Hdqrs. Second Battalion, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, White Hall, Ga.,
19, 1864
Captain: I have the honor to forward the following report of the marches, battles, and engagements in which this battalion participated
in the campaign of Atlanta:
The battalion, composed of six companies-Company A, commaned by
; Company B, by
; Company C, by
; Company D, by
; Company E, by
, and Company F, by
, numbering in all 10 officers and 307 enlisted men-left Graysville, Ga., on the
3d of May
, under the command of
, as a part of the Second Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and marched to Ringgold and went into camp.
Remained at Ringgold until the
7th of May
, when the battalion marched to Tunnel Hill and went into bivouac for the night two miles east of the tunnel.
On the next day (8th),
assuming command of the detachment of the First and Second Battalions, the command of this battalion devolved upon me. This day the battalion marched in the direction of Buzzard Roost Mountain for a distance of one mile and a half, when the brigade, forming line of battle, this battalion in the front line and on the left of First Battalion, advanced and took up a position opposite and within
one mile of Buzzard Roost Gap
Bivouacked at this point for the night, and on the afternoon of the next day advanced to the foot of the mountain, the battalion
going into position on the right of the gap and under a continuous fire of shell from the enemy's cannon, the fire lasting
until darkness set in. Remained in this position (losing 1 man wounded by sharpshooters) until daylight of the
11th instant
, when the battalion was ordered into the woods, under cover from sharpshooters, one-half mile in rear, where it rested until daylight of the next day (l2th), when the brigade moved to the right and through Snake [Creek]
Gap, we going into bivouac for the night in Sugar Valley.
By order of division commander left the knapsacks (packed) at this place, and next day (13th) advanced six miles, the brigade moving a portion of the time in line of battle, this battalion being in the second line and on the right of the First Battalion.
Bivouacked for the night
four miles
east of Resaca
On the morning of the following day (
14th instant
) the brigade advanced in line of battle, this battalion in the front line, on the right of the First Battalion, when the brigade skirmish line meeting that of the enemy's, and the first line becoming engaged, was relieved by the second line in the afternoon, this battalion throwing up works that night.
Remained in advance all next day (15th), losing 1 man wounded on skirmish line, when the enemy evacuated that night.
We marched into Resaca the next day (16th) and bivouacked for the night.
On the
, 18th, and 19th were on the march, passing through Calhoun, Adairsville, and Kingston, at which latter place we threw up works.
On the
marched southeast of Kingston
two miles, built works, and went into bivouac, remaining until the
23d instant
, on which day we marched to the north bank of the Etowah River.
While at Kingston, in compliance with an order from division commander, turned in all our transportation, which consisted then of only one wagon, and sent to the rear all tents and officers' baggage.
On the
crossed the river by fording, marched eight miles, went into bivouac, and remained until the 26th, on which day marched to Pumpkin Vine Creek.
On the
moved to the left of the Fourth Army Corps and went into position at New Hope Church, where the battalion threw up works under a heavy fire of the enemy's cannon, losing 3 men-wounded.
Remained in this position at New Hope Church until the
5th day of June
, when the enemy evacuated, losing 1 officer,
, killed on skirmish line
31st of May
1 man killed and 6 wounded on the
; 1 wounded on the .$1st, and 1 on
Distance marched during the month of
; 105 miles. On the
5th of June
occupied the enemy's works,: and at, 10 a. m. next day advanced four miles in the direction.
of Acworth; went into bivouac, and remained until the
10th instant
, when we again moved in the same direction, advancing a portion of the time in line of battle, the battalion being in the
first line and on the left of the First Battalion; distance marched this day, four miles. On the
11th instant
advanced one mile, built works, and moved in the afternoon by the right of companies to the front, a distance of two miles, and built new works, behind which we lay until the
14th instant
, when we advanced one mile and again built new works.
On the
, who was then in command of the brigade, ordered me, through
, detachment commander, to deploy the battalion as skirmiishers and advance to a strip of woods in our front, and drive the
enemy's skirmnishers out of it, which was accomplished, and the ground held until evening, when the First Brigade took possession, and I, being relieved, returned to works occupied in the morning.
Here we lay until the morning of the
18th instant
, when we moved to the front and right the distance of a mile.
During the night of the 18th the enemy withdrew to a position on line with Kenesaw Mountain, and on the 19th we advanced to within two miles of the mountain, and on the immediate front.
On the
moved to the right of Kenesaw, and being in reserve, went into bivouac, concealed by woods, and remained until the night of the
, when we moved to the front and relieved troops of
's brigade, Fourth Army Corps, who were occupying intrenchments; occupied this position until the 27th, losing 1 man killed and 2 wounded, being exposed during the time to the enemy's artillery, they having a battery planted in our immediate front and within
250 yards. Being relieved on the night of the
, was ordered in reserve into woods half a mile in rear, where we bivouacked until the night of
, at which time we moved to left and relieved troops of the Fifteenth Corps in front of Kenesaw Mountain.
Distance marched during the month of
, eighteen miles.
The enemy evacuating on the. night of
, the ensuing day we followed in pursuit, passing through Marietta, and overtaking the enemy at Neal Dow Station.
At 3 p. m. the battalion was ordered out as skirmishers and was engaged until night-fall, losing 3 men wounded.
Remained on the line all night and was relieved by the Eighteenth Infantry at daylight of the 4th.
At 12 m. moved to the support of
's battery, and at dusk relieved the Eighteenth Infantry on advanced line, and during the night built works.
At daylight, finding the enemy had retired during the night, sent out skirmishers, who captured 9 rebel prisoners.
Commenced pursuing at 10 a. m. of the
5th instant
, which was continued to the north bank of the Chattahoochee River, where we went into camp
one mile and a half
west of Vining's Station
, and rested until the
17th instant
On the
of this month our transportation and baggage were returned to us and were most welcomely received, as the officers suffered
great inconvenience from want of clothing, company papers, &c. At 4 p. m. on the 17th crossed to the south bank of the Cattahoochee and bivouacked for the night.
On the
and 19th moved slowly forward, a portion of the time in line of battle, and: on the 20th crossed Peach Tree Creek early in the morning, lying in reserve until 3 p. m., when we advanced and took position in secdnd Iine under a severe fire of the enemy's cannon, to which we: were exposed until
dusk, when we moved to the left seven miles and relieved troops belonging to the Fourth Army Corps, who were guarding a ford.
Here we remained until the morning of the
, when we found the enemy had retired to Atlanta and occupied the fortifications for its defense.
The same day we closely pursued and took up position at 3 p. m. within range of their works and two and a half miles north of the city, which position we occupied until the
27th instant
On this day, in compliance with a field order of the day, the battalion was detailed to worry the enemy and attract his attention
to the front of our division.
In executing this order the battalion attacked the enemy's skirmish line and drove his skirmishers into their works, holding
the ground thus gained until night-fall, when, our object having been accomplished, we withdrew and returned to our works.
In the skirmish we lost i officer,
, and 3 men wounded.
On the
the battalion went on picket at 6 p. m. and remained until 5 p. m. of the
, losing 4 men wounded, when we returned to ground occupied on 29th; went into bivouac and remained until
Distance marched during
, thirty miles. On the
2d of August
advanced 300 yards and built works, and on the 3d left these works, having been relieved by troops of the Twentieth Army Corps, and marched to the extreme right flank of the army and built works.
On the
went with the brigade on a reconnaissance and returned same evening and occupied the works we had before constructed.
On the
6th instant
moved two and a half miles to the left and took up position at Utoy Creek, on the left of the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
On the
7th instant
, at 3 p. m., received orders to advance upon the enemy and drive him as far as possible.
The battalion crossed over the works which were on one side of an open field 500 yards wide, and charged over this field under a destructive fire from the well-filled rebel rifle-pits.
These we ran over, capturing all rebels, 95 in number, who occupied them.
This was a difficult task, as within a few yards of the pits was a steep bank, fifteen feet in height, and in ascending which our lines were necessarily broken to some extent.
After securing our prisoners and reforming the line we advanced to within fifty feet of the enemy's main line of works, a portion of the command going far enough to become entangled in the abatis.
At this moment the enemy opened a murderous fire of grape and canister, and, judging it impossible to carry the works with
our force, orders were received to fall back twenty yards, reform the line, and build works.
This battalion remained here until daylight of the
, when it was relieved and returned to the old works in rear.
During this assault the battalion was under a severe fire from 3 p. m. till dark, losing 3 killed, 41 wounded, and 8 missing. On the
9th instant
moved into works built on the night of the
, remaining until the night of the
10th instant
, losing 2 men killed and 3 wounded. On the
moved into works on left of Third Division, relieving troops belonging to
's brigade, and remained until the
26th instant
, having 11 deserters come into our line; and losing 3 men wounded while-in this position.
On the night of the 26th abandoned the works, moving out quietly at 8 o'clock, leaving a strong skirmish line behind with orders to follow just before daybreak, and moved to the right, lying in rear of Fourth Corps all next day. On the
marched to the right and on to the West Point railroad, the battalion going on picket for the night; and the next morning, being relieved at 6 a. m., was detailed with the rest of the brigade to assist in the destruction of the West Point railroad, Companies A and B being for a portion of the day thrown out as skirmishers and engaged.
On the
and 31st moved to the right and in the direction of Jonesborough; distance marched during the month, fifty-seven miles. The battle of Jonesborough, fought on
(a report of the part taken by this battalion herewith inclosed), has gloriously terminated the Georgia campaign.
It is impossible, in a report necessarily circumscribed, to detail the many incidents of a campaign embracing a period of
over four months, which it might otherwise be both useful and interesting to place upon record.
The fatiguing marches by day and night, the ceaseless vigilance required by the constant proximity of the enemy, the days
of suspense and danger passed in the confinement of the trenches, the hazardous experiences in the picket and skirmish line,
and the peculiarly difficult and dangerous character of the campaign throughout, might all be separately alluded to, and when
thus detailed the zeal and devotion which has always been manifested by the enlisted men of the command, would be made conspicuous.
They have endured the hardships of the campaign with a true soldierly contentment, and too much praise cannot be given them
for their conduct on all occasions.
In conclusion, I respectfully direct special attention to that part of my report of the battle of the 1st which gives honorable mention of several non-commissioned officers of the battalion.
I also particularly desire to compliment the deserving line officers of the command.
, who was the second ranking officer present, and upon whom the command often devolved, I can say no more to a good and faithful officer than
that he was present with the command, zealously discharging his duty, until
, when sickness compelled him to leave his company for the hospital.
, and
, I would say that they performed their respective duties well and faithfully, and are deserving of their Government.
I can but repeat the expressions used in my report of the 1st as regards his merits as an officer.
In the death of
Second Lieutenant
, who was killed at New Hope Church,
, the service has lost a brave, honest, and intelligent officer.
Acting Assistant Surgeon
has also been constant and unremitting in the discharge of his duties.
By his studied care always to be present with the command, whether in bivouac or in the field, he gives assurance that, either
in case of sickness or wounds, all that skill and prompt attention can do shall be done for those who suffer.
The entire distance marched during the campaign is 210 miles.
List of casualties: Killed, 15; wounded, 94; missing, 8; total, 111.
Captain: In compliance with yesterday's order requiring a report from the battalion commanders of the part taken by their battalions
in the engagement of the
1st instant
, I have the honor to make the following report:
When the brigade was first drawn up in line of battle the position of this battalion was the second from the right, its left resting on a road.
Here we threw up works.
When the brigade again moved forward it was by the left flank, this battalion going first, and moved about 200 yards to the edge of a woods, where the brigade was again formed in line, this battalion being on the left.
The line being formed, we moved almost directly east, by the right of companies to the front, this battalion being the battalion
of direction, and formed line, my left resting on the right of the Third Brigade.
When we again moved it was by the right flank, and to that position occupied by
's battery, where we formed line on the left of the battery as a support.
Here we remained for half an hour, when we moved to the left, along a road running southeast, about half a mile, and formed
line, my left resting on the right of the Eighteenth Infantry.
Here I threw out a company of skirmishers, who crossed over an open field and found the enemy's skirmishers, distant some
300 yards from our lines.
About 3.30 p. m. the order was given to advance in line of battle, which we did, passing over ground grown with thick underbrush, through
a swamp, and then over an open field, under a heavy and continuous fire of the enemy's musketry, and up to their works, in
front of which we lay for twenty minutes. Finding these works strongly defended and no possibility of our taking them with our thin line, the battalion fell back
with the rest of the line about 100 yards, where we reformed and remained until dark, when we moved to the edge of the woods and threw up works.
The battalion went into the fight with 2 commissioned officers and 124 enlisted men, out of which we lost 5 killed and 20 wounded and 2 missing.
, a brave and good soldier, was killed while in charge of the company of skirmishers, he having charge in consequence of their
being no line officers on duty with this battalion.
In common justice to other non-commissioned officers who have for a long time been doing the duty of commissioned officers,
I deem it my duty to mention the conduct of
, in command of Company A, and of
, of Company C, who was severely wounded in the left arm and breast, rendering necessary an amputation of his arm, while in the heroic discharge
of his duty, as well as
First Sergt.
, commanding Company F.
, wounded in the shoulder, also deserves praise for the steady bravery and coolness which in this as well as on other occasions
he has displayed under fire.
I cannot conclude without returning thanks to Lieut. and
, of this battalion, for the prompt and faithful manner in which he performed his duties on this day, and must take advantage
of this opportunity of complimenting him upon the manner in which he has performed his duties all through this campaign.
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