Hdqrs. Third Brig., First Div., 14TH Army Corps, Jonesborough, Ga.,
3, 1864
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the battle near Jonesborough, Ga., on
Thursday, September
1, 1864
On the morning of that day the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, moved down the Atlanta and Jonesborough road, my brigade having the advance.
After passing the right of the Army of the Cumberland, directed by the general commanding the division, the Sixty-ninth Ohio,
, was deployed on our front and left flank as shirmishers.
Upon connecting with the left of the Army of the Tennessee, I was directed to make a reconnaissance in the direction of the railroad, something more than a mile distant.
The Seventy-fourth Ohio,
, was thrown forward as skirmishers, and the brigade moved by the flank.
I had proceeded but a short distance when the enemy opened upon the column with shell from a section of artillery, posted
upon a hill a few hundred yards in front.
I immediately formed the brigade into a double line of battle, and advanced through a piece of timber and to the crest of
a hill beyond, upon which there was a fringe of bushes.
My skirmish line, strengthened by the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry and two additional companies which had been thrown out to cover my left flank, had now become engaged with the enemy and drove them
and the two pieces of artillery so rapidly that one of the caissons was overturned and left in our hands.
The advance of my line of battle was greatly impeded by a narrow swamp, a muddy stream, Chambers' Mill creek, and a deep, wide ditch, in succession.
After crossing these I advanced to the summit of a high hill and to the skirt of another piece of timber, where I was directed
to halt my command and commence fortifying.
The two guns had been placed in position again and opened upon us, but were again withdrawn as the skirmish line advanced.
I was now directed to cease working and send forward a regiment to the railroad.
The Twenty-first Ohio,
, was sent and soon reported that his command was on the railroad.
In accordance with instructions from the general commanding the division, I now moved my brigade forward into an open field
and formed in double line, fronting south, my left resting upon the railroad.
After being formed, my command was advanced to the edge of a very dense wood directly in our front, and halted till the Second Brigade formed on my right, when I again advanced through the timber, about 600 yards in extent.
Upon emerging from the woods, my skirmish line became hotly engaged with the enemy, posted upon the crest of a hill beyond;
and at the same time my left flank became exposed to a galling fire from the opposite side of the railroad.
had previously said that he would protect my flank.
He having failed to do this, I sent six companies across the railroad for that purpose, and re-enforced my skirmish line by the First Wisconsin, and ordered the line thus re-enforced to charge across the open field in front, which it did in fine style, dislodging the
enemy from the summit of the hill and from temporary works at the margin of the woods beyond.
My command was the
first to reach the timber in which the main action took place, and soon became warmly engaged, the enemy advancing upon us. As
quickly as possible I moved forward what was left of my first line to the support of the skirmishers and drove the enemy back, at the same time advancing my second line to the position left by the first.
I now prepared to advance into the woods in front of us to assault the enemy's main works, and was just going over the first line of works, when I was directed by
, of the division staff, to wait until the Second Brigade came up. This I did and moved into the woods with them.
A considerable gap had been opened between the two brigades in the previous movement.
My line moved forward as rapidly as it was possible to move, in a dense thicket, under a heavy fire of musketry, canister,
and spherical case, at short range, and a cross-fire from one of
's batteries, for about 100 yards. Here my right struck the enemy's works, which formed an angle of about forty degrees with my line of battle, and my center and left an abatis.
My lines were exposed to an enfilading fire from the right, a cross-fire from the left, and a very hot fire of musketry and
artillery in front.
It was impossible to charge, owing to the obstructions in the way. After fighting stubbornly for a considerable length of
time, under all these disadvantages, my right gave away gradually and fell back in good order and by order of the regimental commander, and was followed by the balance, after holding its position a few minutes longer.
In this there was no panic, the men all stopping at the margin of the woods.
Two of the regiments, the Seventy-fourth Ohio and First Wisconsin, claimed to be out of ammunition.
I had already sent for a supply, but it had not come up. I now put the Thirty-eighth Indiana in the first line with the Twenty-first, Sixty-ninth, and a part of the Seventy-fourth Ohio, thus strengthening and somewhat extending it, and advanced again, directing the second to follow supporting the first.
In this assault we carried the works very handsomely, crossed them with the right, made a partial change of front to the left,
and followed them up across the railroad nearly or quite 200 yards, taking a large number of prisoners.
As we advanced the battery moved down the road at double-quick about 400 yards, and opened upon us again.
This we would have captured, had it been possible to have made a charge.
In following their works to the left, we were obliged to drive the rebels from their traverses which they had built at intervals
of a few steps to protect them from the fire of
's artillery.
Our own front was now clear as well as 200 yards of
's, but still the brigade sent by him to our left failed to come up. Upon our halting, the enemy massed against my left flank,
and after holding the position for some time under a destructive fire, the troops on the left of the road were withdrawn to
our original line at the edge of the field, two regiments holding the works in our own proper front.
These the enemy did not attempt to recover.
We held the ground during the night, constructing defenses both at the border of the field and at the front.
I have ascertained, beyond a question, that 123 prisoners were taken and sent to the rear by my command.
These were sent across from our right in the direction of
's and
's commands to avoid the fire to which they would have been exposed in going to our rear.
Some other prisoners were sent through my lines when men could not be spared to take charge of them.
Of the, number I can make no reliable estimate.
In this engagement my command fought under many serious disadvantages.
The distance from the field to the main works on my right was 100 yards, on my left 300.
The lines had to advance over this space through a dense thicket or fallen trees.
It was next to impossible to preserve a line of battle.
Had the ground been open, I would not have stopped to fire a shot, and would have gained the works in five minutes, taking more prisoners and, I think, a battery.
In addition to this both of my flanks were exposed until the works were taken; and my left to the last.
With few exceptions, the conduct of both officers and men was all that could have been wished.
Owing to the fact that I could see but avery small portion of the command at any one time, I cannot speak positively in regard to the comparative merits of particular regiments and officers.
I saw no indication of panic or stampede during the day. Upon reforming the regiments there were but very few men unaccounted
for. No prisoners were taken by the enemy either during or after the action, though the fight was a hand to hand one for a few minutes.
It will be seen from the accompanying tabular statement
Not found. that the aggregate loss in the brigade was 203, of which number 3 only are missing.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain: I have the honor of respectfully submitting the following report of the operations of the Third Brigade since I took command of it,
15, 1864
, except those of the
1st instant
, already given:
, crossed the Chattahoochee River at Pace's Ferry.
Moved up the road a few hundred yards and formed line of battle to the left of the road.
Threw out skirmishers in front and on the left flank.
Moved forward, skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry until the skirmishers reached Nancy's Creek.
, moved forward, driving the enemy's mounted infantry, from time to time during the day, from temporary defenses, and finally
across Peach Tree Creek, on the banks of which the line rested for the night.
On the night of the 19th crossed Peach Tree Creek at Howell's Mill.
, at daylight moved to the left of the road and formed line of battle, leaving sufficient space for the First Brigade to form between my right and the road, its right resting upon the road and connecting with the left of the Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
Skirmishers being thrown forward, I advanced through woods, skirmishing, some 300 yards, when I was directed to halt and fortify my position.
While doing this a portion of the Twentieth Army Corps came up on my left, but did not go into position.
After we had got our breast-works well toward completion a portion of the Twentieth Army Corps fought behind them on the afternoon of the same day. I was ordered to move to the right of the First Brigade
and take the position then occupied by the Second Brigade, Third Division.
This brigade was retired some 400 yards to the rear of the brigades on the right and left, leaving a gap in the line occupied only by skirmishers.
The space intervening between the position occupied by this brigade and the skirmish line was an open field extending to the
front nearly a half mile beyond the general line.
I was directed by
Brig. Gen.
, then commanding the division, after having relieved this brigade of the Third Division, to advance through the field when the troops on my right and left advanced.
A forward movement was then contemplated.
After looking at the ground, I requested
to permit me to put my brigade forward at once behind a ridge occupied by the skirmishers, and in line with the other troops.
To this he consented.
I accordingly moved my command through the timber to the right and rear of the First Brigade, crossed the road in a slight depression, and got into position a little in advance of the general line without drawing the
enemy's fire.
I immediately commenced strengthening the light works occupied by the skirmish line on the crest of the ridge, and in the
course of an hour or two moved my first line up to them, leaving the second in the ravine below.
I was now 100 yards in front, instead of 400 yards in the rear, of the general line, with a flank work on my left commanding the road.
My position was an excellent one, having an open range in front for artillery and musketry of at least half a mile.
A battery was placed in position there a little after noon. About 4 p. m. an attack was made by the enemy upon the Twentieth Corps and the left of the First Brigade, of the First Division, Fourteenth Corps.
He at the same time opened a terrific fire of canister and shell upon my line, from which, together with the skirmishing,
I lost in killed and wounded 3 officers and 34 men. The enemy twice advanced a line of battle into the edge of the field in our front, but did not attempt to cross it.
, at about 12 m. I was directed by the general commanding to strengthen my picket-line, and, in connection with the troops on my right and
left, to drive the enemy into his main works.
For this purpose I detailed ten companies and placed
, of the Sixty-ninth Ohio, in charge of the whole line, directing him to take these ten companies to the right of the field in my front, through a piece of timber, while the original picket-line advanced through
the field, and to deploy to the left after having driven the enemy's skirmishers toward the end of the field.
In doing this he passed the skirmish line of the Third Division, and soon became hotly engaged in front and on the flank.
This he reported.
I then took the Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania and Sixty-ninth Ohio up and placed them under cover a short distance in the rear, and prepared to make a charge upon a line of rifle-pits a short
distance to the front.
In the mean time the Third Division had taken a position to our right and rear, and
said it would advance with my line.
Having sent for the two remaining regiments of my first line, and made the necessary dispositions, the skirmish line, closely followed by the two regiments, made a splendid charge, the Sixty-ninth moving down a slope across the field, and the Seventyninth through the timber on the right, driving the enemy from their pits and capturing 40 prisoners. The troops of the Third Division did not advance to my support on the right, seeing which, I sent back for the two remaining regiments of my brigade, directing them to follow across the field.
My line continued to advance through a dense growth of timber, driving the enemy pell-mell before it until within 200 yards of their main works, and directly under a battery.
This had been opened upon us, but without effect, the missiles passing over.
We were now 400 yards beyond the field, three-quarters of a mile from our original position, and nearly half a mile from support on both right and left.
As soon as we had halted the men commenced putting up works, under a heavy fire.
As the other regiments came up, I placed five in the first line, holding two in reserve.
The First Brigade was moved upon my left about 9 p. m. On my right I had no connection, except the skirmish line.
In this little affair I lost 3 officers and 53 men. The skirmishers, as well as the two regiments which immediately supported them, behaved most gallantly.
, who led the advanced line, was conspicuous for his coolness and gallantry, as well as for the skill with which he handled
his command.
At 1 o'clock the next morning the enemy had abandoned and my troops entered his works.
On the morning of the 22d we followed the enemy until we came up with them, and then took position on the right of the railroad, about
two miles from Atlanta
My command remained here until the afternoon of
, when I was directed to move to the extreme right and support the Fifteenth Corps, then engaged.
I took position on the right of this corps, and made strong works during the night.
The following morning I was relieved and returned to my former position.
, the Fourteenth Corps, with the exception of my brigade, moved to the right.
On the afternoon of the
, by direction of
, my brigade joined the division, and was placed on the extreme right of the army.
I had scarcely got into position when I was ordered to go back, with all possible dispatch, and report to
, commanding Twentieth Corps.
This I did, and was placed in position between the Twentieth and Sixteenth Corps.
Remained here, advancing my lines twice, until the night of
, when I joined the division.
On the
moved farther to the right and went into position on the left of the Twenty-third Corps.
, moved across to the Montgomery railroad.
, engaged in destroying the railroad.
, moved toward the Macon railroad, in the direction of Jonesborough.
, moved beyond Renfroe's house, and in the afternoon to the support of the Army of the Tennessee, with the other brigades of the division.
At night the division returned to the position it had occupied the previous night.
The operations of my brigade in the engagement of the
1st instant
have been given in separate reports.
The loss in killed and wounded in the brigade since I took command is 18 officers and 343 enlisted men; aggregate, 361.
The officers and men of my command have endured the incessant labors and hardships of this protracted campaign with cheerfulness
and fortitude.
They have met the dangers to which they have been almost constantly exposed with a courage and determination worthy of the
cause in which they are engaged.
To the officers I am indebted for prompt obedience to orders, and the uniform courtesy and respect shown to me as brigade
I am under special obligations to
, Seventy-fourth Ohio;
, First Wisconsin, and
, Thirty-eighth Indiana, who have commanded demi-brigades, for valuable assistance.
To the members of my staff I am also indebted for the energy and fidelity with which they have performed their respective
duties. --Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Casualties in the Third brigade during the campaign in
Northern Georgia up to
8, 1864
The above list does not contain the casualties of the Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania, as no report could be obtained from that regiment.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
M. F. Moore, Colonel Sixty-ninth Ohio Vet. Vol. Infty., Comdg . Brig.
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