Hdqrs. Thirty-Fifth Indiana Volunteers, Atlanta, Ga.,
10, 1864
Captain: In compliance with circular of
, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Thirty-fifth Regiment
Indiana Infantry Volunteers during the recent campaign, from
1, 1864
, to the fall of Atlanta:
the regiment was stationed in front of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., occupying a reserve position in rear of the second line of our works.
On the evening of the 2d the regiment changed position to the left with the brigade, taking the place of the Second Division, Fourth Corps, which moved out. The following morning, the enemy having evacuated their position on Kenesaw Mountain, the regiment took the line of march in pursuit, passing through Marietta, coming up again with the enemy about four miles south of that place.
Here the brigade was ordered to halt for the night, the Thirty-fifth being detailed to picket the brigade front.
Early next morning orders were received to advance our lines with a view to drive back the enemy's skirmishers, capture their
rifle-pits, if possible, and thereby check an enfilading fire which seriously annoyed the troops on our right.
The length of our lines at this time was about 500 yards, and extended through a thick wood bordering an open field, in the center of which some 300 yards in our front the enemy's rifle [pits] could plainly be seen.
The command being given to advance, the men rushed forward with a cheer, keeping up an incessant running fire until they reached
the enemy's pits, which they took possession of, capturing I officer, 15 enlisted men. The troops on our left failing to advance, left us exposed to a galling flank fire, but the men unflinchingly
held their ground until relieved by a portion of the Forty-fifth Ohio.
I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of my officers and men on this occasion.
Our total loss in the action, which lasted one hour and a half, was 4 enlisted men killed, and 6 wounded. On the following day we followed the retreating enemy to a point near the Chattahoochee River, where we remained in reserve until
, when with our division the regiment moved to the left, and on
crossed the river, occupying a position in front of the Twenty-third Corps.
We remained here until
, when the regiment was ordered to report to the corps supply train for duty.
Nothing of importance transpired while with the train.
On the
30th of August
the regiment was relieved from duty with the train and ordered to report immediately to the brigade.
Reported to the brigade on the sae day; found the troops to the rear of Atlanta.
The same night the Thirty-fifth supported the skirmish line, and on the morning of the 31st advanced a short distance in support of the line, when the regiment was ordered to rejoin the brigade; during this time sharp
skirmishing was going on in our front.
After moving forward with the brigade to an open field, we formed in line of battle in the second line.
One hour later, with the Twenty-first Kentucky, the Thirty-fifth advanced.
About the same time the enemy retreated from our front.
Camped that night within one and a half miles of the Macon railroad.
On the following morning,
, advanced along the railroad, destroying it as we went; came upon the enemy late in the evening going into position on the
left of
's brigade.
The regiment was under a heavy fire, which continued until dark.
We had 2 men wounded on this occasion.
The following morning moved after the retreating foe, passing through Jonesborough, and came up with enemy two miles south of the town.
Our division moved to the left through a broken country and came upon the enemy's right about night-fall.
While in this position the enemy shelled our lines with some effect.
The regiment had 1 man wounded.
The same evening the Thirty-fifth supported the skirmish line, and on the following morning went into position on the left of the Forty-fifth Ohio in the front line.
Remained in this position until the night of
, when agreeable to orders we quietly withdrew, moved back to Jonesborough, going into camp about 3 a. m.
6th instant
The following day moved to Rough and Ready, some
ten miles from Jonesborough
Arrived in Atlanta on the
, and moving about one and a half miles northwest of town went into camp.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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