Hdqrs. Thirtieth Regt. Indiana Volunteers, Near Atlanta, Ga.,
13, 1864
Sir: In compliance with communication received, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my regiment
in the recent campaign:
I joined the regiment with the veterans returning from furlough on the
6th day of May, 1864, near Tunnel Hill, Ga., which I believe was the commencement of the campaign.
On the morning of the
7th of May
my regiment moved with brigade in a southern direction a distance of four miles, our advance skirmishing continually with the enemy, and driving him to a position near Tunnel Station, where we formed in order of battle and bivouacked for the night, nothing of importance transpiring in which I had part.
Next morning, the
8th of May
, I was ordered to take position different from that which I held during the night, and in the general line.
The line being formed, my regiment was formed in rear of the center of the brigade as supporting column.
Here I lay until the next morning, 9th, at 8 o'clock, when I was ordered to move with the Eightyfourth Illinois,
commanding, to the right and base of Rocky Face Ridge, where I again formed in order of battle on left of Eighty-fourth Illinois.
From here I sent forward, agreeably to orders, a heavy skirmish line under command of
, acting major of the regiment, with orders to force the enemy back as far as possible.
The order was promptly obeyed, my line occupying a position within 150 yards of his works.
I remained here until about 4.30 p. m., when I was ordered to the right along the base of the ridge to Mill Creek Gap, the skirmish line at the same time moving on parallel line with the line of battle.
, commanding skirmishers, finding the enemy was following him, was compelled to halt and hold his position until relieved
by the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, after which I formed on the left of the Ninety-sixth Illinois, of the Second Brigade.
At 7 p. m. the enemy attacked our line at Mill Creek Gap.
I was ordered by
in person to form my regiment on the left of the Eighty-fourth Illinois, and send forward skirmishers.
This being done, the whole line was ordered to advance.
But a short distance was passed over when the line was again halted and remained about one and a half hours, when my regiment [was] ordered to the position it held the night previous.
On the morning of the
, having received orders, I joined the brigade, which had moved some distance from its position.
After joining brigade I was ordered to move to Mill Creek Gap, where I took position on the crest of the hill in the second line, the Seventyseventh Pennsylvania on my left.
Here I remained until the morning of the
, when I moved with the brigade into Dalton, the enemy having evacuated that place.
Upon arriving in Dalton my regiment, with Seventy-fifth Illinois, was detached from the brigade and moved to the left across the railroad for the purpose of dislodging one of the enemy's batteries which was there in position.
I sent forward two companies (A and B) of my regiment as skirmishers, and after dislodging the battery and advancing one mile, the skirmishers came in contact with the enemy's cavalry, 300 strong, which they put to flight, capturing a horse and wounding several men. Halting a short time, we again fell back and
joined the column, when the march was again resumed.
After moving some two miles, I took position for the night on the railroad.
I moved again at sunrise in the morning with brigade, and arrived in front of the enemy's works at Resaca at 2 p. m. When I again formed in order of battle, skirmishers were at once thrown forward and engaged the enemy, driving him back some
500 yards. My regiment was now ordered to the right and front, taking position on a rise of ground, my right connecting with the left
's division, which position I held until 8 p. m., when I was ordered to fall back to a hollow in my rear, and send forward two companies with my pioneers to build works.
At daylight I moved into the works, my right joined by the Eighty-fourth Illinois and left by Thirty-sixth Indiana; nothing of importance took place while I remained here in which I had part.
The enemy opened fire at midnight from his main line, which lasted only about fifteen minutes and ceased, my regiment suffering no loss.
On the
I moved at 9 a. m. through considerable rain, after driving the enemy some four miles, but after two hours fighting he again retreated, having been dislodged by a charge.
At 8 p. m. firing ceased, when I was ordered to bivouac for the night.
Nothing of importance took place from this until arriving about five miles this side of Kingston on the
, when we again encountered the enemy.
I was ordered to form line and build works, which I did. Here I remained until 2 a. m. of the
, when I moved with brigade in eastern direction and camped near Cassville, which was then occupied by our troops.
On the
we again moved in a southeast direction, after which nothing of importance took place until 5 p. m., when I crossed Pumpkin Vine Creek, near Dallas, and took position in rear of the Second Division.
Here a slight skirmish occurred.
I lay still until the morning of 26th.
At 9 a.. m. the brigade took position in reserve, my regiment forming in rear of the Eighty-fourth Illinois, and supporting the battery of our brigade.
On the morning of the 27th the entire brigade moved to the left and relieved part of
's division, my regiment occupying position in rear line.
Skirmishing was heavy, in which one of my companies was engaged, at 7 a. m. Next morning the line was advanced some fifty yards and built works, where we remained until
I then moved to left, agreeably to orders, and relieved the Twenty-first Kentucky on the front line, a detail of one commissioned officer and fifty men was sent on picket, relieving the pickets of that regiment.
Here I remained until the morning of the
5th of June
; the enemy having evacuated his position, I was ordered to occupy his works.
On the morning of the 6th I moved with brigade about eight miles to near Acworth, and went into camp.
I again moved and took position in the line.
Nothing occurred, however, in which I had part until the 15th.
We moved upon the hill in our front, the enemy having evacuated, heavy cannonading was going on on both flanks, but our front
was but slightly engaged.
At night we moved to right and took position, throwing up works; regiment in second line.
At 6 a. m. my regiment,with Fifty-ninth Illinois, moved to the left and front and built line of works in rear of skirmish line.
At daybreak next morn the skirmishers are advanced and find the enemy has left his position in our front.
The line is immediately ordered forward and occupies the enemy's work.
My regiment did not occupy position on front line, but lay in bivouac until the morning of the
, when we advanced toward Kenesaw Mountain, driving the enemy until we gained a position near its base.
I moved into position in second line, with the Seventy-fifth Illinois on my right and Seventyseventh Pennsylvania on my left.
Here I remained until the evening of the 20th at dark, when I moved on the front line, relieving the Eighty-fourth Illinois.
At 12 that night I was again relieved by the One hundred and fourth Illinois and moved back some distance in rear of second line into bivouac.
At this place I was taken sick, and
assumed command of the regiment.
At 3 p. m.
received orders to move to the right across ravine and support
's brigade, which was engaging the enemy and at the same time throwing up works; the order was promptly obeyed, the regiment taking
position in line of works running over heavy rise of ground in edge of wood, with ravine in front and rear.
My regiment was joined on right by
' battery, and on left by Eightieth Illinois.
After getting into position the enemy opened on us with a battery in our front and threw several shell into our work, but
fortunately no one was hurt.
On the
the regiment received orders to withdraw at dark and move with the brigade still farther to the right.
At 8 p. m. we reach our position and occupy new line of works, with Thirty-sixth Indiana on my left.
Line is in thick underbrush, with open field in front.
At 4.30 next day our skirmishers are ordered to be doubled and advance.
Order promptly obeyed, and enemy's skirmishers driven in. Our line gains a position in sight of enemy's main line, but at
dark is again driven back to its old position.
In this contest my regiment lost 2 killed, 7 wounded, and 1 missing.
24th of June
my regiment was relieved by Seventy-fifth Illinois and moved to left and rear in ravine.
Nothing took place of any importance until the morning of the
, when we again move to left and occupy works of Eighty-fou rth Illinois in rear of Ninth Indiana.
's division was massed in my front preparatory for a charge.
At about 10 a. m. the charge is made, but our men are repulsed with quite heavy loss.
My regiment was here under a heavy fire of canister, but being behind works lost no men. At night the regiment is ordered
about 300 yards to rear, and bivouacked.
Here I remained until the evening of
, when I am ordered on the front line.
Take position to left of previous one.
Joined on-right by Fifty-ninth Illinois, and on left by Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania.
Immediately commence repairing mny works, working by detail of two commissioned officers and fifty men on each relief.
At 3 a. m.
I received orders to quit work and prepare for move at once.
This being done, at 5 a. m. we move forward and occupy enemy's work, he having evacuated.
We pursue the enemy and strike the Atlanta and Marietta road at the Military Institute, near the latter place.
Here a halt of a few hours is made, when the march is again resumed.
We move on right of railroad, and at 4 p. m. we file from railroad to left and form in order of battle, my regiment occupying same position in the line'as the night previous.
After forming we lay a short time and are ordered forward to top of hill in our front; here a temporary line of works are
thrown up in which we remain during the night.
The next morning at 11 o'clock the skirmish line was ordered forward, and, moving with promptness, gained a ravine in our front and under cover remained
for a moment's rest.
The main line was now advanced, when the skirmishers charged the enemy, driving him into his main work.
The line moved up under a heavy artillery fire with great promptness, and gaining the enemy's works at once turned them.
My loss to-day is 1 killed and 3 wounded; among the latter is
, commanding skirmishers.
The next morning at 3 o'clock our skirmishers open heavy fire along line but get no reply; they are at once advanced and find the enemy's line evacuated.
At daylight my regiment moves with brigade toward railroad, on which we move toward the Chattahoochee River.
At 5 p. m. move from railroad to left and go into camp.
Remained in camp until the 10th and received orders to move at 9 a. m. Moved to left about seven miles and encamped near where the Twenty-third Corps lay. Reached camp at 5 p. m. after marching through a very heavy rain.
Remained here until the morning of the 12th.
Moved at sunrise to left and across river, taking position near Powers' Ferry, and went into camp.
Moved again
at 5 a. m. to left and on
Atlanta road
, and bivouacked at 5 p. m.; regiment on left of brigade in front line.
Moved again next day at 11.30 a. m. to Peach Tree Creek, crossed and took position on hill with open field in front, and on left of brigade; slight skirmishing was going on, the
enemy gradually falling back.
At 5 p. m. I was ordered farther to left in corn-field, where remained during night.
I moved to left at 6 a. m. on Decatur
road, and after moving some distance the enemy's skirmishers are again encountered and a severe fight ensues.
My regiment takes no part, however, until 4 p. m., when I was ordered to right of road into position, with the Ninth Indiana on my left.
After forming, a line of works were thrown up. During this time the skirmishers made a charge on the enemy's pits, capturing
an entire company, consisting of a captain and 42 men. Nothing of moment occurred until the next day. At 6 p. m. I was ordered to move to the right and front near skirmish line; here another line of works was thrown up. My left joined
by Thirty-sixth Indiana and right covered by heavy swale and timber, which was slashed.
At about midnight the enemy evacuated his line in our front, and at 3 in morning we pursue about one-half mile, when our skirmishers again encounter those of the enemy.
My regiment is ordered into position in edge of wood with open field in front; after taking position the enemy opens fire
from battery in our front and in the fortifications around Atlanta.
Skirmishers kept up a heavy fire while two of our batteries took position and opened.
At 2 p. m. we retire some distance and go into camp, only a part of our brigade remaining on the line.
Here I remained until 9 p. m. of
, when I was ordered to move to the left and front, relieving part of the Second Brigade.
After taking this position I was joined on the right by Eightieth Illinois, and on left by Seventy-fifth Illinois.
At daylight next morning skirmishing commenced in my front, and in the afternoon a feint was made on the enemy's line.
Nothing of great importance occurred until the evening of the
, when I received orders to move to right and front, and relieve the Eightieth Illinois, which was in reserve picket.
I moved out and remained until next evening and was relieved by Thirty-sixth Indiana, and returned again to camp.
On the
3d of August
a demonstration was made on my right on skirmish line, which I believe resulted favorably.
Nothing in way of movement took place after this until
, when I was ordered to advance beyond our skirmish line with Eightyfourth Illinois, and take position in order to attract the enemy's attention.
This was done.
One-half of my regiment was advanced close to enemy's work, while the other remained in reserve, but at 4 p. m. the whole regiment was thrown forward and opened fire.
The enemy replies from line promptly.
I remain in position until nightfall and again retired to camp, the enemy following with skirmishers until regaining his pits.
On the
25th of August
I received orders to move to right with brigade, and at 9 p. m. the movement is commenced.
Marched until 3 next morning, and bivouacked on side hill about two miles to right of Atlanta and Chattanooga Railroad.
Shortly after daybreak the enemy opened fire from a battery in our front, but directing his fire too high no one was hurt.
At 8 a. m. I moved into ravine in front and formed in rear of the Eighty-fourth Indiana, where I lay until the brigade resumed its march.
The brigade moved out at about 10 a. m., my regiment being detached to cover the rear.
I moved with Seventy-fifth Illinois to front on hill and occupied a line of works before abandoned by some of our troops.
Upon arriving here we find the enemy trying also to gain the line.
Fire was opened and the enemy fell back.
After holding this position until the troops had passed some distance, we fell back, and, reaching the line of the Sixteenth Corps, joined the brigade.
After this I was nowhere engaged until at Jonesborough, where I occupied a position in low ground, in edge of wood, with open field in front, the Seventyseventh Pennsylvania on my right and Eightieth Illinois on left.
Our skirmishers were here, hotly engaged, while the enemy kept playing into us rapidly with one of his batteries.
A light line of works was thrown up, in which we lay during the night.
In the morning at daylight our skirmishers moved forward and took possession of Jonesborough, the enemy having evacuated in the night.
At about 9 a. m.
I moved with brigade, on railroad, toward Lovejoy's Station, after marching a distance of about five miles. I moved to left of railroad and took position in rear line with Ninth Indiana on right and Eightieth Illinois on left.
After halting some time the line was ordered forward.
Skirmishers immediately made an attack.
The ground over which we moved was of a rough nature, having several almost impassable ravines, with part thick underbrush.
After arriving at a distance of about 600 yards the line was halted and reformed.
The front line was now hotly engaged, the enemy firing from his works with both musketry and artillery.
I immediately ordered my men to build a barricade of rails, which was done under a heavy fire.
Both lines, however, held their positions, and were soon intrenched.
Here I remained until the evening of the
5th of September
, during which time heavy skirmishing was going on continually.
My loss at this place was 1 killed and 2 wounded. One of the latter was
On the evening of the
5th of September
I was ordered to withdraw and move with the brigade toward Jonesborough.
I withdrew at 7 p. m., and, marching all night, arrived at Jonesborough at 3 o'clock next morning, and occupied my old position.
Here I remained until sunrise of the 7th, when the march was resumed for this place, where I arrived on the afternoon of the 8th and went into camp.
I cannot too highly commend the officers and men under my command for their promptness and efficiency in performing the duties
devolved upon them during the campaign, and while they have my heartfelt sympathy for hardships they have endured, a nation
meets their conduct with the highest appreciation.
The friends of the killed and wounded have my earnest condolence, and also the assurance that their sons and brothers fell
true soldiers, with not a stain upon them.
A report of casualties is herewith transmitted.
Nominal list (omitted) shows 10 killed, 11 mortally wounded, 59 severely and slightly wounded, and 7 missing; total, 87.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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