Hdqrs. Fifth Battery, Indiana Volunteers, In the Field, near Rough and Ready, Ga.,
7, 1864
Lieutenant: I have the honor to submit the following as a report of the part taken by this command in the campaign in
Northern Georgia during the present summer:
The battery left Blue Springs, Tenn., near Cleveland, on or about the
3d day of May
last, marching with the First Division, Fourth Army Corps, to which it was attached.
It took part in all the actions in which the First Division was engaged, being spiritedly engaged with the enemy at Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, Dalton,. Resaca, Kingston, Dallas, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain,
's; Station, Chattahoochee River, Peach, Tree Creek, and Atlanta.
In the movements around and south of Atlanta, by which the enemy was, forced to evacuate the place, the battery was but little engaged, the section of 3-inch rifles, under command of
, doing all the firing that was done.
As I am only temporarily in command, in consequence of
being wounded, I am unable to make this report more explicit.
The records of the battery show the number of rounds of ammunition fired and the casualties to be as follows:
Recapitulation :
Nominal list omitted. Killed, 6; wounded, 3; total, 9.
I have been in command only since the
5th instant
, since which time there has nothing occurred worthy of record.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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