Hdqrs. Fifty-Ninth Regt. Illinois Vet. Vols.,
In Camp, near Atlanta, Ga.,
11, 1864
Sir: Obedient to instructions from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by
the Fifty-ninth Regiment
Illinois Veteran Volunteers in the recent campaign during the time that I had the honor to command the said regiment:
In the absence of the field officers of the regiment, I assumed command of the same on the
24th of August
It was at that time lying in the trenches northeast of Atlanta.
By direction of the brigade commander, the regiment left this position on the night of the
25th ultimo
, marching in a westerly direction, crossing the Chattanooga railroad, and bivouacking about one mile beyond it. Here, by direction of
, I threw out two companies (A and C) as picket guards to cover the brigade front.
On the morning of the 26th the march was resumed in a southwesterly direction; we marched slowly a distance of about eight miles, camping at night, fronting the northeast.
The two companies on picket duty the previous night, under the command of
, were engaged through the day as flankers and rear guard, and did not rejoin the regiment until after dark.
On the morning of the
27th instant
the regiment resumed the march, moving about five miles toward the southeast, halted at noon and constructed a rail barricade, fronting the south.
Companies B, F, H, and K, under command of
, were placed on picket duty in front of the brigade.
We remained in this position until the evening of the
28th ultimo
, when the march was again resumed, and continued until 9 p. m., the direction being south.
We bivouacked by the roadside.
On the morning of the
29th instant
the knapsacks of the men were piled up together, and leaving a light guard with them, the regiment marched to the West Point railroad, about
two miles
west of East Point
, and commenced tearing up the track, burning the ties, and bending the rails.
The regiment destroyed about 400 yards of the railroad, and then returned, camping near its location of the previous night.
On the morning of the
30th ultimo
, we crossed the West Point railroad in our line of march, moving slowly through the day in a southeasterly direction about five miles, camping at night near a frame church.
On the morning of the 31st
ultimo resumed the march, the regiment skirmishing until about 2 p. m., when, relieved by the Forty-first Ohio Volunteers, marched to within a mile of the Macon railroad, the Fifty-ninth Regiment
Illinois Volunteers being placed on picket duty that night.
On the morning of the
1st instant
moved out on the Griffin road, the division acting as guard to the wagon train, crossed the Macon railroad, and bivouacked after dark about
two miles
north of Jonesborough
On the morning of the
2d instant
moved through Jonesborough; about five miles south of there at 3 p. m., formed in double column at half distance in rear of the First Brigade of our division, which was in line of battle, with orders to deploy on its left as the enemy was developed.
The lines moved forward about 600 yards, when, by direction of the brigade commander, the regiment executed a deployment in conjunction with the Seventy-first Ohio Veteran Volunteers on my right, in prolongation of the line of battle of the First Brigade.
No other material movement was executed until after dark, when the regiment moved forward some fifty paces, and threw up a. line of breast-works during the night, protecting its front.
In this position we remained somewhat exposed to a rather severe fire from the enemy's pickets until the night of the
5th instant
, when, at 8 o'clock, we commenced, by order of our brigade commander, a retrograde movement.
We marched all night, and bivouacked as day was breaking on the ground which we had occupied on the night of the
1st instant
This night's march was peculiarly difficult, owing to the darkness and muddy condition of the roads.
On the
we remained in bivouac.
8th instant
were occupied in the march to Atlanta.
On the afternoon of the
8th instant
we made our camp in the position which we now occupy,
three miles
east of Atlanta
During the time that I was honored with the command of the regiment, I received hearty co-operation from all its officers;
the conduct of the men was all that could be desired.
I am much indebted for the prompt and efficient manner in which he executed the duties of his office, and otherwise aided
me in the command.
I append a list of casualties.
Nominal list (omitted) shows 6 men wounded.
I have the honor to be, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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