Hdqrs. First Battalion, Fifteenth Infantry, Atlanta, Ga.,
Captain: I have the honor to report that a detachment of the Fifteenth Infantry, consisting of six companies of the First Battalion and two companies of the Third Battalion, under the command of
, broke up their winter encampment at Graysville, Ga., the
3d day of May
, and marched to Ringgold, a distance of six miles. On the
it marched to Tunnel Hill, where it bivouacked.
The 9th it took up position in front of Buzzard Roost, where it was subjected to a severe shelling by the enemy, having 1 private killed and 1 corporal and 1 private wounded.
, it marched to Snake Creek Gap, distance thirteen miles. On the
, 14th, and 15th was skirmishing with the enemy, losing in the various skirmishes 1 private killed and 4 wounded. On the
marched through Resaca and bivouacked.
17th, marched in pursuit of the enemy through Calhoun, encamping near Adairsville.
18th, marched a distance of four and a half miles on the road to Kingston, from whence, on the
, it marched to the Etowah River.
Forded the river on the
, and marched six miles on the road to Huntsville.
On the
it marched into position near Dallas, Ga.
, marched three miles in the direction of New Hope Church, took up position, and was shelled by the enemy.
From this time to the
5th of June
we were constantly skirmishing with the enemy, losing during the time 1 corporal and 6 privates killed, and 1 corporal and 10 privates wounded.
The enemy having left their position on the
, the battalion marched toward Acworth, and encamped.
, marched two miles and intrenched, remaining in this position the 11th, 12th, and 13th.
From this time to
we were constantly engaged in skirmishing and making approaches to the enemy's position on Kenesaw Mountain, losing in the various skirmishes 1 corporal and 2 privates killed, and 1 corporal and 5 privates wounded.
, marched a distance of five miles, through Marietta, Ga., driving their shirmishers from a position at an old house on a hill near Neal Dow Station, our loss being 1 corporal and 1 private killed, and 1 corporal, 1 musician and 5 privates wounded.
, in reserve, and subjected to a severe shelling, losing 3 privates killed and 3 wounded.
, marched three miles toward the Chattahoochee River and went into camp.
On the
crossed the river and bivouacked.
20th, marched eight miles and took a position in front of Atlanta.
, marched six miles and took up another position, in which it remained during the month, losing 1 private killed and 4 wounded.
, the battalion marched four miles to the right.
2d, marched two miles and took up position.
3d, fortified, and in the morning moved back two miles to the left, and took our position in the front line.
4th, 5th, and 6th, remained in camp.
, charged the enemy's works, capturing a few prisoners and advancing our lines one-quarter of a mile.
Our loss in the engagement was 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 privates killed; 1 officer, 6 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 50 privates wounded.
Here we fortified and remained in camp until the 26th, when we broke up camp, marching six miles to the right.
28th, marched to the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, a part of which we destroyed on the next day. 30th, marched four miles. 31st, marched three miles to the right, returning at night to the camp we left in the morning.
, marched two and a half miles and took part in the battle of Jonesborough, of which I send you a report, appended.
2d, marched to Jonesborough, encamping in the outskirts of the town.
6th, marched two miles on the Atlanta road and bivouacked.
7th, marched to Rough and Ready.
8th, marched to our present position near Atlanta.
This command left Graysville with 9 commissioned officers and 380 enlisted men. Company C, Third Battalion, joined from Fort Adams, R. I., with one officer and eighty-nine enlisted men. At Tunnel Hill a leave of absence was granted to
, and the command devolved upon
, who retained command until
At this date,
receiving a leave of absence to await the acceptation of his resignation,
relieved him. When we were drawn up in line behind our breast-works, before making the charge of
, I was notified that
had been wounded, and being the ranking officer present assumed command.
From the commencement to the ending of this campaign, which has resulted in the capture of Atlanta, it has been one continual series of skirmishes and approaches to the enemy's position, alternately marching, fighting, and fortifying.
At least two-thirds of the time we have been subjected to the fire of their artillery and musketry, and our proportion in killed to wounded has
been much above the average.
Our loss in the various skirmishes and battles is 39 enlisted men killed, 2 officers, 101 enlisted men wounded, and 2 privates missing (supposed to have been captured). The greatest loss and most severe fire sustained at any one time was on the
7th of August
In that charge we were subjected to a direct oblique and enfilading fire of both artillery and musketry from the time we left
our works till we took possession of their rifle-pits.
The conduct of the officers and men of this battalion during this campaign was entirely satisfactory to myself and highly
creditable to them.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant.
sir: I have the honor to report that on the
1st of September
a detachment of the Fifteenth Infantry, consisting of four companies of the First, namely, C, F, G, and H, consolidated, and Companies A, B, and C of the Third Battalion, under my command, were in bivouac about
five miles from Jonesborough
Between the hours of 7 and 8 in the morning the brigade to which I am attached was ordered to move in the direction of Jonesborough, following the Third Brigade of the division, the detachment taking the right of the brigade.
We had marched about two and a half miles on the road when we were ordered into the woods to the left of the road, forming a line of battle facing about southeast,
some regiment of the Third Brigade-name unknown-being on my right, the Second Battalion, of the Fifteenth, on my left.
After forming line iwe moved by the right of companies through an open field to the crest of a hill, about 1,000 yards in our front, and here halted, again forming line.
We had been in this position about one hour when Prescotts battery was moved forward to a hill 150 yards in our front, and I was ordered to move forward to the support of the battery, forming a line to the left and facing nearly
south, the extension of our lines being at an angle of ninety degrees, with the enemy's works in our front.
After remaining in this position a short time the command was moved by the left flank about sixty yards, faced to the front, and then ordered, together with the rest of the brigade, to advance upon the enemiy's works, which they
had established on the crest of a hill, about 600 yards in our front.
Between us and them was an open field, descending the first
300 yards, ascending the rest of the distance.
Near the center of the field ran a brook, on the banks of which was an almost impenetrable undergrowth of vines and bushes.
We moved the first half of the distance at quick time, but the enemy's fire becoming rather severe, after passing the brook we double-quicked
till we got up to their works.
Not having support, we were obliged to retire, reforming about 150 yards from their works.
The second time we charged their line.
Again we were driven back from their works.
Our line was reformed about 200 yards to the rear, and, fresh troops coming up to the attack, we remained there the rest of the night.
I went into the battle with 3 officers, 23 non-commissioned officers, and 113 privates.
Out of this number I had 4 privates killed; I officer, 6 non-commissioned officers, and 4 privates wounded, and 2 privates missing.
, and
I am indebted for valuable assistance rendered during the engagement, always in front, leading and encouraging the men by
their example.
The non-commissioned officers displayed zeal in assisting to carry out orders.
, in command of Companies A and B, Third Battalion, deserve a great deal of credit for the manner in which they discharged their duties, the former being wounded within ten yards of the enemy's works.
The men behaved with their usual gallantry, all seeming to be stimulated with the idea that upon his individual efforts depended
our final success.
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