Hdqrs. Seventeenth Regt. New York Vet. Vols., Jonesborough, Ga.,
5, 1864
Lieutenant: I have the honor to make the following report in regard to the part taken by my regiment in the action of
The regiment, under command of
, joined this command
, and accompanied it in its several marches till the p. m. of the
1st instant
, nothing of especial interest occurring.
Between 3 and 4 p. m. of the
1st instant
the regiment was formed in rear of the Tenth Michigan, about one mile from the railroad, northeast of Jonesborough, Ga., and moved forward toward the enemy's works.
The regiments in our front moved to the right, while the Seventeenth kept straight forward and came to a muddy ravine, grown up thick with brush, which was very difficult to cross; the regiment
was crossed and formed as rapidly as possible; moved to the right and front and formed line on the left of the Sixtieth Illinois, and moved rapidly up the hill to the woods, from which the enemy was firing.
Arriving near the woods the regiment moved to the left and then forward into the woods.
I have since been informed that
made this movement oy direction of
, commanding the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, for the purpose of supporting that brigade.
Here the regiment came under very heavy fire, to which the right wing replied sharply.
I discovered that some of our troops were in front of the left wing, and ordered the firing to cease in that wing.
The men stood their ground well, but fell rapidly.
soon fell mortally wounded, and I took command of the regiment.
ordered me to find whether I was supported on my right or left, and, if not, to fall back and reform the regiment.
Finding nothing on my right or left I moved the regiment back to the edge of the woods and reformed it; reported to the acting assistant adjutant-general of the brigade, who was near by, for orders.
He said he had no orders for me, and could not tell me the position of the rest of the brigade, but advised me to hold my
old position in the woods.
I found the Tenth Michigan in the edge of the woods a short distance on my right; moved forward and formed on the left of it. Here
, aide-de-camp, came and ordered me to move forward and form on the left of the Sixtieth Illinois, which was some distance in the woods.
I told him I feared I should not be able to find the Sixtieth without some one to direct me; said he could send no one.
I moved forward in the direction he indicated, and soon came upon the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
, commanding this brigade, told me he could not tell me where
's brigade was, but was sure they were not in his front, and he did not think I could find it. Said he was hard pressed and wished me
to assist him; that he had a vacant place on his left and was much exposed.
I accordingly formed my regiment on the left of his brigade.
After holding this position for a while a colonel (I think
), commanding a brigade on my left in the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, came to me and said the enemy was turning his left flank, and that his brigade must fall back if I did not help him, and
urged me to move forward.
Advancing my right considerably, so as to have an enfilading fire upon the enemy in his front, I moved forward as he directed,
fired a volley, which was not replied to, and finding that there was no enemy in my front I moved back to the position which
I had left.
came and ordered me to move to join the Sixtieth Illinois, and directed me to that position.
By his direction I had a rifle-pit thrown up in front of my line, and the regiment rested for the night.
Many prisoners came in through my line, and I sent a guard to take charge of them.
I passed over hundreds of muskets, but would not allow my men to stop to pick them up. All my officers and men obeyed orders
promptly and fought well.
My losses were heavy, as the accompanying list
Omitted. of casualties shows.
died of his wounds on the
3d instant
In him the Government has lost one of its bravest and noblest defenders, and the regiment its beloved commander.
, who was mortally wounded, showed himself, as he always has, a gallant officer, and the same is true of
, who was slightly wounded.
The regiment lost 4 commissioned officers wounded, 23 enlisted men killed, and 70 wounded.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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