camp Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.,
25, 1865
I respectfully submit the following report of the operations of the detachment of the Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, embracing sixteen companies of the First, Second, and Third Battalions, while under my command, during the Atlanta campaign, from the
14th of June
to the
1st of September, 1864, inclusive, and respectfully request that it be included in the reports of the detachments already received from
This report would have been rendered sooner but for the fact that I was severely wounded at the battle of Jonesborough, Ga., on the
1st of September, 1864
In front of Kenesaw Mountain the detachment lost, after I assumed command in the month of
, 8 enlisted men wounded.
, the detachment supported two batteries under a destructively severe artillery fire from the enemy; also charged rebel line of skirmishers, and drove them,
thus causing, or materially aiding in causing, the whole rebel line to evacuate its position during the ensuing night.
, the detachment in the battle of Peach Tree Creek was under musketry fire, also subjected to severe shelling.
, intrenched within
one and a half miles of Atlanta, Ga.
Loss during
July, 1864
: Commissioned officers-wounded, 3.
Enlisted menkilled, 1; wounded, 21; missing, 1.
Total, 26.
, the detachment deployed as skirmishers and drove the enemy's cavalry vedettes and pickets.
, the detachment assaulted the enemy's line of rifle-pits; the detachment of the Fifteenth U. S. Infantry and Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Infantry supported detachment Eighteenth U. S. Infantry and very soon connected with it on its right, the whole being under my command as senior officer on the field engaged ���
with the enemy.
After the first assault I took advantage of a ravine beyond the open field over which we had driven the enemy to reform the line, which had
become partially disorganized owing to the difficulties of the ground and the very severe flank and front fire, both artillery
and musketry, which had been playing on us while driving the enemy across the open field.
After I had reformed I again moved forward with the Eighteenth and the Fifteenth Regulars, driving the enemy into their main works and arriving with my line, composed of the regular regiments above mentioned, to
the abatis close to the enemy's main works.
The Eleventh Michigan, during the second assault, remained in position, protecting my right.
Had I been supported and the enemy attacked by the division on my right and by the brigade on my left, as I had been told
would be the case, I am of opinion that the main line of works around Atlanta would have fallen on the
7th of August
The forces under my command had been engaged from I p. m. until nearly dusk; nearly one-third of my men had been put hors de combat, and I was almost entirely out of ammunition, not having had time to send to the rear
for it, so that had I finally succeeded in entering the enemy's works I should only have succeeded in turning ��� nmy remaining
small force over to the enemy as prisoners.
We. however, successfully advanced our main line about half a mile, intrenching and holding it, taking
three lines of rebel rifle-pits and capturing a large number of prisoners, 300 of them being credited to my command.
A large number of prisoners were sent to the rear without a guard, not having men to spare, by my orders, and were taken up,
I have been told, by
's brigade, which was undoubtedly credited with the number thus taken up.
's brigade, however, was not actually engaged and did not, I am sure, capture a single prisoner.
This assault was most successful and brilliant, and due credit should be given to whom it was mainly owing, viz, the Eighteenth and Fifteenth Regulars.
Loss during
August, 1864
: Commissioned officers-wounded, 2.
Enlisted men-wounded, 31; killed, 7; missing, 4.
Total, 44.
, the detachment, as a portion of the regular brigade, was most actively engaged with the enemy at the battle of Jonesborough, Ga. We assaulted the enemy's intrenched position in the edge of woods, moving in line of battle through an open, difficult
swamp, across an open field, under the severest artillery and musketry fire, flank and front.
It became necessary to reform the line after crossing the swamp, and, finding it almost impossible to get my men forward through
the fire, I deemed it necessary to give them the encouragement of my example (as indeed I had previously done, especially
on the
7th of August
), and so rode in front of my colors, and caused them to be successfully planted on the enemy's works, jumping my horse over
them at the time they were filled with the enemy, being the first man of our army over the enemy's works.
I was almost instantly struck from niy horse inside of the enemy's works, while cheering on my men, being severely wounded
by shell and bullet.
I, however, held the works and retained command for some minutes, until I was taken to the rear in a semi-conscious state.
The detachment lost in this battle: Commissioned officers-wounded, 3.
Enlisted men-wounded, 30; k illed, 10; missing, 7.
Total, 50.
A large number of prisoners were also captured by the Eighteenth Regulars in this battle.
The casualties in this detachment during the Atlanta campaign, from
2, 1864
, to
2, 1864
, were as follows: Commissioned officers-wounded, 10.
Enlisted men-wounded, 166; killed, 38; missing, 17.
Total, 231.
I should be derelict in my duty did I not most earnestly recommend for brevets the following meritorious and gallant officers
for distinguished bravery and conduct on the field of battle, viz:
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for good conduct and gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
; Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864
; the same for great gallantry on the
1st of September, 1864
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for good conduct and gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for good conduct and gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry and skill on the
4th of July, 1864
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
September, 1864
First Lieut.
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864
; the same for gallantry on the
1st of September, 1864, when he was severely wounded;
First Lieut.
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
; the same for great gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864
; the same for great gallantry on the
1st of September, 1864, when he was severely wounded ;
First Lieut.
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for good conduct and gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
; the same for good conduct and great gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864
First Lieut.
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
; the same for great gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864
; the same for good conduct and great gallantry on the
1st of September, 1864
First Lieut.
, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, for gallantry on the
4th of July, 1864
; the same for gallantry on the
7th of August, 1864, when he was severely wounded.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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