May 7 , leaving Colonel Este 's brigade (the Third) in garrison at Ringgold, the remainder of the division marched on the morning of the 7th to Tunnel Hill. The other two divisions of the corps being in advance, had already brushed away with their advanced guards the pickets of the enemy at that place, and had gone into position when we arrived. This division went into line on the right a little to the south of the village, where it remained during the night. On the morning of the 8th the division moved south three miles upon the Villanow road, so as to form a connection with the corps of Major-General Hooker and at the same time to cover the right flank of Brigadier-General Johnson , who was swinging forward onto the south end of Tunnel Hill ridge. In the afternoon we crossed that ridge and moved up in support of Brigadier-Generals Johnson and Davis , then in front of Buzzard Roost Gap. May 9 , 10 , and 11 , during these days we remained in our position in reserve, no active operations being carried on in our front. May 12 , my division, in advance of the corps, marched at daybreak toward the right, to the support of Major-General McPherson , who had passed his army through Snake Creek Gap and had taken position in Sugar Valley, threatening Resaca. Being detained by the Twentieth Corps in advance of me, I did not get into position until after dark. The other divisions of the Fourteenth Corps were behind me, and they were followed by the Twenty-third Corps. May 13 , moved forward at noon along with the remainder of the army, and about dark got into position on the left of Brigadier-General Johnson 's division, upon a series of steep and difficult hills, covered with a dense wood and undergrowth. Major-General Schofield was somewhere on my left and rear, but not connecting. Brigadier-General Johnson 's skirmishers became engaged with those of the enemy, but mine did not come in contact with them.
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