headquarters First Wisconsin Volunteers, Jonesborough, Ga.,
5, 1864
Sir: In compliance with orders from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to submit the following report of this regiment
during the past campaign:
On the
7th day of May
the regiment moved from Ringgold, Ga., arriving in front of Buzzard Roost on the
, where it participated with the Fourteenth Army Corps in the action at that position, and moved with the corps on the
12th instant
to Snake Creek Gap.
On the
13th of May
advanced to position with brigade near Resaca, where we participated, doing our full portion of skirmish duty, constructing works, occupying front line, &c., until the
enemy evacuated, when we moved with the command in pursuit, occupying alternately the front and rear lines, participating
in the fight on the left of our lines on the
27th instant
, remaining and holding the front line and performing the entire skirmish duty in our front while in this position until the
abandonment of the line by the enemy; thence following their retreat, participating in all the different charges made there
by the First Division, and sharing alike with the brigade in all the maneuvers for position in front of Kenesaw Mountain.
During the temporary delay of the army at the Chattahoochee River the regiment performed their allotted share of picket duty and constructing works, and on
moved to support the skirmish line in the advance to the Chattahoochee River.
moved with the balance of the command, crossed Chattahoochee River, and held a position in line during the battle of
, and having two companies on the skirmish [line] in the advance of the 22d, taking position in the front line of works
two miles from Atlanta
, where we remained until the 28th, when moved to extreme right of the army, returning next day and going in position on the right of the Twentieth Corps, where we remained until
, when moved with the army to the right, and from that date to the 31st were engaged in pioneer duty, but rejoined the brigade in time to participate in the action of
, near Jonesborough, Ga., having in this action driven the enemy from their advanced works and held them until the arrival of the brigade.
During the campaign the casualties have been as follows: Killed, 10; wounded, 85.
Very respectfully,
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