On the morning of the 12th the division crossed on the pontoon bridge laid for the Army of the Ohio, and moving down the river, occupied and fortified a prominent ridge covering Powers' Ferry. The rest of the corps having crossed and taken up position, the 14th, 15th and 16th were occupied in building a bridge over the Chattahoochee. This was well done by Major Watson , Seventy-fifth Illinois, with the pioneers and Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry. On the morning of the 18th we marched for Atlanta, following Newton 's division and marching by way of Buck Head. We encamped at Buck Head that night, and next morning sent a regiment on a reconnaissance to Peach Tree Creek. Finding but little resistance the division was crossed over the north fork of Peach Tree, on bridges rebuilt by us, and encamped in line facing Atlanta. Early on the morning of the 20th we marched on the Decatur road to the match factory, where, turning to the right, we crossed the south fork of Peach Tree. Rebuilding the bridge burnt by the enemy, and driving his skirmishers back, we forced him from his intrenched skirmish line and back to his main line, near Wright's house. The enemy made an effort in the afternoon to retake his picket-line but was badly repulsed and late in the evening Colonel Suman , Ninth Indiana, of Grose 's brigade, charged their picket-line, farther to our right, and took 43 prisoners without losing a man.
During the 21st we improved our line, skirmishing with the rebels all day. Captain Snodgrass , Fortieth Ohio, was killed. The enemy evacuated his line during the night, and early in the morning, Colonel Grose 's brigade leading, we followed and soon came upon the enemy again in force in their intrenchments of Atlanta. The entire division was deployed, and advanced under a very annoying artillery fire to the nearest point we could occupy without driving the enemy from his lines, and breast-works were thrown up to shelter the men from the enemy's shells. This same day the rebels attacked the Army of the Tennessee heavily upon the left, but made no demonstration upon our position.
From this until the night of the 26th the division was engaged in strengthening our position and especially in constructing a strong abatis, as it was probable that the division would be required to hold a very long line, in consequence of the withdrawal of troops toward our right. On the 26th Colonels Taylor 's and Kirby 's brigades were sent to occupy the reverse line, to the left of the Twenty-third Army Corps. On the same evening the command of the Fourth Army Corps was transferred to me, and my connection with the First Division as commander ceased.
I have thus imperfectly traced out the marches, fights, and labors of the division. It would be difficult to give a description which would adequately show the services rendered for nearly three months. But few days had passed that every man of the division was not under fire, both of artillery and musketry. No one could say any hour that he would be living the next. Men were killed in their camps, at their meals, and several cases happened of men struck by musket-balls in their sleep, and passing at once from sleep into eternity. So many men were daily struck in the camp and trenches that men became utterly reckless, passing about where balls were striking as though it was their normal life, and making a joke of a narrow escape, or a noisy whistling ball.
We lost many valuable officers. Colonel Price , Twenty-first Kentucky, Colonel Champion and Lieutenant-Colonel Smith , Ninetysixth Illinois, were all severely wounded in the fight of Whitaker 's brigade on the 20th of June . Major Dufficy , Thirty-fifth Indiana, a gallant and daring officer, was mortally wounded, and Lieutenant-Colonel Watson , Fortieth Ohio, captured in the same affair. Lieutenant-Colonel Neff , Thirty-first Indiana, a most excellent officer, was killed by one of those chance bullets so destructive to us during our occupation of the trenches in front of Kenesaw Mountain.
To mention all the officers deserving of special notice for zeal and good conduct in this long and arduous campaign, would require the naming of the great majority of the officers of the division.
Col. William Grose , Thirty-sixth Indiana Volunteers, since promoted to brigadier-general, was particularly distinguished for constant activity and zeal in carrying out all the measures adopted for pushing the enemy.-- Colonel Kirby , One hundred and first Ohio, commanded the First Brigade with great success, and proved a most energetic and efficient commander. He succeeded General Cruft in the command of the brigade after the battle of New Hope Church.
General W. C. Whitaker very ably managed his brigade, and deserves well of the Government. He was compelled to leave, from sickness, after the assault of Kenesaw Mountain. The brigade (the Second) has since been well managed by Col. J. E. Taylor , Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Both Colonels Kirby and Taylor well deserve, and have honestly earned, promotion.
I must also make honorable mention of the two batteries under my command, Capt. A. Morrison , Fifth Indiana, and Capt. Jacob Ziegler , Battery B, Independent Pennsylvania. They rendered excellent service daily, and always courted exposed positions, never slackening fire, however much exposed, either to the artillery or musketry of the enemy.
I desire also to call favorable attention to my staff, who served me most cheerfully and efficiently, and relieved me of much care and labor during the campaign. Major Sinclair , assistant adjutant-general; Major Fairbanks , Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers, inspector, and who was untiring in his care of the picket-line; Capt. J. D. Moxley , Capt. W. H. Greenwood and Lieut. L. L. Taylor , aides-de-camp; Lieutenant Croxton , Fifty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ordnance officer, who always kept his ammunition just where it was needed; Surgeon Brumley , U. S. Volunteers, who provided most fully for the comfort of our wounded, and Captain Hopkins , assistant quartermaster, and Captain Kniffin , commissary of subsistence, all deserve well of the Government.
I have previously mentioned the death of two of my chiefs of artillery, Captains Simonson and McDowell . The place was well and ably filled by Captain Thomasson , First Kentucky Battery.
Capt. J. W. Steele , Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, topographical engineer, rendered good and efficient service, and Captain Greenwood , besides his duty as aide-de-camp, found time to make many of the most accurate maps we possess of the various positions occupied by the army.
Appended is a tabular monthly statement of the casualties of the division from the 1st of May to the 31st of July, 1864 .
All of which is respectfully submitted.
D. S. Stanley, Major-General, Commanding First Division. Col. J. S. Fullerton , Assistant Adjutant-General.
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