Hdqrs. Third Brig., First DIv., 4TH Army Corps, Atlanta, Ga,.,
15, 1864
Captain: I have the honor to submit a report of the operations of the Third Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, while under my command, from the
27th day of July
to the
7th of August, 1864
The brigade consisted of the following regiments: Eighty-fourth Regiment Illinois Infantry, commanded by
; Seventyfifth Regiment Illinois Infantry, commanded by
; Ninth Regiment Indiana Veteran Infantry, commanded by
; Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Infantry, commanded by
; Thirtieth Regiment Indiana Veteran Infantry, commanded by
; Thirty-sixth Regiment Indiana Infantry, commanded by
; Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Veteran Infantry, commanded by
; Eightieth Regiment Illinois Infantry, commanded by
The brigade occupied about threequarters of a mile front in the intrenchments north of Atlanta.
On the
28th day of July
, in accordance with orders received, I advanced the right of the skirmish line, consisting of details from all the regiments
occupying and permanently holding part of the enemy's rifle-pits, and capturing 3 prisoners. On the
3d day of August
, having strengthened the skirmish line with two companies from the Eighty-fourth Regiment Illinois Infantry, I ordered an advance along the whole line, for the purpose of dislodging the enemy from their rifle-pits.
This movement was concerted with the brigades on my right and left.
The advance was most gallantly made, few shots being fired on our part until the rifle-pits were almost reached, and the enemy had broke and were fleeing.
The pioneers were immediately ordered forward, and the rifle-pits were turned against their late occupants.
The brigade on our right, which advanced simultaneously as ordered, after reaching the enemy's line was almost immediately
driven out and fell back to its original position, while the brigade on the left did not succeed in making any advance; nevertheless,
refusing the right and left, we stubbornly held the position gained, and repulsed two attempts of the enemy to retake the work.
There being no advantage to be gained by a single brigade holding so advanced a position,
, commanding the corps, ordered me to withdraw from it, which I accordingly did at night-fall, after the foe had ceased his
attempts to retake it, the earth-works having first been leveled and the pits filled up. In this affair we captured 26 prisoners, including 2 commissioned officers, having sustained a loss of but 2 wounded.
In order to distract the enemy's attention from a real attack to be made by the right of our army, on the
5th day of August
I again received orders to attack and drive him from his rifle-pits in my front.
For this purpose I strengthened the skirmish line with five companies of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Infantry, under the command of
The artillery along our line opened furiously, and the enemy, evidently suspecting our intentions, were seen to heavily re-enforce
their outer line.
At the hour designated our skirmishers moved resolutely forward under a galling fire, but without the slightest hesitation
or wavering they captured the pits, which they found so near the enemy's main line as to render an attempt to hold them out
of the question, and they therefore withdrew at once.
In this attack the brigade lost 36 men killed,. wounded, and missing, including
, of the Thirtysixth Indiana Infantry, mortally wounded, and that faithful and gallant officer,
, of the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Infantry, who was killed, falling near the enemy's works.
For a list of casualties I refer to the several reports of the regimental commanders.
The rare ability and reliability of the officers commanding the several regiments of this brigade, the exact discipline which
they preserved, the soldierly qualities of the men under their command, their ease of combined movement, and esprit de corps,
render the duties of a brigade commander but an easy task.
I tender my thanks to thte regimental commanders for their cheerful and intelligent co-operation which also made that task
for me the greatest pleasure.
I commend their meritorious services to the consideration of my superiors and to the gratitude of my countrymen.
The several members of the brigade staff deserve mention for their fearless conduct in the affairs of the
28th of July
, the
5th of August
, and for the hearty and efficient assistance rendered me.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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