Hdqrs. Tenth Regt. Michigan Vet. Infantry, Camp near Atlanta, Ga.,
8, 1864
At 12 o'clock, midnight of last night,
, the rebels shelled our camp, and at 2.30 a. m. the order to move (which we had been waiting on since dusk last eve) came, and we moved half a mile to the left and halted until nearly day. Moved on just as a heavy storm of rain came up, which delayed daybreak some
time; as it was very dark the column moved only very slowly until we were nearly a mile farther out on the Sandtown road, when daylight came, and moving on, we took position on a steep knob about two miles from camp (by the route we came) and prepared breakfast.
Five companies of our regiment were on the picket-line and covered the retreat (or removal) of our lines.
The enemy followed up very closely and our skirmishers had warm work with them at times, but they did not succeed in taking
one of our men. After getting breakfast we moved nearly a mile farther to the right and threw up works.
Pitched camp.
, moved out at 5.20 a. m. and marched very rapidly for four miles (halting once) and then formed in close column by division and got breakfast.
Much of the distance this a. m. was exposed, so that it was necessary to throw out flankers deployed on our left.
After breakfast moved in a southsoutheast, then southeast, course to the Montgomery railroad, which we struck at 3 p. m. and halted and pitched camp just after crossing it. After dark received orders to march immediately, and moved out onto the
road, when the order was countermanded and we returned to camp.
Marched nine miles.
, moved out at daylight and took a course due east across woods and swampy land for one mile and a half and threw up works and got breakfast.
Soon after breakfast an order came to move out in light order on a reconnaissance, and we fell in immediately and took a course
due east over a rough country to a church on a road leading to Atlanta.
When nearly to our destination our skirmishers ran upon a body of rebel cavalry whom they forced to retreat so suddenly that
we captured 15 of their horses and mules, even after they had untied them but dare not mount.
Took 1 man prisoner and wounded 2 more.
Captured 30 small-arms and several cavalry horse equipments, among which was also a captain's full outfit.
The object of this movement was to open a new road, and it was our intention to return by the same route and cut out the road,
but a short time after the rout of the rebel cavalry they returned greatly re-enforced so as to be much superior in numbers
to our regiment, and they took position in line of battle in our rear, which cut us off from our army, and it was useless
to think of fighting such vastly superior numbers; and it was only by skillful maneuvering that we were enabled to reach our
camp at all, but by a circuitous route we returned to within three-quarters of a mile of camp, when we halted and sent back a detail of pioneers, with skirmishers to cover their movements,
who cut the road for about one mile. The regiment then returned to camp a little before dark.
For the success of this movement we were highly complimented by the officers of our brigade and division.
, moved out in advance of the column, taking the same route as yesterday, and completed the cutting of the road clear through.
Had five companies out as skirmishers, but met with but little resistance; took 2 prisoners. After getting dinner moved in an easterly course some three miles and a half, and halted and pitched camp in a pleasant grove.
Marched seven miles.
, lay in camp until noon, then marched one-quarter of a mile to the right and occupied breast-works of troops which had marched out. Soon after, ordered out with everything
and marched two miles to the right and formed line of battle, and bivouacked for the night.
, marched at 7 a. m. toward Jonesborough, and after marching some five miles halted on the right of the road in a low piece of ground, for the rebels were shelling the column, which was advancing along
their lines.
After halting a short time we were moved across to the left of the road, and passing some distance in rear of our lines (which
were rapidly forming in front of the rebel works), we halted in a piece of young-growth oak and pine, and were placed in line
with the rest of our brigade to act as a support for a charging force which was to move on the rebel lines.
We then advanced in line of battle through a corn-field, then a piece of thick woods, then through a swamp, and crossing a
low piece of land in an open field, halted and reformed our lines under a brisk fire from the enemy, for they had got deranged
while passing the swamp.
Lying down here we were for some moments exposed to the fire of musketry and artillery, for the enemy had seen our advance.
We then raised up and moved steadily to the front in line of battle, just as the charging force assailed the works.
Our line was unbroken until we reached a belt of tangled briars, which, on the right, was several rods in width, and detained
the four right companies much longer than the left, who had only a narrow strip to cross.
By this time our men could only see what was in their front, and the six left companies pressed quickly on, for the charging force had broken and was returning in confusion to the rear.
Our line soon reached the edge of the timber, where the first had broken, and went steadily forward and routed the enemy, and did not halt until reaching the second line of works.
Here for a short interval they fought over the rebel works, calling upon the enemy to surrender.
It was at this time that our brave
, commanding the regiment, fell, with his head pierced by a rebel ball, just as he was about to cheer his men on to cross
the works.
then gave the order to cross the works, and over our men went, compelling the enemy to surrender only in a hand-tohand fight;
then moving toward the railroad in rear of the rebel lines we compelled the rebels to quit the trenches only at the point
of the bayonet.
At these works there was no charging force in front, it having broken and run some time before, and they had a flank fire
on our men before we crossed the works.
, of the Second Kentucky Infantry, surrendered his regiment to
Parts of the Sixth and Ninth Kentucky Infantry, and some of two
Arkansas regiments of infantry, were among the prisoners taken by us, which in all amounted to nearly 400, and 1 stand of colors (Sixth Kentucky) ; the Second Kentucky tore their colors to shreds, so it should not be taken by us. The four right companies moved forward in their proper place, guiding right, as ordered, but on reaching the first line of works found the support all halted there, and hence could move no farther.
Therefore, it will be seen that they performed their whole duty, but the charging force did not break in their front.
But this was a costly victory for us. Our whole loss was a major and second lieutenant killed, and 2 captains wounded (one mortally), and 2 lieutenants wounded (one
acting adjutant), and 71 enlisted men killed and wounded.
We lay all night on the battle-field, with the dead around and among us. Our position was at the first line of rebel works, which we turned against them after the fight.
, marched (after burying our dead) to Jonesborough, and then were put out on picket on the railroad, where we remained until 4 p. m. of
, when we joined the brigade at Jonesborough and pitched camp.
, lay in camp.
, moved out of camp at 8 a. m., and formed line of battle, facing to rear, close to camp, and lay until noon. Moved out one and a half miles in p. m., and formed line of battle and pitched camp.
, moved out of camp at 7 a. m. and marched toward Atlanta
eight miles; halted at 1 p. m. and pitched camp; sent five companies out on picket.
, marched out of camp at 7 a. m. toward the Atlanta road; halted a half mile out and our brigade was massed in column by division, and
, commanding division, read to us congratulatory orders respecting the fall of Atlanta from
, and
Moved on, and at 1.30 p. m. halted and established a regular camp at White Hall, Ga.,
two miles from Atlanta, Ga.
Nominal list of casualties (omitted) shows 5 officers and 26 men killed, and 4 officers and 90 men wounded, during the campaign.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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