Hdqrs. Eighty-Fourth Indiana Volunteers, Near Atlanta, Ga.,
13, 1864
Colonel: I have the honor to make the following report of the military operations of the Eighty-fourth Indiana Volunteers during the late campaign in Georgia, commencing from the date of its transfer to the Third Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps,
16, 1864
, under command of
Brig. Gen.
After the transfer to the Third Brigade, my command occupied the extreme left of the brigade line, in front of Atlanta.
Nothing further transpired than the usual duties of skirmishing with the enemy until the
20th day of August, 1864, during which time my command did not sustain any loss.
On the morning of the
20th of August
, by order of
Brig. Gen.
, I moved my command, in conjunction with five regiments of the Third Brigade, to the left.
About sunrise we came upon the enemy.
I was ordered to send two companies out as skirmishers, which I did, sending Companies K and F.
Afterwards, on the same occasion, I was ordered to send out another company, with a detail of thirty-five men as skirmishers, which I did promptly, sending Company B and the detail on the right of the brigade skirmish line.
My command did not suffer any loss during the scout on the
20th of August
, Company E, were wounded on the
20th of August
while on the skirmish line in front of the regimental camp.
My command laid in camp near Atlanta from the 20th to the night of the
25th of August
, doing nothing but furnishing the required number of guards for the regimental front, not sustaining any loss.
On the night of the
25th of August
, by order of
Brig. Gen.
, I moved my command under cover of night, immediately after dark in such a manner as to deceive the enemy as to my purpose,
moving to the right of our lines, marching until 3 o'clock on the morning of the
, at which time my command was halted and told to rest until morning.
By order of the general commanding I had my command ready to move at 8 a. m., at which time the enemy attacked our skirmish line.
I was then ordered to move my regiment under cover of a little hill which I was ordered to hold at all hazards, which I did
until relieved, without firing a gun. Then, by order of the general commanding brigade, I moved my regiment to the right through
the lines of the Sixteenth Army Corps.
Went into camp at sunset.
Moved my command with the brigade at 8 a. m.
, marched until about 12 m., at which time my regiment was formed in line of battle on the right of the front line of the brigade, which was in rear
of the Third Division, Fourth Army Corps, near Camp Creek, Ga. My command was ordered to be ready to move at 7 a. m.
Moved at 2 p. m. with the brigade; went into camp at sundown.
My regiment was formed in line of battle in center of the front line of the brigade.
On the morning of the
29th of August
the general commanding ordered me to throw up a line of breast-works on the left of the front line of the brigade.
On the morning of the 30th I was ordered to move my regiment with the brigade at 6 a. m. Moved to the right, crossing the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad.
After marching to the right about five miles I was ordered to send a company out as flankers.
The enemy fired on my command in the evening, wounding 1 man, the orderly, Company B.
Marched until sunset, was ordered by the commanding general to form line of battle in the center of the front line of the brigade, and throw, up a temporary line of breast-works, which
was immediately done.
Moved with the brigade at 6 a. m.
, by command of
Brig. Gen.
Moved about one and a, half miles to the front, formed line of battle on the left of the front line of the brigade, and threw up a temporary
line ��� of breastworks near Shoal Creek, Ga., in front of the enemy's line of works.
By order of the general commanding sent out a company of skirmishers.
The enemy left his works without much resistance.
My command did not sustain any loss in the advance on the enemy's lines.
Occupied the enemy's works about 12 m. Moved my regiment with the brigade in the direction of the Atlanta and Macon Railroad.
Was ordered on the march to send out a company of flankers.
By order of the general commanding I formed my regiment in line of battle on the right of the front line of the brigade, and
threw up a temporary line of works.
By order of
I moved my command to the Atlanta and Macon Railroad on the morning of
1, 1864
, where I was ordered to engage my men in tearing up and destroying the railroad until about 4 p. m., at which time I was ordered to move to the left and form my regiment on the right of the rear line of the brigade, to support
the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, which was engaging the enemy in front, near Jonesborough, Ga. My loss in this engagement was 1 officer severely wounded and 2 men slightly.
By order of the general commanding I moved my regiment about 7 a. m.
to the line of works occupied by the enemy on evening of the
1st instant
Was ordered to move my command with the brigade along the Macon railroad in the direction of Lovejoy's Station, where I arrived about 3 p. m., where the enemy was found to be in force.
I was directed to advance a skirmish company after forming my regiment on the right of the front line of the brigade.
About 4.30 p. m. the general commanding ordered me to move my command on the enemy's lines, which I did, charging and taking his entire skirmish
line in the front of my regiment, amounting in all to 27 prisoners-2 commissioned officers, and 25 enlisted men. My loss in the engagement was as follows: 1 man killed and 14 wounded, 2 mortally.
I was struck on the shoulder by a canister-shot, inflicting a slight wound which caused me to leave the field after turning
the command of the regiment over to
, who held the line taken by me under the most terrific fire of artillery and musketry, building a line of works during the
night, which my regiment held during the
3d instant
, losing 1 man wounded while retiring from the skirmish line.
By command of
my regiment was relieved by the Ninth Indiana Veteran Volunteers immediately after dark and retired to the right of the rear line of breast-works occupied by the brigade, leaving my skirmishers
where they were during the day, in which move 1 man was wounded.
By order of the general commanding my regiment was moved farther to the rear on the morning of the
4th instant
, for the purpose of resting, Where it laid until the evening of the
5th instant
, when
, commanding brigade, issued orders to move at 7 p. m. Marched all night, occupying at early daylight our line of works, established on the
1st instant
, near Jonesborough, Ga., where my regiment staid during the day, furnishing a company for picket.
My regiment moved with the brigade at sunrise to Rough and Ready Station, where it arrived about 2.30 p. m.
Moved at 7 a. m. with the brigade in the direction of Atlanta, where it arrived at 12.30 p. m.
; went into camp one
mile east of Atlanta at 2 p. m., where it remained until the morning of the
9th instant
, at which time I again took command and have since commanded.
In camp on the
, 11th, 12th, and
13th instant
I have the honor to be, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Bennett , Comdg . Third Brigade, First Division, 4th Army Corps.
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