New Albany,
7, 1864
Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of the Third Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, during the advance of the army from Ringgold on Atlanta:
We marched from Ringgold on the morning of
and deployed line at Tunnel Hill.
A few artillery missiles passed over us and some slight skirmishing only opposed our progress until we arrived in front of
Buzzard Roost on the morning of the 9th.
Here the enemy were well fortified in a strong position, and notwithstanding our demonstrations refrained from showing themselves
in force or developing the position of their batteries until the afternoon of the
, when I received orders from
to move forward with my command to the support of
, who had succeeded in gaining the side of the mountain without further opposition than the enemy's skirmishing.
I had scarcely crossed the creek and was emerging from the woods into an open field, when the enemy for the first time opened his artillery on the top of the mountain.
His well-directed shot repeatedly struck my lines, but, to the credit of those often-tried and disciplined veterans be it
spoken, they, with steadiness and enthusiasm, pressed forward to the base of the mountain, where I expected to be out of range,
but in this was disappointed, for I had no sooner passed under the guns on the mountain when I was enfiladed by batteries
on my left.
Dispositions were promptly made to cover the command as well as the ground would afford.
During the whole of this time a deadly fire from sharpshooters prevailed.
I am, however, gratified to state that, notwithstanding the suddenness of this terrific attack, my loss was only 4 killed and 62 wounded. Among the wounded are 5 officers.
, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania, who had just arrived with his regiment from veteran furlough, was struck in the side by a fragment of a shell.
My force of 116 officers and 2,980 men comprised the Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania,
; Twenty-first Ohio,
; Seventy-fourth
; Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania,
; Thirty-seventh Indiana,
; First Wisconsin,
, and Thirty-Eighth Indiana,
A careful reconnaissance of the position was made, and during the night breast-works were thrown up on the most available
position the ground afforded, on the left of
was subsequently withdrawn, and during the night of the 11th I was myself relieved by
In these two days various maneuvers and demonstrations were made to gain information and cover the movements of other portions of the army.
From the 12th to the 16th we were occupied in making a flank movement through Snake Creek Gap, and operating against the enemy, who had fallen back and were concentrating near Resaca.
We supported
in the charge on the enemy's works on the
At midnight of the
the enemy made an assault, which extended to my front, and was promptly repulsed.
On the morning of the 16th the enemy had abandoned their works.
The time intervening between the 16th and 27th was occupied in the arduous work of pursuing the enemy, forming lines, and building fortifications.
We crossed the Etowah River on the 23d and Pumpkin Vine Creek on the
On the morning of the 27th I was ordered to form on the left of
and advance with him in support of
, whose division was formed in our front.
The object of the movement was to discover the enemy's right and turn it. Everything being ready, the advance commenced.
We proceeded east until the enemy's works were discovered, which advised us that we were not far enough to their right.
Then we marched north, then east, to find the same seemingly interminable intrenchments.
Thus the day was well-nigh spent.
Through dense woods, over hills and ravines, oppressed with extreme heat, and overcome with the fatigue of our pathless march,
we pressed on, and at length arrived near a point known as New Hope Church, on the Little Pumpkin Vine Creek.
Here, it was understood, rested the long-sought ��� for enemy's right, and dispositions were at once made to turn it. The
ground was very broken, the creek winding its tortuous way among the hills and a labyrinth of ravines, complicating the difficulties
of the position.
's brigades were each formed in two lines, making the division consist of six lines.
After several slight modifications, as the ground and the position of the enemy became more developed, I was finally ordered
to form on the left of the center brigade (
's) and advance with it to protect the left flank of the divisiQn.
On the left of
flowed the creek, on the other side of which rose a ridge, cut by ravines and difficult of ascent.
Skirmishers were thrown across the creek on the ridge, also to the front, and from the difficulty I would have in advancing
from the prolongation of
's line, I determined to throw my left forward and strengthen the line when
Two regiments had hardly moved out when a sharp fire was opened by the skirmishers, which caused me to bring up the rest of the
command by the flank to such position as the nature of the ground would permit, so that they might come into their places
in line as the front became extended as the column advanced.
It was about 5 o'clock in the evening when the column emerged from the wooded hill into an open wheat-field, across which we marched, ascended a
wooded ridge; passing a mill and house we found the enemy in force, behind their ever-attending breast-works.
Up to this time we had met with nothing but the enemy's skirmishers, who yielded stubbornly at our approach, but when
's leading brigade (
's) advanced into the open field a terrific fire was opened upon them.
The line continued to advance under a galling fire of musketry and artillery.
It was soon found impracticable, however, to carry their works with our force; and dispositions were made by
to occupy the rising ground in the woods.
This deployment placed me in the front line on the left of
's brigade, which moved up into the edge of the field.
The enemy, emboldened by his success in checking our progress, furiously assaulted the whole line; this was repeated several
times and as often repulsed.
They soon became more and more active upon my part of the line, and a movement to turn the left was discovered.
Already a severe fire enfiladed the Thirty-seventh Indiana.
The Twenty-first Ohio, First Wisconsin, and Thirty-eighth Indiana, who had been thrown across the creek, were swung forward, thereby clearing the hill and checking the enemy in this direction.
My line was thus now disposed from right to left, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania, Thirty-seventh Indiana, Thirty-eighth Indiana, First Wisconsin, and Twenty-first Ohio in the front line on the left of
, the Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania having been detailed for special duty at Resaca, I had only the Seventy-fourth Ohio in the second line.
The enemy, failing in their attempt to turn my left, renewed their attack upon my right.
The Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania and Thirty-seventh Indiana were most exposed, and, with a persistency and heroism worthy of all praise, maintained their ground, expending sixty rounds of ammunition, and for four hours were hotly pressed.
About 10 p. m., after a short lull in the battle, the enemy was discovered making preparations for a night attack.
Ammunition was distributed from the surplus held by the second line.
Breast-works of rails had been hastily thrown up, and every preparation to receive the assault.
At length the yell of the enemy was heard.
They came rushing and shouting like demons, and were received by a volley from our lines, from the extreme right to the left.
After this a deep and ominous silence occurred.
I soon observed that the troops on my right were falling back, and was soon left alone with my right exposed.
The Seventy-fourth Ohio was hastily brought up, and a strong skirmish line thrown out, with its right refused, and so occupied the ground of the
division on my right that when the enemy's skirmishers, who had continued advancing on the right, met my advance, they were
not aware of any material change in our lines.
While in this position, my regimental commanders were instructed as to the position to be occupied in case we should be forced
to fall back.
By changing my front perpendicular to the rear, we would unmask the left of
's brigade, at the same time have a cross-fire ourselves, as the enemy crossed the wheatfield.
But the emergency for this movement did not arise.
We continued to hold the position upon which we first halted.
At no time during the engagement did we yield ground.
This was the state of affairs when I was ordered to retire my command.
This movement required much caution, but was executed without the further loss of a man. We not only got off our own killed
and wounded, but many of the enemy's wounded, among whom were several officers.
It was 2 o'clock in the morning before we got into position on the ridge, in rear of
The next morring the enemy advanced their line to the position held by us the night before and opened upon us a destructive
fire of shot and shell.
It was at this time the unwelcome tidings were received that
, commanding division, was wounded, having been struck in the side by an unexploded shell.
About this time
, Twenty-first Ohio, lost an arm by a 6-pounder solid shot.
It is needless for me to dilate upon the gallantry of the officers and men of my command throughout this engagement.
This has already been appreciated and published in orders by the general commanding.
My loss in this combat fell heaviest on my two right regiments, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania and Thirty-seventh Indiana.
The former lost 5 killed and 44 wounded, and the latter 13 killed and 40 wounded. Among the killed and wounded are many valuable officers;
, commanding Thirty-seventh Indiana, wounded in the face, which makes 3 of my regimental commanders wounded in this campaign.
On the morning of the 28th
's brigade moved up on the left of the creek, on a line with
, and a short distance in rear of the hill occupied by the left of my command.
On the night of the 29th the enemy had availed himself of this strong position, and had constructed breastworks, and with a strong skirmish line,
also intrenched, opposed our farther advance.
I was ordered by
to send two regiments to report to
, and two to
, now commanding
's brigade.
The First Wisconsin and Twentyfirst Ohio were sent to
, the Thirty-eighth Indiana and Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania reported to
The Seventy-fourth Ohio and Thirty-seventh Indiana were so disposed as to support either part of the line.
The advance subsequently made by
was fiercely opposed by the enemy, and the positions gained by him from time to time were the results of many sharp conflicts.
In these fights the First Wisconsin and Twentyfirst Ohio were most exposed.
The First Wisconsin, especially, suffered severely, and for three days performed their arduous duties with great courage and fortitude.
On the
was relieved by
's division, my brigade having previously taken position on the right.
Other forces began to form on the left of
's, thus threatening again the enemy's flank.
On the night of the 4th the enemy charged my lines with considerable boldness and force, but were repulsed, no part of my line giving way. The following
morning we found no enemy in our front.
On the
assumed command again.
We now moved to the left toward Acworth, and were again in communication with the railroad.
On the
we advanced with the army.
The 11th and 12th were occupied with short marches, reconnoitering, and building breast-works.
On the
, still suffering from the effects of his bruise, relinquished command.
Accompanying this I send list of casualties.
Not found; but see statement with
's report, p. 604.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
New Albany,
7, 1864
Lieutenant: I have the honor to report the operations of my command from
, inclusive.
On the morning of the 14th we advanced in line of battle toward the Marietta road, the objective point being Pine Mountain, upon which the enemy had fortifications and artillery.
After a difficult and circuitous march through the woods to prevent the development of the movement, we at once debouched
from the woods and moved by the right flank, and formed in front of the road and open field in the edge of the woods.
A sharp skirmish attended the formation, and for a time my line was enfiladed, until
moved up on my right.
Breast-works were thrown up, and a battery placed in position near my right, which opened on Pine Mountain, farther to the right and near other positions of the army.
Joining in the movement on the right and left of the mountain, the enemy were compelled to either fall back or be captured.
They chose the former.
Our forces had now gained Lost and Pine Mountains, and the right, from day to day, continued to swing round to the left, toward Kenesaw Mountain and Marietta.
In this movement my command participated.
On the
I was ordered by
to take a position on the edge of the woods facing south and perpendicular to the front.
The ground was previously examined by
, King, and myself, and the object of the movement fully explained.
A battery was placed on my left, and the whole line intrenched after night-fall, without developing the movement to the enemy,
who occupied the wood across the open field in my front.
On the morning of the 18th
one of my regiments, the Thirty-eighth Indiana, deployed in front of this wood and at right angles with my new line.
Everything being ready, the battery on my left commenced a terrific shelling of the woods.
The Thirtyeighth Indiana simultaneously rushed in, surprising the enemy, who were lying close behind their breast-works, to protect themselves from
the artillery.
Many prisoners were taken, and the woods cleared of rebels.
My right now swung up,
forming on my right.
My skirmishers had advanced to an open field, across which we discovered the enemy behind the strongest fortifications we
had observed during the campaign.
The next morning the whole line advanced in a violent rain and thunder storm.
As soon as our movements became developed, the enemy opened their batteries, as well as volley after volley of musketry, from
their works.
The flash and roar of artillery mingled with the lightning and thunder, as if nature had conspired with man in a work of destruction.
, commanding Company I, First Ohio Artillery, moved up on my right in the open field, exposed to the enemy's artillery and musketry, returned their fire, and with great
heroism and skill succeeded in silencing the battery on his front.
Breastworks were thrown up, and various movements and dispositions were made during the day and night, which were rendered
useless the next morning by the retreat of the enemy.
On the night of the 20th I relieved
in front of Kenesaw.
The whole night was spent in strengthening the position.
Three batteries were disposed along my line.
For two days my command lay under the most furious artillery fire that it has ever been my lot to experience.
The enemy, from various directions, concentrated their fire on the batteries in my line.
The night of the 23d was occupied in relieving
's brigade, farther to the right, and in fortifying the position.
The eight days spent here were busy ones.
We were less than 300 yards from the enemy's works, within range of batteries from their positions.
Four guns of
's battery were placed in the center of my front line, upon which the enemy's guns converged their fire, but
, with his usual skill, soon silenced them.
The enemy during the night changed their smooth-bores for rifle guns, and the next morning opened with sixteen at once upon
We were well satisfied to have him cease firing, for two shells were thrown into his embrasures and his works nearly knocked down.
The following night the works were repaired, and rifle-pits dug in front of the enemy's guns, and a detail of sharpshooters
placed in them.
The enemy fired but two shots from this battery the next day, and were completely silenced by the sharpshooters.
On the night of the 2d
shifted from the extreme left to the right.
I was relieved by
, and with the division moved to the left to form a new line perpendicular to the rear of the extreme left.
All night was spent in fortifying.
Early next morning we were in pursuit of the enemy, who had abandoned Kenesaw and were in full retreat.
We passed through Marietta, and came up with them about three miles south of this place, where they had prepared breast-works.
On the
the enemy abandoned this position, and fell back to their works, across the Chattahoochee River, leaving a strong rear guard to oppose our progress, and cover their retreat.
We followed in close pursuit.
In consequence of severe illness, I was forced to ride in an ambulance at the head of my column until the enemy made a stand
at the river.
Here I mounted my horse, but had scarcely put my men in position when I became so ill that I was carried to my ambulance in
the rear of my line.
The next morning I turned over the command to
, and was taken to the hospital.
On the
I was sent to the rear.
I cannot close this report without expressing my satisfaction of the conduct of my officers and men during this arduous campaign.
They, without a murmur of complaint, either in sunshine or storm, day or night, marched, worked, and fought with an efficiency
and cheerfulness worthy the gratitude of the country.
At no time during the campaign were they ever driven from a position, or failed to perform all that was expected of them.
I would in an especial manner express my satisfaction and gratitude to the gentlemen of my staff-
, acting assistant adjutant-general;
, inspector;
, aide-de-camp;
, provost-marshal;
, acting assistant quartermaster;
, acting commissary of subsistence-who performed their appropriate duties in a manner worthy of all praise.
We captured prisoners, and turned them over to the proper authorities.
My loss in the campaign in killed and wounded is only 256.
When the number and severity of the engagements in which we participated are considered, this is a very gratifying report.
I send with this a list of the names of killed and wounded.
Not found.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
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