Hdqrs.,9TH regiment Pennsylvania Vet. Vols., Atlanta, Ga.,
8, 1864
Sir: I have the honor to report the operations of the Seventy-ninth Regiment
Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers from the commencement to the termination of the campaign ending with the capture of Atlanta, in accordance with orders received headquarters Third Brigade,
5, 1864
On the
9th day of May
the regiment returned from a veteran furlough and reported to the brigade for duty before Buzzard Roost, and was immediately ordered into position in the second line of battle.
After moving one mile to the right and rear, under a heavy fire of shell and canister, remained in line of battle until the
13th, when we moved with the brigade to Snake Creek Gap, threw out skirmishers and encamped for the night after a heavy day's march.
14th of May
moved in line of battle, commenced skirmishing with the enemy, who opened with artillery and infantry.
We threw up breast-works and remained in that position, supporting two batteries of artillery, and continued skirmishing with the enemy d-aring the day. The enemy made several charges on our main
line during the early part of the night and were handsomely repulsed, evacuating their position during the night.
Skirmishers were thrown out, who found their works empty, with every indication that they had been badly handled.
On the
we were ordered in pursuit to Resaca; arrived there at 12 m.; found the railroad bridge across the Oostenaula River still in flames.
The regiment was ord.ered to report to
, and was detailed to remain and bury the dead left uncovered upon the battle-field, and to gather in arms and ammunition
After attending to that part of the business, burying 228 rebels and collecting 1,500 stand of arms, received an order to guard reserve ammunition train of the Department of the Mississippi to Kingston, which was successfully accomplished, arriving there on the
22d of May
; then ordered to remain at Kingston for post duty.
On the
24th of May
the enemy made a dash on a wagon train
three miles from Kingston
, when the regiment was ordered into line, and skirmishers thrown out to the front,who went forward.
The balance of the regiment followed within supporting distance in rear of one section of artillery.
The rebels, after destroying about 30 wagons, left hastily, when the regiment returned to their quarters in good order.
On the
8th day of June
the regiment was ordered to rejoin the Third Brigade.
Took up the line of march on the 9th and moved to Cartersville and encamped for the night.
Resumed the march on the
; received an order to send a detachment to Kingston to guard medical stores.
Companies G and B, under command of
, were ordered to conduct the train and return with it. The balance of the regiment proceeded to Allatoona Station and encamped for the night.
On the
we joined the brigade and were immediately placed in position and moved to the front; formed a new line of battle; remained
in position until the 18th, when we relieved the Thirty-eighth Indiana onthe skirmish line; kept up a heavy skirmish all day in front of the enemy's works and under a heavy fire of artillery and
infantry from their main works.
Relieved on the 19th by a detachment of the Seventy-fourth Ohio.
Enemy evacuate their works.
On the
moved with the brigade into a new position in front of and to the right of Kenesaw Mountain, relieving a regiment of the Fourth Corps; threw out skirmishers.
On the
the Seventy-ninth Regiment relieved the Seventyeighth Pennsylvania, who were on the skirmish line; remained in that position until relieved by a regiment of
's brigade, when we shifted position to the right one mile. On the
took up Dosition and remained confronting the enemy until
, when our position was again shifted to the left for the purpose of forming a new line; worked all night, and at daylight
found that the enemy had evacuated their works.
Moved promptly on the 3d in pursuit of the enemy, marching through Marietta, Ga.; halted for a short rest, and then moved forward four miles, where the heavy skirmishing gave evidence that we had again crossed their path.
After a sharp fight of four hours they again fell back, and took up a new position.
On the
we again started in pursuit, overtook them, and formed line of battle, and commenced shelling their works, which were of
the most formidable character.
Remained in that position until the 7th, when the line was ordered to fall back of our works and go into camp.
On the
the regiment was ordered to move forward and support the Twenty-first Ohio in making a charge, which they successfully made, driving the enemy into their main line of works.
After remaining in positon until dark, the regiment was ordered to return to camp, having accomplished all that was intended.
On the
crossed the Chattahoochee River, formed line, and commenced to skirmish for three miles, carefully feeling our way and developing their new line of works, and then fortified strongly.
20th, crossed Peach Tree Creek, and took a position on the right of the Twentieth Corps, the enemy making a heavy assault on our left, but were repulsed with great loss.
Remained in position until 3 p. m. of the
, when the regiment was ordered to support the skirmish line, it being the intention to develop the position of the enemy.
The skirmishers charged, supported gallantly by the regiment, who rushed forward, capturing some prisoners, and driving the
enemy into the main line of works, under a heavy fire of artillery and infantry.
28th, moved with the brigade to re-enforce the extreme right of the Army of the Tennessee, a distance of five miles, and fortified, remaining until the morning of the
, when ordered to take up the old ground.
, again ordered to the right to rejoin the division.
Moved into position and ordered to countermarch, taking up the original position until the 24th, when they again shifted to the right.
Afternoon of the 25th ordered to move at 8 p. m. without any unnecessary noise, as the whole line was to be abandoned.
Moved at the appointed hour four miles to the right and rear.
26th, moved at 3 p. m. to the right some five miles. 27th, moved half mile to the right and remained there until morning of the 28th.
Took up line of march at 6 a. m. Moved to the right and fortified, our right resting on the La Grange and Atlanta Railroad; encamped for the night.
29th, ordered to move and destroy the railroad, which was done effectually.
30th, started in direction of the Atlanta and Macon Railroad.
Marched ten miles and halted for rest; then continued the march toward Jonesborough, encamping five miles from that point.
31st, ordered to move to the front line, when orders were again received and we countermarched, taking up our original position,
with orders to move at daylight.
, moved to the front; heavy firing going on along the line.
After making a forced march of five miles, the Seventy-ninth was ordered forward as skirmishers, which was countermanded.
Ordered to take position in line, the brigade having been ordered to reconnoiter.
Moved in line of battle, when the enemy opened briskly with artillery and musketry.
Seventy-ninth was ordered to support the Seventy-fourth Ohio in a charge, which they did, driving the enemy and forcing them to abandon their artillery after a short fight.
After a brief rest was formed in line of battle, the Seventy-ninth on the extreme left of the brigade, in position to the right flank of the enemy, our left resting on the Macon railroad.
Position of the enemy was soon developed, when the enemy opened with artillery and musketry, they having a double line of
The regiment was ordered to relieve the First Wisconsin, they having expended their sixty rounds of ammunition.
The regiment moved forward in line of battle infine style.
After remaining in position were relieved by the Sixty-ninth Ohio, with orders to advance, supported by the Seventy-ninth Regiment, which was accomplished under a very heavy fire, crossing the railroad and remaining there until relieved by a brigade of
the Fourth Corps.
After dusk ordered to fall back, and took up a position in the rear and remained there for the night.
, ordered to move at 4 a. m. forward and fortify.
After moving out was discovered that the enemy had gone, leaving us in possession of the field.
After burying the dead and gathering in the wounded of both armies, we moved to Jonesborough, took up position in the works evacuated by the enemy the night before, and then learned with pleasure of the evacuation
of the point aimed at-Atlanta.
, who assisted in the command of the regiment, and upon whom for a short time devolved the entire command, has proven himself
an able officer, and deserves and receives the thanks of the commanding officer.
Assistant Surgeon
, an accomplished surgeon, was constantly at his post, in close proximity to danger, relieving the suffering, and promptly
paying that attention to the wounded so necessary in such a campaign, is entitled to my thanks and that of the entire command.
The officers and privates have again proven their valor, and have shown that the old flag is still the only fitting emblem of our nationality, the one, and only one, to which they will dedicate their lives and their honor, and will continue to fight for until this rebellion is subdued
and universal liberty be again proclaimed.
The casualties of the regiment from the
9th of May, 1864, until the
1st of September
, inclusive, are as follows: Killed on the field, 6; since died fromn wounds received, 12; commissioned officers wounded, 2; enlisted men wounded, 72; total casualties, 92.
Captain Hicks , Actg . Asst . Adgt . Gen., 3d Brig., 1st Div., 14th Army Corps.
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