north of Adairsville
, where the enemy had made a stand.
This division was not engaged.
On the
passed through Adairsville, getting considerably entangled with the Army of the Tennessee; camped at Cox's house.
Early on the morning of the 19th the division took up the line of march for Kingston, The cavalry pickets of the enemy were soon encountered and driven before us through Kingston.
We found them posted in considerable force upon the hills east of Kingston beyond the crossing of the creek.
's and
's brigades were formed in line facing the enemy, and
was instructed to feel his way down to the left of the railroad and drive him from his position.
This was readily accomplished after some severe skirmishing.
The enemy upon the main
Cassville road
gave back very stubbornly, and at a point about
three miles from Cassville
the enemy was discovered, formed in three lines of battle perpendicular to the road, and very soon after the appearance of the head of the column the entire rebel
line advanced toward us. The division was deployed as hastily as possible; batteries were put in position, and other troops
were coming up to form upon the flanks of the division, when the enemy was seen to be withdrawing.
Some volleys from the rifled batteries caused them to move off in a good deal of confusion, and the whole division advanced
in line to the rebel position.
Finding the enemy had left, the division moved on in accordance with orders, with a view of reaching Cassville.
When within about a mile of that place and while changing the direction of the skirmishers, the head of the column received
a sudden volley from the enemy across an open field.
The division was again deployed, and as night had arrived, the men were instructed to fortify their position.
Very sharp skirmishing was kept up the early part of the night, and early in the morning we found the enemy had again abandoned
his works and retired across the Etowah.
From the evening of the 19th to the morning of the 23d we remained in camp at Cassville preparing for our movement upon Dallas and thence Marietta.
The order was to take twenty days rations, but this division was only enabled, from limited transportation, to carry seventeen days. The division crossed the Etowah the evening of the 23d and camped near Euharlee.
Made a tedious day's march on the
, reaching camp
two miles from Burnt Hickory
at 10 o'clock at night in a rain-storm.
On the
we marched for Dallas, keeping the roads to the right of the main road.
At 3 p. m. were ordered to close up rapidly, as
had found the enemy in force.
We crossed the Pumpkin Vine near sunset, and at night closed up to
's left.
On the
's brigade went into line on the left of
's division.
We also put in a battery to play upon the enemy's lines.
Early on the 27th moved the division to the left to relieve
's division, which moved off to the left to attempt to turn the enemy's right.
The position of the division here remained substantially the same until the night of the
4th of June
, during which the enemy evacuated his line.
's brigade was started back to Kingston as escort to the wagon train of the corps on the
On the night of the
3d of June
we relieved half of
' front on the left of this division.
Our time was constantly employed, whilst in this position, in pushing out works, by successive advances, close to the enemy;
and a constant fire of musketry and artillery was kept up whenever we could annoy the enemy.
The 5th we lay in camp near New Hope Church.
On the
the division moved on the Acworth road to the vicinity of Morris Hill Chapel.
The division remained in position at Morris Hill until the morning of the
, when, moving through the lines of the Twentieth Corps, on the Marietta road, we soon struck the pickets of the enemy.
Pushing forward, the enemy was found in force, with an intrenched line extending across the summit of Pine Top Mountain.
The division was formed facing this line of the enemy and intrenched in full view and under easy cannon-range of them.
This position we maintained with some modifications until the morning of the 15th.
On the
the position of the enemy was sharply cannonaded by all our batteries, and, as we learned subsequently, the second shot fired from a rifled section of the Fifth Indiana Battery exploded in a group of rebel generals, killing
Lieut. Gen.
Early the morning of the 15th it was found the enemy had abandoned his work on Pine Top. The position was at once occupied by our skirmishers, and it was
learned that Pine Top was an advanced work, the main rebel line being in the rear and connecting Kenesaw and Lost Mountains.
Shortly after noon the division was formed in column of attack, following the Second Division, but the general commanding the corps having decided an attack impracticable at the point the head of the column struck the
rebel line, this division formed in line and intrenched opposite to the rebel position.
On the
the line was advanced under severe fire.
A heavy cannonade was kept up upon the rebel position all day. While laying out a position for a battery this day
, Fifth Indiana Battery, chief of artillery, was instantly killed by a sharpshooter.
This was an irreparable loss to the division.
I have not in my military experience met with an officer who was the equal of this one in energy, efficiency, and ingenuity in the handling of artillery.
He never missed an opportunity and allowed no difficulties to deter him from putting in his batteries in every position that
he could prove annoying or destructive to the enemy.
On the morning of the 17th it was found the enemy had again evacuated his line, and we advanced to find that he had abandoned his hold on Lost Mountain with his left.
Again we had the experience of feeling for the position of the rebels and found him, as usual, strongly intrenched on one of the small branches of Noyes' Creek.
On the
the rain poured in torrents.
's brigade was sent to support
's division, which engaged the enemy's lines closely all day. This night the enemy again abandoned his line, and on the 19th we moved forward and found him in his intrenched line of Kenesaw Mountain.
Our lines were pushed up close to the rebel position and intrenched during the night,
's brigade on the left,
's in the center, and
's on the right.
These positions were gained after severe skirmishing.
During the 20th we strengthened our position, and at 4 p. m. we made a demonstration with a strong line of skirmishers on our whole line.
, in command of
's skirmishers, gallantly charged the hill in his front and took it, with a number of prisoners.
's main line was ordered to be established on the picket-line captured from the enemy.
The pioneers had only time to throw ap a few rails when the enemy advanced in strong force to repossess their line.
Our men at once stood to arms and after a sharp contest repulsed them.
At sundown the enemy repeated his attempt and was again severely repulsed.
Not satisfied, about 8 o'clock at night, they made another determined attack, carrying a part of our line occupied by the Thirty-fifth Indiana.
The good behavior of the Ninety-ninth Ohio, which coolly formed a flank and poured a fire into the rebel force which had broken our line, saved the brigade.
The Fortieth Ohio was brought up and charged the rebel force which had broken through, restoring our lines.
This affair, which was a very severe fight, reflects great credit upon
's brigade.
The men fought with great coolness and resolution.
The loss in the brigade was quite severe-5 field officers were killed, wounded, and missing, and the loss in the affair amounted to 250 men.
's brigade carried the bald hill in his front, but the enemy rallied and drove him back.
This occurred three times, when, night having arrived, I directed the contest to stop.
On the morning of the 21st
was ordered to retake the hill for which he contended the day before.
's division moved forward at the same time, this was soon accomplished with slight loss.
During the 22d the division remained in position excepting five regiments of
's brigade, which marched to the right to relieve part of
's division.
At night
's division, of the Fourteenth Corps, relieved us, and we in turn relieved
's division by daylight in the morning.
We occupied the day strengthening our position, and about 5 p. m. formed a strong picket-line and charged that of the enemy, capturing about 40 of them.
Shortly afterward the enemy made a counter-charge, and outflanking the skirmishers of
's brigade, forced them back.
Our loss in the affair was about 60 men. During the 24th, 25th, and 26th our lines were a little advanced and improved.
Our position was in easy musket-range of the enemy.
On the morning of the
, it having been determined to attack the enemy from the front of the First Division, this division was selected as the support of the assaulting columns of the Second Division, which was selected to lead in the assault.
's and
's brigades were formed in columns of regiments,
's brigade to hold the line of breast-works was deployed.
From the failure of the assault the troops of this division were not engaged,
's brigade only passing out of the works, and yet so severe was the fire of the enemy that the division lost over 100 men killed and wounded while waiting the movement of the Second Division.
, Company B, Independent Pennsylvania Battery, my second
chief of artillery, a most excellent and accomplished young officer, was killed while superintending his batteries just before the assault.
From this date until the night of the
2d of July
we merely maintained our lines, very little firing, even between pickets, occurring.
On the night of the
2d of July
the lines of the First Division were extended, relieving all of
's division.
Early the morning of the
, finding the enemy gone, the division followed their trail, leading through Marietta and taking the road east of the railroad leading to Pace's Ferry.
This division was in the lead and had some little skirmishing, and in the evening came again upon the enemy intrenched at Ruff's Station.
's brigade alone was deployed, and severe skirmishing was kept up during the evening.
About 11 o'clock on the
, the general commanding the division having expressed a doubt of there being an enemy in force in front of us, orders were
given to feel the position strongly.
To this end a strong skirmish line, well supported, was deployed, and advanced at charge step over the open corn-field against
the enemy's rifle-pits, which were plainly visible and very strong.
's skirmishers having the least distance to move to strike the enemy, at once came under a most galling fire.
The day being very hot the men dropped down to gain breath, after making half the distance; but as soon as a little rested
they were rallied by the brave
, Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding the skirmish line, and dashing forward broke the rebel line and at once occupied their pits.
The main lines of the division were moved up at once and established themselves on the late rebel picket-line under the severest
and most continued cannonade the rebels had ever used upon us. I regret to add that the gallant
, who was the life of this gallant charge, was killed during the afternoon.
The rebel skirmish line which was dislodged was almost a full line of battle, and the charge upon them over open ground was
very creditable to the troops engaged, who were details from most of the regiments of the division.
Our loss in this affair was 100 men killed and wounded.
We took 50 of the enemy prisoners.
This same night the enemy abandoned his line and withdrew to the river, and on the 5th the division followed in rear of the corps on the railroad and took position on the Chattahoochee, above Pace's Ferry.
From the 5th until the 10th we remained resting in camp, occasionally shelling the rebels across the river and picketing the river and islands.
On the
the division moved up to Soap Creek, and bivouacked near the pontoon bridges, thrown across by
On the morning of the 12th the division crossed on the pontoon bridge laid for the Army of the Ohio, and moving down the river, occupied and fortified a prominent ridge covering Powers' Ferry.
The rest of the corps having crossed and taken up position, the 14th, 15th and 16th were occupied in building a bridge over the Chattahoochee.
This was well done by
, Seventy-fifth Illinois, with the pioneers and Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry.
On the morning of the 18th we marched for Atlanta, following
's division and marching by way of Buck Head.
We encamped at Buck Head that night, and next morning sent a regiment on a reconnaissance to Peach Tree Creek.
Finding but little resistance the division was crossed over the north fork of Peach Tree, on bridges rebuilt by us, and encamped in line facing Atlanta.
Early on the morning of the 20th we marched on the Decatur road to the match factory, where, turning to the right, we crossed the south fork of Peach Tree.
Rebuilding the bridge burnt by the enemy, and driving his skirmishers back, we forced him from his intrenched skirmish line
and back to his main line, near Wright's house.
The enemy made an effort in the afternoon to retake his picket-line but was badly repulsed and late in the evening
, Ninth Indiana, of
's brigade, charged their picket-line, farther to our right, and took 43 prisoners without losing a man.
During the 21st we improved our line, skirmishing with the rebels all day.
, Fortieth Ohio, was killed.
The enemy evacuated his line during the night, and early in the morning,
's brigade leading, we followed and soon came upon the enemy again in force in their intrenchments of Atlanta.
The entire division was deployed, and advanced under a very annoying artillery fire to the nearest point we could occupy without
driving the enemy from his lines, and breast-works were thrown up to shelter the men from the enemy's shells.
This same day the rebels attacked the Army of the Tennessee heavily upon the left, but made no demonstration upon our position.
From this until the night of the 26th the division was engaged in strengthening our position and especially in constructing a strong abatis, as it was probable
that the division would be required to hold a very long line, in consequence of the withdrawal of troops toward our right.
On the
's and
's brigades were sent to occupy the reverse line, to the left of the Twenty-third Army Corps.
On the same evening the command of the Fourth Army Corps was transferred to me, and my connection with the First Division as commander ceased.
I have thus imperfectly traced out the marches, fights, and labors of the division.
It would be difficult to give a description which would adequately show the services rendered for nearly three months. But few days had passed that every man of the division was not under fire, both of artillery and musketry.
No one could say any hour that he would be living the next.
Men were killed in their camps, at their meals, and several cases happened of men struck by musket-balls in their sleep, and
passing at once from sleep into eternity.
So many men were daily struck in the camp and trenches that men became utterly reckless, passing about where balls were striking
as though it was their normal life, and making a joke of a narrow escape, or a noisy whistling ball.
We lost many valuable officers.
, Twenty-first Kentucky,
, Ninetysixth Illinois, were all severely wounded in the fight of
's brigade on the
20th of June
, Thirty-fifth Indiana, a gallant and daring officer, was mortally wounded, and
, Fortieth Ohio, captured in the same affair.
, Thirty-first Indiana, a most excellent officer, was killed by one of those chance bullets so destructive to us during our occupation of the trenches in front of Kenesaw Mountain.
To mention all the officers deserving of special notice for zeal and good conduct in this long and arduous campaign, would
require the naming of the great majority of the officers of the division.
, Thirty-sixth Indiana Volunteers, since promoted to brigadier-general, was particularly distinguished for constant activity and zeal in carrying out all the
measures adopted for pushing the enemy.--
, One hundred and first Ohio, commanded the First Brigade with great success, and proved a most energetic and efficient commander.
He succeeded
in the command of the brigade after the battle of New Hope Church.
very ably managed his brigade, and deserves well of the Government.
He was compelled to leave, from sickness, after the assault of Kenesaw Mountain.
The brigade (the Second) has since been well managed by
, Fortieth
Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
well deserve, and have honestly earned, promotion.
I must also make honorable mention of the two batteries under my command,
, Fifth Indiana, and
, Battery B, Independent Pennsylvania.
They rendered excellent service daily, and always courted exposed positions, never slackening fire, however much exposed,
either to the artillery or musketry of the enemy.
I desire also to call favorable attention to my staff, who served me most cheerfully and efficiently, and relieved me of much
care and labor during the campaign.
, assistant adjutant-general;
, Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers, inspector, and who was untiring in his care of the picket-line;
, aides-de-camp;
, Fifty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ordnance officer, who always kept his ammunition just where it was needed;
, U. S. Volunteers, who provided most fully for the comfort of our wounded, and
, assistant quartermaster, and
, commissary of subsistence, all deserve well of the Government.
I have previously mentioned the death of two of my chiefs of artillery,
The place was well and ably filled by
, First Kentucky Battery.
, Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, topographical engineer, rendered good and efficient service, and
, besides his duty as aide-de-camp, found time to make many of the most accurate maps we possess of the various positions
occupied by the army.
Appended is a tabular monthly statement of the casualties of the division from the
1st of May
to the
31st of July, 1864
All of which is respectfully submitted.
From the evacuation by the enemy of Dalton to the evacuation of Resaca.
From the evacuation of Resaca to the evacuation of the line of the Etowah.
From the crossing of the Etowah to the crossing of the Chattahoochee.
From the crossing of the Chattahoochee to the siege of Atlanta.
Consolidated report of casualties of the First Division, Fourth Army Corps, for the months of
, and
July, 1864
D. S. Stanley, Major-General, Commanding. Atlanta, Ga., September --, 1864 .
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