Hdqrs. Eightieth Regt. Illinois Infty. Vols., Atlanta, Ga.;
12, 1864
Sir: In compliance with orders received from headquarters Third Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Eightieth Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers during the late campaign, from the
7th of June
(when I assumed command, in compliance with orders from headquarters Third Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps) up to present date:
From the
7th of June
to the 9th the regiment remained in bivouac near Acworth, Ga. On the
, at 8 a. m., marched in advance of brigade until ordered by
to report to
, who directed me to take a position on the right of the Fifth Indiana Battery, as support for it, connecting the left of my skirmish line with the right of the Fourteenth Army Corps.
I did so, and found that I was immediately in front of Pine Mountain.
At night built works in my position.
From 11th to 13th, inclusive, remained in works.
On 14th, at 6 p. m., moved 300 yards to the left and front into old works, which it was found necessary to strengthen, while the left wing had to build new works.
On the
marched into enemy's works on Pine Mountain, following Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
Halted and remained there until afternoon, then advanced by the flank a short distance, when we were formed in double column
on the center, the Ninth Indiana on my right, and the Eighty-Fourth Illinois on my left.
Advanced to the skirmish line, which was engaged, and, deploying in line, moved forward under fire and built works near enemy's
During night my right wing had to give up its works for a battery and formed in rear.
On 16th remained in same position all day, part of the time under heavy artillery fire.
At daylight of 17th marched into enemy's deserted works and formed in line on the right of Eighty-fourth Illinois Volunteers.
By other troops passing us we soon became the rear line.
In afternoon advanced and formed in line in reserve, with the Eighty-fourth Illinois Volunteers on my right.
On 18th remained in reserve.
On 19th marched through the enemy's evacuated works, following the Eighty-fourth Illinois Volunteers.
After marching one and one-half miles came up to rebel skirmish line.
Company D, and a portion of K, were deployed as skirmishers, and the regiment was formed on left of brigade, my right connecting with
Eighty-fourth Illinois.
Advanced on the enemy's lines, driving then steadily before us across fields, swollen streams, and through brush till we came
up to a hill in front of Kenesaw Mountain, where I built strong works.
At dark advanced 250 yards over an open field and built works in good musket-range of the enemy's works, still on the left of the brigade, my right
connecting with the Eighty-fourth Illinois Volunteers.
The loss during the day from the skirmish company of thirty men was heavy, being 2 killed and 7 wounded. We captured 20 prisoners.
On 20th remained in our works.
Had to build traverses to protect the regiment from an enfilading fire of artillery which lasted all day and was very heavy
at times.
Some of the enemy's shells passed through my works.
Two men were wounded during the day, 1, however, from the premature explosion of one of our own shells.
At dark were relieved by Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, and went back to rear of brigade headquarters.
While retiring had 1 man mortally wounded.
On afternoon of the 21st marched in rear of Thirtieth Indiana, one mile to the right, to the support of the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, and formed on the left of the Thirtieth Indiana in second line of works, which we strengthened.
Had 2 men wounded.
Remained in works till dark of the 22d, and then, following the Thirtieth Indiana, marched one mile to the right.
Formed as reserve line for the Eighty-fourth Illinois and built good strong works.
From 23d to 26th, inclusive, remained in works.
On 27th, at 3 a. m., marched to the front line and formed on the left of the Eighty-fourth Illinois in good works, and held them during the charge which was made on that day by a portion of the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps.
In the afternoon returned to our position as reserve line of the Eighty-fourth Illinois.
Had 2 killed and 2 wounded on that day.
Remained there during the 28th and 29th.
On the
, at dark, marched to the right of brigade in front line and connected my left with Thirty-sixth Indiana.
On Ist of
remained in our works under an artillery fire.
On 2d was under fire during day, and at dark marched to left, and in reserve line of brigade.
Marched at daylight of the 3d in the rear of Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, through the enemy's evacuated works, passing near Marietta, Ga. In the evening formed in line in front of the enemy on left of brigade, my right connecting with Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, and built works.
My skirmish company during the day captured 6 prisoners.
We marched during the day four miles. On the
, at 10 a. in., I was ordered by
to take the enemy's rifle-pits in my front.
I was given my points of direction, and was ordered to take my regiment out in front of the works, and when the brigade began
to advance, I was to charge in supporting distance of the skirmish line.
The regiment advanced in line over an open field under a heavy fire in good order, and capturing the rifle-pits, built works
where they had been.
My loss during the day was I killed and 14 wounded.
First Sergeant
, commanding my company of skirmishers, being wounded.
early in the day,
First Sergeant
took command and captured 30 prisoners.
The rebels having fallen back during the night, marched at 10 a. m. of the next day on the railroad track, following the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania to Chattahoochee River, seven miles, where we went into bivouac.
From the 6th to 9th, inclusive, remained in bivouac.
At noon of the
marched with brigade up the Chattahoochee
six miles. On 11th remained in bivouac.
Marched at daylight on the 12th with brigade across the river and bivouacked near Powers' Ferry, Ga. From 13th to 17th, inclusive, remained in bivouac.
On 18th marched to Buck Head, six miles. On 19th marched with brigade to Peach Tree Creek, my regiment remaining on north side of creek to protect the flank of the brigade.
On 20th, by direction of
, crossed Peach Tree Creek and took advance of brigade, and soon came up with the enemy.
Regiment formed in front line, under fire of the enemy, on the left of brigade, my left connecting with the Second Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps.
In the evening my skirmish line captured some prisoners.
At dark I built line of works on front line under fire.
On 21st advanced my right wing and built works, and at night cut down timber in front.
Advanced at daylight of the
, the enemy having fallen back.
Came within view of Atlanta, and found the enemy.
I was then placed in reserve.
On 23d, 24th, and 25th remained in reserve.
On 26th was moved by
to the front line, the Thirty-sixth Indiana on my right, and Thirtieth Indiana on my left.
27th of July
to the
19th of August
, inclusive, remained in trenches, some men being wounded occasionally by artillery or on the skirmish line during that time.
On 20th, at 3.30 a. m., by direction of
, I followed the Ninth Indiana around to the left, crossed Atlanta and Augusta Railroad, where our skirmishers met the enemy's pickets, and we were ordered to their support.
Marched in line, connecting my right with the Ninth Indiana, and occupying old works, held them, losing 2 men wounded.
In afternoon returned to the works we had left in the morning.
From 21st to 24th, inclusive, remained in works.
Some wounded on skirmish line.
On 25th marched at dark, following the Thirtieth Indiana.
Withdrew from our works and marched around to the left.
Bivouacked for the night after marching six miles. On 26th marched at 10 a. m.; skirmnishing in our rear.
Regiment marched as flankers for a short time, and then marched in road, Traveled six miles during day. On 27th marched to Camp Creek, where the regiment went on picket duty.
On 28th marched in advance of brigade five miles and bivouacked for the night.
On 31st marched one mile, when we came upon the enemy.
Regiment was formed in second line on left of Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania for a short time, and then advanced by the flank, the enemy having been driven.
Bivouacked for the night near the Macon and Western Railroad, having marched during the day six miles. On 1st of Septembe: marched, following Thirtieth Indiana, to Macon railroad, on which we proceeded in the direction of Jonesborough, tearing up the track in four different places the length of the regiment.
In the evening advanced in line under fire half mile through heavy brush nearly up to the enemy's works.
During the night built works.
On 2d marched into rebels' evacuated works at daylight, and by 8 a. m. were pursuing in the direction of Lovejoy's Station.
In the afternoon formed in line on the left of the Thirtieth Indiana, and advanced over an open field under heavy artillery fire half a mile, where we halted near Lovejoy's Station and built works on reserve line.
Lost 2 men killed and 4 wounded. On 3d and 4th remained in works.
On 5th withdrew from works at dark and marched to Jonesborough through the mud. On 6th bivouacked near Jonesborough.
On 7th marched to the vicinity of Rough and Ready Station, ten miles. On 8th marched at 7 a. m., following Thirtieth Indiana, to our present camp near Atlanta.
Since I assumed command the regiment has lost 15 killed and 46 wounded. During the campaign, 22 killed and 64 wounded; none captured.
The officers and men of this regiment have conducted themselves bravely and patiently, enduring all manner of hardships during
this campaign, and in no instance have I noticed any act of cowardice or skulking.
On the contrary, I have observed feats of heroism worthy of special mention in several cases.
, with Company D, and detail from Company K, on
19th of June
, on skirmish line, drove the enemy from fortified positions and crossed the stream at the foot of Kenesaw Mountain, and ordered a line of battle to surrender, but being answered by a volley, was compelled to fall back with a loss of 2 killed and 7 wounded out of a company of thirty.
The skirmish, commanded by
First Sergeant
, and after he was wounded, by
First Sergeant
, drove more rebels from behind the works than they had in their line, with a loss of 1 killed and 5 wounded.
, Company H, mounted one pit, and captured 3 prisoners single handed.
My adjutant,
, was very prompt in obeying and having all orders executed under all circumstances, thus rendering me great assistance.
My chaplain,
, has been with the regiment during the campaign, ever ready for his duty in front line, as well as reserve.
rendered valuable service as acting field officer.
I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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